require "much-result/version" require "much-result/aggregate" require "much-result/transaction" class MuchResult SUCCESS = "success".freeze FAILURE = "failure".freeze Error = Rollback = def self.success(backtrace: caller, **kargs) new(MuchResult::SUCCESS, **kargs, backtrace: backtrace) end def self.failure(backtrace: caller, **kargs) new(MuchResult::FAILURE, **kargs, backtrace: backtrace) end def self.for(value, backtrace: caller, **kargs) if value.respond_to?(:to_much_result) return value.to_much_result(**kargs, backtrace: backtrace) end new( !!value ? MuchResult::SUCCESS : MuchResult::FAILURE, **kargs, backtrace: backtrace ) end def self.tap(backtrace: caller, **kargs) success(backtrace: backtrace, **kargs).tap { |result| yield result if block_given? } end def self.transaction(receiver = nil, backtrace: caller, **kargs, &block) if (transaction_receiver = receiver || default_transaction_receiver).nil? raise( ArgumentError, "no receiver given and no default_transaction_receiver configured." ) end MuchResult::Transaction.( receiver || default_transaction_receiver, backtrace: backtrace, **kargs, &block ) end def self.default_transaction_receiver @default_transaction_receiver end def self.default_transaction_receiver=(receiver) @default_transaction_receiver = receiver end attr_reader :sub_results, :description, :backtrace def initialize(result_value, description: nil, backtrace: caller, **kargs) @result_value = result_value @description = description @backtrace = backtrace set(**kargs) @sub_results = [] reset_sub_results_cache end def set(**kargs) @data = || {}).to_h.merge(**kargs)) self end def attributes @data.to_h.reject { |key, _| key.to_s.start_with?("much_result_") } end def attribute_names attributes.keys end def success? if @success_predicate.nil? @success_predicate = @sub_results.reduce(@result_value == MuchResult::SUCCESS) { |acc, result| acc && result.success? } end @success_predicate end def failure? !success? end def capture_for(value, backtrace: caller, **kargs) self.class.for(value, backtrace: backtrace, **kargs).tap { |result| @sub_results.push(result) reset_sub_results_cache } end def capture_for!(value, backtrace:caller, **kargs) capture_for(value, **kargs, backtrace: backtrace).tap { |result| raise(result.capture_exception) if result.failure? } end def capture_for_all(values, backtrace: caller, **kargs) [*values].map { |value| capture_for(value, **kargs, backtrace: backtrace) } end def capture_for_all!(values, backtrace: caller, **kargs, &block) capture_for_all(values, **kargs, backtrace: backtrace).tap { |results| if (first_failure_result = results.detect(&:failure?)) raise(first_failure_result.capture_exception) end } end def capture(backtrace: caller, **kargs) capture_for((yield if block_given?), **kargs, backtrace: backtrace) end def capture!(backtrace: caller, **kargs, &block) capture_for!((yield if block_given?), **kargs, backtrace: backtrace) end def capture_all(backtrace: caller, **kargs) capture_for_all((yield if block_given?), **kargs, backtrace: backtrace) end def capture_all!(backtrace: caller, **kargs, &block) capture_for_all!((yield if block_given?), **kargs, backtrace: backtrace) end # Prefer any `#exception` set on the data. Fallback to building an exception # from the description/backtrace of the result. def capture_exception @data.exception || build_default_capture_exception end def success_sub_results @success_sub_results ||= { |result| result.success? } end def failure_sub_results @failure_sub_results ||= { |result| result.failure? } end def all_results @all_results ||= [self] + @sub_results.flat_map { |result| result.all_results } end def all_success_results @all_success_results ||= [*(self if success?)] + @sub_results.flat_map { |result| result.all_success_results } end def all_failure_results @all_failure_results ||= [*(self if failure?)] + @sub_results.flat_map { |result| result.all_failure_results } end def get_for_sub_results(attribute_name) MuchResult::Aggregate.( end def get_for_success_sub_results(attribute_name) MuchResult::Aggregate.( end def get_for_failure_sub_results(attribute_name) MuchResult::Aggregate.( end def get_for_all_results(attribute_name) MuchResult::Aggregate.( end def get_for_all_success_results(attribute_name) MuchResult::Aggregate.( end def get_for_all_failure_results(attribute_name) MuchResult::Aggregate.( end def to_much_result(backtrace: caller, **kargs) self.set(**kargs) end def inspect "#<#{self.class}:#{"0x0%x" % (object_id << 1)} "\ "#{success? ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILURE"} "\ "#{"@description=#{@description.inspect} " if @description}"\ "@sub_results=#{@sub_results.inspect} "\ "attribute_names: #{attribute_names}>" end private def build_default_capture_exception { |exception| exception.set_backtrace(backtrace) } end def reset_sub_results_cache @success_predicate = nil @success_sub_results = nil @failure_sub_results = nil @all_results = nil @all_success_results = nil @all_failure_results = nil end def respond_to_missing?(*args) @data.send(:respond_to_missing?, *args) end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) @data.public_send(method, *args, &block) end end