# Compass Stylesheet Authoring Framework
Build Status: 
Code Quality: [](https://codeclimate.com/github/chriseppstein/compass)
## Resources
* [Compass Homepage](http://compass-style.org/)
* [Installing Compass](http://compass-style.org/install/)
* [Compass Reference](http://compass-style.org/install/reference/)
## Author
Compass is written by [Chris Eppstein][chris_eppstein].
Chris is the Software Architect of [Caring.com][caring.com] and a member of the [Sass][sass] core team.
## Core Team Members
* [Scott Davis](https://github.com/scottdavis)
* [Eric Meyer](https://github.com/ericam)
* [Brandon Mathis](https://github.com/imathis)
* [Anthony Short](https://github.com/anthonyshort/)
## Major Contributors
* [Nico Hagenburger](https://github.com/hagenburger)
## License
Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Christopher M. Eppstein
All Rights Reserved.
Released under a [slightly modified MIT License][license].