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<h3>ExpectedExceptionAttribute (NUnit 2.0 plus Updates)</h3>

<p>This is the way to specify that the execution of a test will throw an 
	exception. This attribute has a number of positional and
	named parameters, which we will discuss in separate sections
	according to the purpose they serve.</p>
<h4>Specifying the Expected Exception Type</h4>

<p>The original attribute, introduced with NUnit 2.0 took a single
argument giving the exact type of the expected exception. For example...</p>

<div class="code"><pre>[ExpectedException( typeof( ArgumentException ) )]
public void TestMethod()

<p>Beginning with NUnit 2.2.4, it became possible to specify the type
of exception as a string, avoiding the need for a reference to the
defining assembly...</p>

<div class="code"><pre>[ExpectedException( "System.ArgumentException" ) )]
public void TestMethod()

<p>The above two examples function identically: the test only succeeds if a
System.Argument exception is thrown.</p>

<h4>Specifying the Expected Message</h4>

<p>NUnit 2.1 introduced a constructor with a second argument, specifying the
exact text of the message property of the exception. After NUnit 2.2.4, the
same extension was made to the constructor taking a string argument. With
NUnit 2.4, these arguments are marked obsolete, and a named parameter
is provided instead...</p>

<div class="code" style="width: 44em"><pre>// Obsolete form:
[ExpectedException( typeof( ArgumentException ), "expected message" )]
[ExpectedException( "System.ArgumentException", "expected message" )]

// Prefered form:
[ExpectedException( typeof( ArgumentException ), ExpectedMessage="expected message" )]
[ExpectedException( "System.ArgumentException", ExpectedMessage="expected message" )]</pre></div>

<p>With NUnit 2.4, it is possible to specify additional tests on the
exception message, beyond a simple exact match. This is done using the 
MatchType named parameter, whose argument is an enumeration, defined as
<div class="code">
<pre>public enum MessageMatch
    /// Expect an exact match
    /// Expect a message containing the parameter string
    /// Match the regular expression provided as a parameter
    /// Expect a message starting with the parameter string

<p>The following example is for a test that passes only if an ArgumentException
with a message containing "unspecified" is received.</p>

<div class="code" style="width: 57em">
<pre>[ExpectedException( typeof( ArgumentException), ExpectedMessage="unspecified", MatchType=MessageMatch.Contains )]
public void TestMethod()

<p>If MatchType is not specified, an exact match is used as before.</p>

<h4>Specifying a Custom Error Message</h4>

<p>With NUnit 2.4, it is possible to specify a custom message to be
displayed if the ExpectedException attribute is not satisfied. This
is done through the UserMessage named parameter...</p>

<div class="code" style="width: 41em">
<pre>[ExpectedException( typeof( ArgumentException ), UserMessage="Custom message" )]
public void TestMethod()

<h4>Handling the Exception in Code</h4>

<p>If the processing required for an exception is too complex to express
in the attribute declaration, the normal practice is to process it in the
test code using a try/catch block. As an alternative, NUnit 2.4 allows
designating a method that will be called to process the exception. This
is particularly useful when multiple exceptions need to be processed
in the same way.</p>

<p>An common exception handler may be designated by implementing the
<b>IExpectExceptionInterface</b>, which is defined as follows...</p>

<div class="code">
<pre>public interface IExpectException
    void HandleException( System.Exception ex );

<p>The exception handler is only called for methods marked with
the <b>ExpectedException</b> attribute. If all checks - including
the type of the exception - are to be performed in code, the
attribute may be specified without any arguments in order to
indicate that an exception is expected.</p>

<p>An handler may be designated for a particular method
using the <b>Handler</b> named parameter.</p>

<div class="code"><pre>[ExpectedException( Handler="HandlerMethod" )]
public void TestMethod()

public void HandlerMethod( System.Exception ex )

<p>This technique may be
used without implementing <b>IExpectException</b> or in
combination with it. In the latter case, the designated handler
applies to any method that specifies it, while the normal
exception handler applies to any other methods that specify
an <b>ExpectedException</b>.</p>

<p>However it is specified, the handler method should examine the exception and 
<b>Assert</b> on whatever properties are relevant. Any resulting failure message 
will then be consistent in format with other assertions performed in the tests.</p>


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<pre class="cs">namespace NUnit.Tests
  using System;
  using NUnit.Framework;

  public class SuccessTests
    public void ExpectAnExceptionByType()
    { /* ... */ }

    public void ExpectAnExceptionByName()
    { /* ... */ }

<pre class="vb">Imports System
Imports Nunit.Framework

Namespace Nunit.Tests

  &lt;TestFixture()&gt; Public Class SuccessTests
    &lt;Test(), ExpectedException(GetType(Exception))&gt;
      Public Sub ExpectAnExceptionByType()
    &#39; ...
    End Sub

  &lt;TestFixture()&gt; Public Class SuccessTests
    &lt;Test(), ExpectedException("System.Exception")&gt;
      Public Sub ExpectAnExceptionByName()
    &#39; ...
    End Sub
  End Class
End Namespace

<pre class="mc">#using &lt;Nunit.Framework.dll&gt;
using namespace System;
using namespace NUnit::Framework;

namespace NUnitTests
  public __gc class SuccessTests
    void ExpectAnExceptionByType();

    void ExpectAnExceptionByName();

#include &quot;cppsample.h&quot;

namespace NUnitTests {
  // ...



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