# MediaTypes::Serialization [![Build Status: master](https://travis-ci.com/XPBytes/media_types-serialization.svg)](https://travis-ci.com/XPBytes/media_types-serialization) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/media_types-serialization.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/media_types-serialization) [![MIT license](http://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-brightgreen.svg)](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) Add media types supported serialization using your favourite serializer ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'media_types-serialization' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install media_types-serialization If you have not done this before, and you're using `rails`, install the necessary parts using: ```bash rails g media_types:serialization:api_viewer ``` This will: - Add the default `html_wrapper` layout which is an API Viewer used as fallback or the `.api_viewer` format - Add the default `template_controller` which allows the API Viewer to post templated links - Add the `route` for these templated link forms - Add an initializer that registers the `media` renderer and `api_viewer` media type ## Usage In order to use media type serialization you only need to do 2 things: ### Serializer Add a serializer that can serialize a certain media type. The `to_hash` function will be called _explicitly_ in your controller, so you can always use your own, favourite serializer here to do the hefty work. This gem does provide some easy tools, usually enough to do most serialization. ```ruby class Book < ApplicationRecord class Serializer < MediaTypes::Serialization::Base serializes_media_type MyNamespace::MediaTypes::Book def fields if current_media_type.create? return %i[name author] end %i[name author updated_at views] end def to_hash extract(serializable, fields).tap do |result| result[:_links] = extract_links unless current_media_type.create? end end alias to_h to_hash protected def extract_self # A serializer gets the controller as context { href: context.api_book_url(serializable) } end def extract_links { 'self': extract_self, 'signatures': { href: context.api_book_signatures_url(serializable) } } end end end ``` By default, The passed in `MediaType` gets converted into a constructable (via `to_constructable`) and invoked with the current `view` (e.g. `create`, `index`, `collection` or ` `). This means that by default it will be able to serialize the latest version you `MediaType` is reporting. The best way to supply your media type is via the [`media_types`](https://github.com/SleeplessByte/media-types-ruby) gem. #### Multiple suffixes, one serializer By default, the media renderer will automatically detect and inject the following: - suffix `+json` if you define `to_json` - suffix `+xml` if you define `to_xml` - type `text/html` if you define `to_html` If you do _not_ define these methods, only the `default` suffix / type will be used, `accepts_html` for the `text/html` content-type. If you don't define `to_html`, but try to make a serializer output `html`, it will be rendered in the layout at: `serializers/wrapper/html_wrapper.html.erb` (or any other templating extension). #### Migrations (versions) If the serializer can serialize multiple _versions_, you can supply them through `additional_versions: [2, 3]`. A way to handle this is via backward migrations, meaning you'll migrate from the current version back to an older version. ```ruby class Book < ApplicationRecord class BasicSerializer < MediaTypes::Serialization::Base # Maybe it's currently at version 2, so tell the base that this also serializes version 1 # You can also use a range to_a: (1...4).to_a # serializes_media_type MyNamespace::MediaTypes::Book, additional_versions: [1] def to_hash # This enables migrations right when it's being serialized # migrate do extract(serializable, fields).tap do |result| result[:_links] = extract_links unless current_media_type.create? end end end # This defines migrations. You can use classes, commands or anything else to execute this code # but inline migrations work fine if you don't have a lot of them. backward_migrations do # This is called if the version requested is 1 _or_ lower. This means you can compose your migrations. The # migrations with a _lower_ version than the requested version are NOT executed. version 1 do |result| result.tap do |r| if r.key?(:views) r[:views_count] = r.delete(:views) end end end end end end ``` ### Controller In your base controller, or wherever you'd like, include the `MediaTypes::Serialization` concern. In the controller that uses the serialization, you need to explicitly `accept` it if you want to use the built-in lookups. ```ruby require 'media_types/serialization' require 'media_types/serialization/renderer/register' class ApiController < ActionController::API include MediaTypes::Serialization end class BookController < ApiController accept_serialization(Book::BasicSerializer, accept_html: false, only: %i[show]) accept_html(Book::CoverHtmlSerializer, only: %i[show]) freeze_accepted_media! def show # If you do NOT pass in the content_type, it will re-use the current content_type of the response if set or # use the default content type of the serializer. This is fine if you only output one Content-Type in the # action, but not if you are relying on content-negotiation. render media: serialize_media(@book), content_type: request.format.to_s end end ``` If you have normalized your resources (e.g. into `@resource`), you can add a `render_media` method to your `BaseController` and render resources like so: ```ruby class ApiController < ActionController::API def render_media(**opts) render media: serialize_media(@resource), content_type: request.format.to_s, **opts end end ``` And then call `render_media` whenever you're ready to render. ### HTML output You can define HTML outputs for example by creating a serializer that accepts `text/html`. At this moment, there may only be one (1) active `text/html` serializer for each action; a single controller can have multiple registered, but never for the same preconditions in `before_action` (because how else would it know which one to pick?). Use the `render` method to generate your HTML: ```ruby class Book::CoverHtmlSerializer < MediaTypes::Serialization::Base # Tell the serializer that this accepts HTML, but this is also signaled by `to_html` serializes_html def to_html ApplicationController.render( 'serializers/book/cover', assigns: { title: extract_title, image: resolve_file_url(covers.first&.version_url('small')), description: extract_description, language_links: language_links, }, layout: false ) end # Naturally you have to define extract_title, etc etc end ``` You can change the default `wrapper` / `to_html` implementation by setting: ```ruby ::MediaTypes::Serialization.html_wrapper_layout = '/path/to/wrapper/layout' ``` ### API viewer There is a special media type exposed by this gem at `::MediaTypes::Serialization::MEDIA_TYPE_API_VIEWER`. If you're using `rails` you'll want to register it. You can do so manually, or by `require`ing: ```ruby require 'media_types/serialization/media_type/register' ``` If you do so, the `.api_viewer` format becomes available for all actions that call into `render media:`. You can change the default `wrapper` implementation by setting: ```ruby ::MediaTypes::Serialization.api_viewer_layout = '/path/to/wrapper/layout' ``` ### Wrapping output By convention, `index` views are wrapped in `_index: [items]`, `collection` views are wrapped in `_embedded: [items]` and `create` / no views are wrapped in `[ROOT_KEY]: item`. This is currently only enabled for `to_json` serialization but planned for `xml` as well. This behaviour can not be turned of as of writing. However, you may _overwrite_ this behaviour via: - `self.root_key(view:)`: to define the root key for a specific `view` - `self.wrap(serializer, view: nil)`: to define the wrapper for a specific `view` and/or `serializer`. For example, if you never want to wrap anything, you could define: ```ruby def self.wrap(serializer, view: nil) serializer end ``` ### Link header You can use `to_link_header` to generate a header value for the `Link` header. ```ruby entries = @last_media_serializer.to_link_header if entries.present? response.header[HEADER_LINK] = entries end ``` If you want the link header to be different from the `_links`, you can implement `header_links(view:)` next to `extract_links(view:)`. This will be called by the `to_link_header` function. ### Validation If you only have `json`/`xml`/structured data responses and you want to use [`media_types-validation`](https://github.com/XPBytes/media_types-validation) in conjunction with this gem, you can create a concern or add the following two functions to your base controller: ```ruby def render_media(resource = @resource, **opts) serializer = serialize_media(resource) render media: serializer, content_type: request.format.to_s, **opts validate_media(serializer) end def validate_media(serializer = @last_media_serializer) media_type = serializer.current_media_type return true unless media_type && response_body validate_json_with_media_type(serializer.to_hash, media_type: media_type) end ``` As long as the serializer has a `to_json` or `to_hash`, this will work -- but also means that the data will always be validate _as if_ it were json. This covers most use cases. ### Related - [`MediaTypes`](https://github.com/SleeplessByte/media-types-ruby): :gem: Library to create media type definitions, schemes and validations - [`MediaTypes::Deserialization`](https://github.com/XPBytes/media_types-deserialization): :cyclone: Add media types supported deserialization using your favourite parser, and media type validation. - [`MediaTypes::Validation`](https://github.com/XPBytes/media_types-validation): :heavy_exclamation_mark: Response validations according to a media-type ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake test` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at [XPBytes/media_types-serialization](https://github.com/XPBytes/media_types-serialization).