# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # -*- ruby -*- require 'rubygems' require 'hoe' require 'rake/extensiontask' require 'rbconfig' CLEAN.include 'ext/pk11_struct_def.inc' CLEAN.include 'ext/pk11_struct_impl.inc' CLEAN.include 'ext/pk11_const_def.inc' CLEAN.include 'ext/pk11_thread_funcs.h' CLEAN.include 'ext/pk11_thread_funcs.c' CLEAN.include 'lib/pkcs11_ext.so' CLEAN.include 'tmp' hoe = Hoe.spec 'pkcs11' do developer('Ryosuke Kutsuna', 'ryosuke@deer-n-horse.jp') developer('GOTOU Yuuzou', 'gotoyuzo@notwork.org') developer('Lars Kanis', 'kanis@comcard.de') extra_dev_deps << ['yard', '>= 0.6'] extra_dev_deps << ['rake-compiler', '>= 0.7'] self.url = 'http://github.com/larskanis/pkcs11' self.summary = 'PKCS#11 binding for Ruby' self.description = 'This module allows Ruby programs to interface with "RSA Security Inc. PKCS #11 Cryptographic Token Interface (Cryptoki)".' self.readme_file = 'README.rdoc' self.extra_rdoc_files << self.readme_file << 'ext/pk11.c' spec_extras[:extensions] = 'ext/extconf.rb' spec_extras[:files] = File.read_utf("Manifest.txt").split(/\r?\n\r?/) spec_extras[:files] << 'ext/pk11_struct_impl.inc' spec_extras[:files] << 'ext/pk11_struct_def.inc' spec_extras[:files] << 'ext/pk11_const_def.inc' spec_extras[:files] << 'ext/pk11_thread_funcs.h' spec_extras[:files] << 'ext/pk11_thread_funcs.c' spec_extras[:has_rdoc] = 'yard' end ENV['RUBY_CC_VERSION'] ||= '1.8.6:1.9.2' Rake::ExtensionTask.new('pkcs11_ext', hoe.spec) do |ext| ext.ext_dir = 'ext' ext.cross_compile = true # enable cross compilation (requires cross compile toolchain) ext.cross_platform = ['i386-mswin32', 'i386-mingw32'] # forces the Windows platform instead of the default one end file 'ext/extconf.rb' => ['ext/pk11_struct_def.inc', 'ext/pk11_thread_funcs.c'] file 'ext/pk11_struct_def.inc' => 'ext/generate_structs.rb' do sh "#{Config::CONFIG['ruby_install_name']} ext/generate_structs.rb --def ext/pk11_struct_def.inc --impl ext/pk11_struct_impl.inc --const ext/pk11_const_def.inc --doc ext/pk11_struct.doc ext/include/pkcs11t.h" end file 'ext/pk11_struct_impl.inc' => 'ext/pk11_struct_def.inc' file 'ext/pk11.c' => 'ext/pk11_struct_def.inc' file 'ext/pk11_const.c' => 'ext/pk11_struct_def.inc' file 'ext/pk11_thread_funcs.h' => 'ext/generate_thread_funcs.rb' do sh "#{Config::CONFIG['ruby_install_name']} ext/generate_thread_funcs.rb --impl ext/pk11_thread_funcs.c --decl ext/pk11_thread_funcs.h ext/include/pkcs11f.h" end file 'ext/pk11_thread_funcs.c' => 'ext/pk11_thread_funcs.h' file 'ext/pk11.h' => 'ext/pk11_thread_funcs.h' desc "Generate static HTML documentation with YARD" task :yardoc do sh "yardoc" end desc "Publish YARD to wherever you want." task :publish_yard => [:yardoc] do rdoc_locations = hoe.rdoc_locations warn "no rdoc_location values" if rdoc_locations.empty? rdoc_locations.each do |dest| sh %{rsync -av --delete doc/ #{dest}} end end # RDoc-upload task for github (currently on rubyforge) # # require 'grancher/task' # Grancher::Task.new do |g| # g.branch = 'gh-pages' # alternatively, g.refspec = 'ghpages:/refs/heads/ghpages' # g.push_to = 'origin' # g.directory 'doc' # end # vim: syntax=ruby