describe Bisu::OneSky do subject(:to_i18) {, api_secret, project_id, file_name).to_i18 } let(:api_key) { "a123" } let(:api_secret) { "b123" } let(:project_id) { 98765 } let(:file_name) { "file456.json" } let(:os_response) {"spec/fixtures/sample_one_sky_response.txt") } before do project = double("OSProject") allow_any_instance_of(Onesky::Client).to receive(:project).with(project_id).and_return(project) allow(project).to receive(:export_multilingual).with(source_file_name: file_name, file_format: "I18NEXT_MULTILINGUAL_JSON").and_return(os_response) end it { expect { to_i18 }.not_to raise_error } it "returns an hash in i18 format" do expect(to_i18).to eq({ "en" => { "kConnectFacebook" => "Connect with Facebook", "kNoNoNoMr" => "No, no, no. Mr %{name} not here" }, "ja" => { "kConnectFacebook" => "フェイスブックへ接続" }, "fr" => { "kConnectFacebook" => "Connexion par Facebook" }, "de" => { "kConnectFacebook" => "Mit Facebook verbinden" }, "ko" => { "kConnectFacebook" => "페이스북으로 접속", "kTwitterServer" => "트위터 서버연결 실패. \\n잠시 후 재시도." } }) end context "when OneSky raises an error" do before { allow_any_instance_of(Onesky::Client).to receive(:project).and_raise("ups... not allowed!") } it "raises that same error" do expect { to_i18 }.to raise_error /not allowed/ end end context "when OneSky returns the newline bug" do let(:os_response) {"spec/fixtures/sample_one_sky_response_with_bug.txt") } it { expect { to_i18 }.not_to raise_error } it "returns an hash in i18 format with the newline bug fixed" do expect(to_i18).to eq({ "en" => { "kRegularNewLine" => "This is the first line\\nthis is the second line", "kErrorNewLine" => "This is the first line\\nthis is the second line" } }) end end end