;; Type names used by low-level WASI interfaces.
;; Some content here is derived from [CloudABI](https://github.com/NuxiNL/cloudabi).
;; This is a `witx` file. See [here](https://github.com/WebAssembly/WASI/tree/master/docs/witx.md)
;; for an explanation of what that means.

(typename $size u32)

;;; Non-negative file size or length of a region within a file.
(typename $filesize u64)

;;; Timestamp in nanoseconds.
(typename $timestamp u64)

;;; Identifiers for clocks.
(typename $clockid
  (enum (@witx tag u32)
    ;;; The clock measuring real time. Time value zero corresponds with
    ;;; 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.
    ;;; The store-wide monotonic clock, which is defined as a clock measuring
    ;;; real time, whose value cannot be adjusted and which cannot have negative
    ;;; clock jumps. The epoch of this clock is undefined. The absolute time
    ;;; value of this clock therefore has no meaning.
    ;;; The CPU-time clock associated with the current process.
    ;;; The CPU-time clock associated with the current thread.

;;; Error codes returned by functions.
;;; Not all of these error codes are returned by the functions provided by this
;;; API; some are used in higher-level library layers, and others are provided
;;; merely for alignment with POSIX.
(typename $errno
  (enum (@witx tag u16)
    ;;; No error occurred. System call completed successfully.
    ;;; Argument list too long.
    ;;; Permission denied.
    ;;; Address in use.
    ;;; Address not available.
    ;;; Address family not supported.
    ;;; Resource unavailable, or operation would block.
    ;;; Connection already in progress.
    ;;; Bad file descriptor.
    ;;; Bad message.
    ;;; Device or resource busy.
    ;;; Operation canceled.
    ;;; No child processes.
    ;;; Connection aborted.
    ;;; Connection refused.
    ;;; Connection reset.
    ;;; Resource deadlock would occur.
    ;;; Destination address required.
    ;;; Mathematics argument out of domain of function.
    ;;; Reserved.
    ;;; File exists.
    ;;; Bad address.
    ;;; File too large.
    ;;; Host is unreachable.
    ;;; Identifier removed.
    ;;; Illegal byte sequence.
    ;;; Operation in progress.
    ;;; Interrupted function.
    ;;; Invalid argument.
    ;;; I/O error.
    ;;; Socket is connected.
    ;;; Is a directory.
    ;;; Too many levels of symbolic links.
    ;;; File descriptor value too large.
    ;;; Too many links.
    ;;; Message too large.
    ;;; Reserved.
    ;;; Filename too long.
    ;;; Network is down.
    ;;; Connection aborted by network.
    ;;; Network unreachable.
    ;;; Too many files open in system.
    ;;; No buffer space available.
    ;;; No such device.
    ;;; No such file or directory.
    ;;; Executable file format error.
    ;;; No locks available.
    ;;; Reserved.
    ;;; Not enough space.
    ;;; No message of the desired type.
    ;;; Protocol not available.
    ;;; No space left on device.
    ;;; Function not supported.
    ;;; The socket is not connected.
    ;;; Not a directory or a symbolic link to a directory.
    ;;; Directory not empty.
    ;;; State not recoverable.
    ;;; Not a socket.
    ;;; Not supported, or operation not supported on socket.
    ;;; Inappropriate I/O control operation.
    ;;; No such device or address.
    ;;; Value too large to be stored in data type.
    ;;; Previous owner died.
    ;;; Operation not permitted.
    ;;; Broken pipe.
    ;;; Protocol error.
    ;;; Protocol not supported.
    ;;; Protocol wrong type for socket.
    ;;; Result too large.
    ;;; Read-only file system.
    ;;; Invalid seek.
    ;;; No such process.
    ;;; Reserved.
    ;;; Connection timed out.
    ;;; Text file busy.
    ;;; Cross-device link.
    ;;; Extension: Capabilities insufficient.

;;; File descriptor rights, determining which actions may be performed.
(typename $rights
  (flags (@witx repr u64)
    ;;; The right to invoke `fd_datasync`.
    ;;; If `path_open` is set, includes the right to invoke
    ;;; `path_open` with `fdflags::dsync`.
    ;;; The right to invoke `fd_read` and `sock_recv`.
    ;;; If `rights::fd_seek` is set, includes the right to invoke `fd_pread`.
    ;;; The right to invoke `fd_seek`. This flag implies `rights::fd_tell`.
    ;;; The right to invoke `fd_fdstat_set_flags`.
    ;;; The right to invoke `fd_sync`.
    ;;; If `path_open` is set, includes the right to invoke
    ;;; `path_open` with `fdflags::rsync` and `fdflags::dsync`.
    ;;; The right to invoke `fd_seek` in such a way that the file offset
    ;;; remains unaltered (i.e., `whence::cur` with offset zero), or to
    ;;; invoke `fd_tell`.
    ;;; The right to invoke `fd_write` and `sock_send`.
    ;;; If `rights::fd_seek` is set, includes the right to invoke `fd_pwrite`.
    ;;; The right to invoke `fd_advise`.
    ;;; The right to invoke `fd_allocate`.
    ;;; The right to invoke `path_create_directory`.
    ;;; If `path_open` is set, the right to invoke `path_open` with `oflags::creat`.
    ;;; The right to invoke `path_link` with the file descriptor as the
    ;;; source directory.
    ;;; The right to invoke `path_link` with the file descriptor as the
    ;;; target directory.
    ;;; The right to invoke `path_open`.
    ;;; The right to invoke `fd_readdir`.
    ;;; The right to invoke `path_readlink`.
    ;;; The right to invoke `path_rename` with the file descriptor as the source directory.
    ;;; The right to invoke `path_rename` with the file descriptor as the target directory.
    ;;; The right to invoke `path_filestat_get`.
    ;;; The right to change a file's size (there is no `path_filestat_set_size`).
    ;;; If `path_open` is set, includes the right to invoke `path_open` with `oflags::trunc`.
    ;;; The right to invoke `path_filestat_set_times`.
    ;;; The right to invoke `fd_filestat_get`.
    ;;; The right to invoke `fd_filestat_set_size`.
    ;;; The right to invoke `fd_filestat_set_times`.
    ;;; The right to invoke `path_symlink`.
    ;;; The right to invoke `path_remove_directory`.
    ;;; The right to invoke `path_unlink_file`.
    ;;; If `rights::fd_read` is set, includes the right to invoke `poll_oneoff` to subscribe to `eventtype::fd_read`.
    ;;; If `rights::fd_write` is set, includes the right to invoke `poll_oneoff` to subscribe to `eventtype::fd_write`.
    ;;; The right to invoke `sock_shutdown`.
    ;;; The right to invoke `sock_accept`.

;;; A file descriptor handle.
(typename $fd (handle))

;;; A region of memory for scatter/gather reads.
(typename $iovec
    ;;; The address of the buffer to be filled.
    (field $buf (@witx pointer u8))
    ;;; The length of the buffer to be filled.
    (field $buf_len $size)

;;; A region of memory for scatter/gather writes.
(typename $ciovec
    ;;; The address of the buffer to be written.
    (field $buf (@witx const_pointer u8))
    ;;; The length of the buffer to be written.
    (field $buf_len $size)

(typename $iovec_array (list $iovec))
(typename $ciovec_array (list $ciovec))

;;; Relative offset within a file.
(typename $filedelta s64)

;;; The position relative to which to set the offset of the file descriptor.
(typename $whence
  (enum (@witx tag u8)
    ;;; Seek relative to start-of-file.
    ;;; Seek relative to current position.
    ;;; Seek relative to end-of-file.

;;; A reference to the offset of a directory entry.
;;; The value 0 signifies the start of the directory.
(typename $dircookie u64)

;;; The type for the `dirent::d_namlen` field of `dirent` struct.
(typename $dirnamlen u32)

;;; File serial number that is unique within its file system.
(typename $inode u64)

;;; The type of a file descriptor or file.
(typename $filetype
  (enum (@witx tag u8)
    ;;; The type of the file descriptor or file is unknown or is different from any of the other types specified.
    ;;; The file descriptor or file refers to a block device inode.
    ;;; The file descriptor or file refers to a character device inode.
    ;;; The file descriptor or file refers to a directory inode.
    ;;; The file descriptor or file refers to a regular file inode.
    ;;; The file descriptor or file refers to a datagram socket.
    ;;; The file descriptor or file refers to a byte-stream socket.
    ;;; The file refers to a symbolic link inode.

;;; A directory entry.
(typename $dirent
    ;;; The offset of the next directory entry stored in this directory.
    (field $d_next $dircookie)
    ;;; The serial number of the file referred to by this directory entry.
    (field $d_ino $inode)
    ;;; The length of the name of the directory entry.
    (field $d_namlen $dirnamlen)
    ;;; The type of the file referred to by this directory entry.
    (field $d_type $filetype)

;;; File or memory access pattern advisory information.
(typename $advice
  (enum (@witx tag u8)
    ;;; The application has no advice to give on its behavior with respect to the specified data.
    ;;; The application expects to access the specified data sequentially from lower offsets to higher offsets.
    ;;; The application expects to access the specified data in a random order.
    ;;; The application expects to access the specified data in the near future.
    ;;; The application expects that it will not access the specified data in the near future.
    ;;; The application expects to access the specified data once and then not reuse it thereafter.

;;; File descriptor flags.
(typename $fdflags
  (flags (@witx repr u16)
    ;;; Append mode: Data written to the file is always appended to the file's end.
    ;;; Write according to synchronized I/O data integrity completion. Only the data stored in the file is synchronized.
    ;;; Non-blocking mode.
    ;;; Synchronized read I/O operations.
    ;;; Write according to synchronized I/O file integrity completion. In
    ;;; addition to synchronizing the data stored in the file, the implementation
    ;;; may also synchronously update the file's metadata.

;;; File descriptor attributes.
(typename $fdstat
    ;;; File type.
    (field $fs_filetype $filetype)
    ;;; File descriptor flags.
    (field $fs_flags $fdflags)
    ;;; Rights that apply to this file descriptor.
    (field $fs_rights_base $rights)
    ;;; Maximum set of rights that may be installed on new file descriptors that
    ;;; are created through this file descriptor, e.g., through `path_open`.
    (field $fs_rights_inheriting $rights)

;;; Identifier for a device containing a file system. Can be used in combination
;;; with `inode` to uniquely identify a file or directory in the filesystem.
(typename $device u64)

;;; Which file time attributes to adjust.
(typename $fstflags
  (flags (@witx repr u16)
    ;;; Adjust the last data access timestamp to the value stored in `filestat::atim`.
    ;;; Adjust the last data access timestamp to the time of clock `clockid::realtime`.
    ;;; Adjust the last data modification timestamp to the value stored in `filestat::mtim`.
    ;;; Adjust the last data modification timestamp to the time of clock `clockid::realtime`.

;;; Flags determining the method of how paths are resolved.
(typename $lookupflags
  (flags (@witx repr u32)
    ;;; As long as the resolved path corresponds to a symbolic link, it is expanded.

;;; Open flags used by `path_open`.
(typename $oflags
  (flags (@witx repr u16)
    ;;; Create file if it does not exist.
    ;;; Fail if not a directory.
    ;;; Fail if file already exists.
    ;;; Truncate file to size 0.

;;; Number of hard links to an inode.
(typename $linkcount u64)

;;; File attributes.
(typename $filestat
    ;;; Device ID of device containing the file.
    (field $dev $device)
    ;;; File serial number.
    (field $ino $inode)
    ;;; File type.
    (field $filetype $filetype)
    ;;; Number of hard links to the file.
    (field $nlink $linkcount)
    ;;; For regular files, the file size in bytes. For symbolic links, the length in bytes of the pathname contained in the symbolic link.
    (field $size $filesize)
    ;;; Last data access timestamp.
    (field $atim $timestamp)
    ;;; Last data modification timestamp.
    (field $mtim $timestamp)
    ;;; Last file status change timestamp.
    (field $ctim $timestamp)

;;; User-provided value that may be attached to objects that is retained when
;;; extracted from the implementation.
(typename $userdata u64)

;;; Type of a subscription to an event or its occurrence.
(typename $eventtype
  (enum (@witx tag u8)
    ;;; The time value of clock `subscription_clock::id` has
    ;;; reached timestamp `subscription_clock::timeout`.
    ;;; File descriptor `subscription_fd_readwrite::file_descriptor` has data
    ;;; available for reading. This event always triggers for regular files.
    ;;; File descriptor `subscription_fd_readwrite::file_descriptor` has capacity
    ;;; available for writing. This event always triggers for regular files.

;;; The state of the file descriptor subscribed to with
;;; `eventtype::fd_read` or `eventtype::fd_write`.
(typename $eventrwflags
  (flags (@witx repr u16)
    ;;; The peer of this socket has closed or disconnected.

;;; The contents of an `event` when type is `eventtype::fd_read` or
;;; `eventtype::fd_write`.
(typename $event_fd_readwrite
    ;;; The number of bytes available for reading or writing.
    (field $nbytes $filesize)
    ;;; The state of the file descriptor.
    (field $flags $eventrwflags)

;;; An event that occurred.
(typename $event
    ;;; User-provided value that got attached to `subscription::userdata`.
    (field $userdata $userdata)
    ;;; If non-zero, an error that occurred while processing the subscription request.
    (field $error $errno)
    ;;; The type of event that occured
    (field $type $eventtype)
    ;;; The contents of the event, if it is an `eventtype::fd_read` or
    ;;; `eventtype::fd_write`. `eventtype::clock` events ignore this field.
    (field $fd_readwrite $event_fd_readwrite)

;;; Flags determining how to interpret the timestamp provided in
;;; `subscription_clock::timeout`.
(typename $subclockflags
  (flags (@witx repr u16)
    ;;; If set, treat the timestamp provided in
    ;;; `subscription_clock::timeout` as an absolute timestamp of clock
    ;;; `subscription_clock::id`. If clear, treat the timestamp
    ;;; provided in `subscription_clock::timeout` relative to the
    ;;; current time value of clock `subscription_clock::id`.

;;; The contents of a `subscription` when type is `eventtype::clock`.
(typename $subscription_clock
    ;;; The clock against which to compare the timestamp.
    (field $id $clockid)
    ;;; The absolute or relative timestamp.
    (field $timeout $timestamp)
    ;;; The amount of time that the implementation may wait additionally
    ;;; to coalesce with other events.
    (field $precision $timestamp)
    ;;; Flags specifying whether the timeout is absolute or relative
    (field $flags $subclockflags)

;;; The contents of a `subscription` when type is type is
;;; `eventtype::fd_read` or `eventtype::fd_write`.
(typename $subscription_fd_readwrite
    ;;; The file descriptor on which to wait for it to become ready for reading or writing.
    (field $file_descriptor $fd)

;;; The contents of a `subscription`.
(typename $subscription_u
    (@witx tag $eventtype)

;;; Subscription to an event.
(typename $subscription
    ;;; User-provided value that is attached to the subscription in the
    ;;; implementation and returned through `event::userdata`.
    (field $userdata $userdata)
    ;;; The type of the event to which to subscribe, and its contents
    (field $u $subscription_u)

;;; Exit code generated by a process when exiting.
(typename $exitcode u32)

;;; Signal condition.
(typename $signal
  (enum (@witx tag u8)
    ;;; No signal. Note that POSIX has special semantics for `kill(pid, 0)`,
    ;;; so this value is reserved.
    ;;; Hangup.
    ;;; Action: Terminates the process.
    ;;; Terminate interrupt signal.
    ;;; Action: Terminates the process.
    ;;; Terminal quit signal.
    ;;; Action: Terminates the process.
    ;;; Illegal instruction.
    ;;; Action: Terminates the process.
    ;;; Trace/breakpoint trap.
    ;;; Action: Terminates the process.
    ;;; Process abort signal.
    ;;; Action: Terminates the process.
    ;;; Access to an undefined portion of a memory object.
    ;;; Action: Terminates the process.
    ;;; Erroneous arithmetic operation.
    ;;; Action: Terminates the process.
    ;;; Kill.
    ;;; Action: Terminates the process.
    ;;; User-defined signal 1.
    ;;; Action: Terminates the process.
    ;;; Invalid memory reference.
    ;;; Action: Terminates the process.
    ;;; User-defined signal 2.
    ;;; Action: Terminates the process.
    ;;; Write on a pipe with no one to read it.
    ;;; Action: Ignored.
    ;;; Alarm clock.
    ;;; Action: Terminates the process.
    ;;; Termination signal.
    ;;; Action: Terminates the process.
    ;;; Child process terminated, stopped, or continued.
    ;;; Action: Ignored.
    ;;; Continue executing, if stopped.
    ;;; Action: Continues executing, if stopped.
    ;;; Stop executing.
    ;;; Action: Stops executing.
    ;;; Terminal stop signal.
    ;;; Action: Stops executing.
    ;;; Background process attempting read.
    ;;; Action: Stops executing.
    ;;; Background process attempting write.
    ;;; Action: Stops executing.
    ;;; High bandwidth data is available at a socket.
    ;;; Action: Ignored.
    ;;; CPU time limit exceeded.
    ;;; Action: Terminates the process.
    ;;; File size limit exceeded.
    ;;; Action: Terminates the process.
    ;;; Virtual timer expired.
    ;;; Action: Terminates the process.
    ;;; Profiling timer expired.
    ;;; Action: Terminates the process.
    ;;; Window changed.
    ;;; Action: Ignored.
    ;;; I/O possible.
    ;;; Action: Terminates the process.
    ;;; Power failure.
    ;;; Action: Terminates the process.
    ;;; Bad system call.
    ;;; Action: Terminates the process.

;;; Flags provided to `sock_recv`.
(typename $riflags
  (flags (@witx repr u16)
    ;;; Returns the message without removing it from the socket's receive queue.
    ;;; On byte-stream sockets, block until the full amount of data can be returned.

;;; Flags returned by `sock_recv`.
(typename $roflags
  (flags (@witx repr u16)
    ;;; Returned by `sock_recv`: Message data has been truncated.

;;; Flags provided to `sock_send`. As there are currently no flags
;;; defined, it must be set to zero.
(typename $siflags u16)

;;; Which channels on a socket to shut down.
(typename $sdflags
  (flags (@witx repr u8)
    ;;; Disables further receive operations.
    ;;; Disables further send operations.

;;; Identifiers for preopened capabilities.
(typename $preopentype
  (enum (@witx tag u8)
    ;;; A pre-opened directory.

;;; The contents of a $prestat when type is `preopentype::dir`.
(typename $prestat_dir
    ;;; The length of the directory name for use with `fd_prestat_dir_name`.
    (field $pr_name_len $size)

;;; Information about a pre-opened capability.
(typename $prestat
  (union (@witx tag $preopentype)