require "timber/probes/active_support_log_subscriber/action_controller" require "timber/probes/active_support_log_subscriber/action_view" require "timber/probes/active_support_log_subscriber/active_record" module Timber module Probes # We want to wrap every log subscriber. Think about something like # lograge. We want to add context to those logs as well, not just # the internal rails log subscribers. class ActiveSupportLogSubscriber < Probe module ClassMethods def self.included(klass) klass.class_eval do alias_method :_timber_old_send, :send # Override send since the #finish method uses that to send the event. # This allows us to wrap the actual method. def send(method_name, *args, &block) if args.first.is_a?(ActiveSupport::Notifications::Event) ActiveSupportLogSubscriber.wrap(self, args.first) do _timber_old_send(method_name, *args, &block) end else _timber_old_send(method_name, *args, &block) end end end end end class << self WRAPPER_MAP = { "action_controller" => ActionController, "action_view" => ActionView, "active_record" => ActiveRecord }.freeze EVENT_DELIMITER = ".".freeze def wrap(log_subscriber, event, &_block) event_name, namespace = wrapper = WRAPPER_MAP[namespace] if wrapper && wrapper.respond_to?(event_name) wrapper.send(event_name, log_subscriber, event) { yield } else yield end end end def initialize require "active_support/log_subscriber" rescue LoadError => e raise end def insert! return true if ::ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber.include?(ClassMethods) ::ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber.send(:include, ClassMethods) end end end end