module Alchemy module Admin module EssencesHelper include Alchemy::EssencesHelper include Alchemy::Admin::ContentsHelper # Renders the Content editor partial from the given Content. # For options see -> render_essence def render_essence_editor(content, options = {}, html_options = {}) render_essence(content, :editor, {for_editor: options}, html_options) end # Renders the Content editor partial found in views/contents/ for the content with name inside the passed Element. # For options see -> render_essence # # Content creation on the fly: # # If you update the elements.yml file after creating an element this helper displays a error message with an option to create the content. # def render_essence_editor_by_name(element, name, options = {}, html_options = {}) if element.blank? return warning('Element is nil', _t(:no_element_given)) end content = element.content_by_name(name) if content.nil? render_missing_content(element, name, options) else render_essence_editor(content, options, html_options) end end # Returns all public pages from current language as an option tags string suitable or the Rails +select_tag+ helper. # # @param [Array] # A collection of pages so it only returns these pages and does not query the database. # @param [String] # Pass a +Page#name+ or +Page#id+ as selected item to the +options_for_select+ helper. # @param [String] # Used as prompt message in the select tag # @param [Symbol] # Method that is called on the page object to get the value that is passed with the params of the form. # def pages_for_select(pages = nil, selected = nil, prompt = "Choose page", page_attribute = :id) values = [[_t(prompt), ""]] pages ||= begin nested = true Language.current.pages.published.order(:lft) end values += pages_attributes_for_select(pages, page_attribute, nested) options_for_select(values, selected.to_s) end # Renders the missing content partial # def render_missing_content(element, name, options) render 'alchemy/admin/contents/missing', {element: element, name: name, options: options} end def essence_picture_thumbnail(content, options) return if content.ingredient.blank? crop = !(content.essence.crop_size.blank? && content.essence.crop_from.blank?) || (content_settings_value(content, :crop, options) == true || content_settings_value(content, :crop, options) == "true") image_options = { size: content.essence.thumbnail_size(content.essence.render_size.blank? ? content_settings_value(content, :size, options) : content.essence.render_size, crop), crop_from: content.essence.crop_from.blank? ? nil : content.essence.crop_from, crop_size: content.essence.crop_size.blank? ? nil : content.essence.crop_size, crop: crop ? 'crop' : nil, upsample: content_settings_value(content, :upsample, options) } image_tag( alchemy.thumbnail_path({ id:, name: content.ingredient.urlname, sh: content.ingredient.security_token(image_options) }.merge(image_options)), alt:, class: 'img_paddingtop', title: _t(:image_name) + ": #{}" ) end private # Returns an Array with page attributes for select options # # @param [Array] # The pages # @param [String || Symbol] # The attribute that is used as value # @param [Boolean] (false) # Should the name be indented or not # def pages_attributes_for_select(pages, page_attribute, indent = false) do |page| [ page_name_attribute_for_select(page, indent), page.send(page_attribute).to_s ] end end # Returns the page name for pages_for_select helper # # @param [Alchemy::Page] # The page # @param [Boolean] (false) # Should the page be indented or not # def page_name_attribute_for_select(page, indent = false) if indent ("  " * (page.level - 1) + else end end end end end