0.11.0 (2020-01-28) ======= This release goes together with simplecov 0.18 to bring branch coverage support to you. Please also check the notes of the beta releases. ## Enhancements * Display total branch coverage percentage in the overview (if branch coverage enabled) 0.11.0.beta2 (2020-01-19) ======= ## Enhancements * changed display of branch coverage to be `branch_type: hit_count` which should be more expressive and more intuitive * Cached lookup of whether we're doing branch coverage or not (should be faster) ## Bugfixes * Fixed sorting of percent column (regression in previous release) 0.11.0.beta1 (2020-01-05) ======== Changes ruby support to 2.4+, adds branch coverage support. Meant to be used with simplecov 0.18 ## Breaking Changes * Drops support for EOL'ed ruby versions, new support is ~> 2.4 ## Enhancements * Support/display of branch coverage from simplecov 0.18.0.beta1, little badges saying `hit_count, positive_or_negative` will appear next to lines if branch coverage is activated. `0, +` means positive branch was never hit, `2, -` means negative branch was hit twice * Encoding compatibility errors are now caught and printed out 0.10.2 (2017-08-14) ======== ## Bugfixes * Allow usage with frozen-string-literal-enabled. See [#56](https://github.com/colszowka/simplecov-html/pull/56) (thanks @pat) 0.10.1 (2017-05-17) ======== ## Bugfixes * circumvent a regression that happens in the new JRuby release. See [#53](https://github.com/colszowka/simplecov-html/pull/53) thanks @koic