en: activemodel: models: cmor/rbac/import_default_permissions_service: "Import default permissions service" attributes: cmor/rbac/import_default_permissions_service: filename: File activerecord: attributes: cmor/rbac/permission: id: ID actions: Actions created_at: Created at enabled?: Active enabled_from: Enabled from enabled_to: Enabled to identifier: Identifier updated_at: Updated at cmor/rbac/role: id: ID actions: Actions created_at: Created at enabled?: Active enabled_from: Enabled from enabled_to: Enabled to identifier: Identifier updated_at: Updated at cmor/rbac/role_permission: id: ID role: Role role_id: Role permission: Permission permission_id: Permission created_at: Created at updated_at: Updated at cmor/rbac/user_role: id: ID user: User user_id: User role: Role role_id: Role created_at: Created at updated_at: Updated at models: cmor/rbac/permission: one: Permission other: Permissions cmor/rbac/role: one: Role other: Roles cmor/rbac/role_permission: one: Role Permission other: Role Permissions cmor/rbac/user_role: one: User Role other: User Roles routes: cmor_rbac_engine: rbac