module Calabash # @!visibility private module CLI # @!visibility private module Helpers # @!visibility private HELP = { help: 'help', :'generate-cucumber' => 'generate-cucumber', console: 'console [application]', version: 'version', setup_keystore: 'setup-keystore', resign: 'resign ', build: 'build ' } # @!visibility private def key_for_command(command) HELP.each do |key, value| if value.split(' ').first == command return key end end nil end # @!visibility private def print_usage_for(key, output=STDOUT) if key.nil? || HELP[key].nil? output.write < [command specific options] can be one of #{HELP[:help]} [command] print help information. #{HELP[:'generate-cucumber']} generate a Cucumber project folder structure. #{HELP[:console]} starts an interactive console to interact with your app via Calabash #{HELP[:version]} prints the gem version Android specific commands #{HELP[:setup_keystore]} sets up a non-default keystore to use with this test project. #{HELP[:resign]} resigns the app with the currently configured keystore. #{HELP[:build]} [-o ] builds the test server that will be used when testing the app. iOS specific commands setup setup your XCode project for calabash-ios (EXPERIMENTAL) check <{path to .ipa| check whether an app or ipa is linked with calabash.framework (EXPERIMENTAL) download install latest compatible version of calabash.framework check <{path to .ipa|path to .app}> check whether an app or ipa is linked with calabash.framework sim locale [region] change locale and regional settings in all iOS Simulators sim location <{on|off}> [path to .app] set allow location on/off for current project or app sim reset reset content and settings in all iOS Simulators sim acc enable accessibility in all iOS Simulators sim device {iPad|iPad_Retina|iPhone|iPhone_Retina|iPhone_Retina_4inch} change the default iOS Simulator device. [options] can be -v, --verbose Turns on verbose logging EOF end # @!visibility private def help file_name = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'doc', 'calabash_help.txt') system("less \"#{file_name}\"") end # @!visibility private def fail(reason, command=nil) STDERR.write("#{reason}\n") if command != nil print_usage_for(command) end exit(1) end end end end # Removed commands =begin iOS: update [target] updates one of the following targets: hooks =end