#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: utf-8 # frozen_string_literal: false require 'json_gem/test_helper' class JSONGeneratorTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include Test::Unit::TestCaseOmissionSupport include Test::Unit::TestCasePendingSupport def setup @hash = { 'a' => 2, 'b' => 3.141, 'c' => 'c', 'd' => [ 1, "b", 3.14 ], 'e' => { 'foo' => 'bar' }, 'g' => "\"\0\037", 'h' => 1000.0, 'i' => 0.001 } @json2 = '{"a":2,"b":3.141,"c":"c","d":[1,"b",3.14],"e":{"foo":"bar"},' + '"g":"\\"\\u0000\\u001f","h":1000.0,"i":0.001}' @json3 = <<~'EOT'.chomp { "a": 2, "b": 3.141, "c": "c", "d": [ 1, "b", 3.14 ], "e": { "foo": "bar" }, "g": "\"\u0000\u001f", "h": 1000.0, "i": 0.001 } EOT end def test_generate json = JSON.generate(@hash) assert_equal(JSON.parse(@json2), JSON.parse(json)) json = JSON[@hash] assert_equal(JSON.parse(@json2), JSON.parse(json)) parsed_json = JSON.parse(json) assert_equal(@hash, parsed_json) json = JSON.generate({1=>2}) assert_equal('{"1":2}', json) parsed_json = JSON.parse(json) assert_equal({"1"=>2}, parsed_json) assert_equal '666', JSON.generate(666) end def test_generate_pretty json = JSON.pretty_generate(@hash) # hashes aren't (insertion) ordered on every ruby implementation assert_equal(@json3, json) assert_equal(JSON.parse(@json3), JSON.parse(json)) parsed_json = JSON.parse(json) assert_equal(@hash, parsed_json) json = JSON.pretty_generate({1=>2}) assert_equal(<<~'EOT'.chomp, json) { "1": 2 } EOT parsed_json = JSON.parse(json) assert_equal({"1"=>2}, parsed_json) assert_equal '666', JSON.pretty_generate(666) json_nil_opts = JSON.pretty_generate({1=>2}, nil) assert_equal json, json_nil_opts end def test_generate_custom state = JSON::State.new(:space_before => " ", :space => " ", :indent => "", :object_nl => "\n", :array_nl => "") json = JSON.generate({1=>{2=>3, 4=>[5, 6]}}, state) assert_equal(<<~'EOT'.chomp, json) { "1" : { "2" : 3, "4" : [5,6] } } EOT end def test_fast_generate json = JSON.fast_generate(@hash) assert_equal(JSON.parse(@json2), JSON.parse(json)) parsed_json = JSON.parse(json) assert_equal(@hash, parsed_json) json = JSON.fast_generate({1=>2}) assert_equal('{"1":2}', json) parsed_json = JSON.parse(json) assert_equal({"1"=>2}, parsed_json) assert_equal '666', JSON.fast_generate(666) end def test_own_state state = JSON::State.new json = JSON.generate(@hash, state) assert_equal(JSON.parse(@json2), JSON.parse(json)) parsed_json = JSON.parse(json) assert_equal(@hash, parsed_json) json = JSON.generate({1=>2}, state) assert_equal('{"1":2}', json) parsed_json = JSON.parse(json) assert_equal({"1"=>2}, parsed_json) assert_equal '666', JSON.generate(666, state) end # TBD Implement JSON.state to return state class. # set state attributes from defaults # implement methods # circular should use circular in defaults or maybe always set to true, allow changes with [:check_circular]= def test_states json = JSON.generate({1=>2}, nil) assert_equal('{"1":2}', json) s = JSON.state.new assert s.check_circular? assert s[:check_circular?] h = { 1=>2 } h[3] = h assert_raise(JSON::NestingError) { JSON.generate(h) } assert_raise(JSON::NestingError) { JSON.generate(h, s) } s = JSON.state.new a = [ 1, 2 ] a << a assert_raise(JSON::NestingError) { JSON.generate(a, s) } assert s.check_circular? assert s[:check_circular?] end def test_pretty_state state = JSON::PRETTY_STATE_PROTOTYPE.dup # In come cases in Ruby 3.0 an :escape_slash is included in the state. It # seems to occur on travis but not locally. actual = state.to_h actual.delete(:escape_slash) assert_equal({ :allow_nan => false, :array_nl => "\n", :ascii_only => false, :buffer_initial_length => 1024, :depth => 0, :indent => " ", :max_nesting => 100, :object_nl => "\n", :space => " ", :space_before => "", }.sort_by { |n,| n.to_s }, actual.sort_by { |n,| n.to_s }) end def test_safe_state state = JSON::SAFE_STATE_PROTOTYPE.dup # In come cases in Ruby 3.0 an :escape_slash is included in the state. It # seems to occur on travis but not locally. actual = state.to_h actual.delete(:escape_slash) assert_equal({ :allow_nan => false, :array_nl => "", :ascii_only => false, :buffer_initial_length => 1024, :depth => 0, :indent => "", :max_nesting => 100, :object_nl => "", :space => "", :space_before => "", }.sort_by { |n,| n.to_s }, actual.sort_by { |n,| n.to_s }) end def test_fast_state state = JSON::FAST_STATE_PROTOTYPE.dup # In come cases in Ruby 3.0 an :escape_slash is included in the state. It # seems to occur on travis but not locally. actual = state.to_h actual.delete(:escape_slash) assert_equal({ :allow_nan => false, :array_nl => "", :ascii_only => false, :buffer_initial_length => 1024, :depth => 0, :indent => "", :max_nesting => 0, :object_nl => "", :space => "", :space_before => "", }.sort_by { |n,| n.to_s }, actual.sort_by { |n,| n.to_s }) end def test_allow_nan assert_raise(JSON::GeneratorError) { JSON.generate([JSON::NaN]) } assert_equal '[NaN]', JSON.generate([JSON::NaN], :allow_nan => true) assert_raise(JSON::GeneratorError) { JSON.fast_generate([JSON::NaN]) } assert_raise(JSON::GeneratorError) { JSON.pretty_generate([JSON::NaN]) } assert_equal "[\n NaN\n]", JSON.pretty_generate([JSON::NaN], :allow_nan => true) assert_raise(JSON::GeneratorError) { JSON.generate([JSON::Infinity]) } assert_equal '[Infinity]', JSON.generate([JSON::Infinity], :allow_nan => true) assert_raise(JSON::GeneratorError) { JSON.fast_generate([JSON::Infinity]) } assert_raise(JSON::GeneratorError) { JSON.pretty_generate([JSON::Infinity]) } assert_equal "[\n Infinity\n]", JSON.pretty_generate([JSON::Infinity], :allow_nan => true) assert_raise(JSON::GeneratorError) { JSON.generate([JSON::MinusInfinity]) } assert_equal '[-Infinity]', JSON.generate([JSON::MinusInfinity], :allow_nan => true) assert_raise(JSON::GeneratorError) { JSON.fast_generate([JSON::MinusInfinity]) } assert_raise(JSON::GeneratorError) { JSON.pretty_generate([JSON::MinusInfinity]) } assert_equal "[\n -Infinity\n]", JSON.pretty_generate([JSON::MinusInfinity], :allow_nan => true) end def test_depth ary = []; ary << ary assert_equal 0, JSON::SAFE_STATE_PROTOTYPE.depth assert_raise(JSON::NestingError) { JSON.generate(ary) } assert_equal 0, JSON::SAFE_STATE_PROTOTYPE.depth assert_equal 0, JSON::PRETTY_STATE_PROTOTYPE.depth assert_raise(JSON::NestingError) { JSON.pretty_generate(ary) } assert_equal 0, JSON::PRETTY_STATE_PROTOTYPE.depth s = JSON.state.new assert_equal 0, s.depth assert_raise(JSON::NestingError) { ary.to_json(s) } assert_equal 100, s.depth end def test_buffer_initial_length s = JSON.state.new assert_equal 1024, s.buffer_initial_length s.buffer_initial_length = 0 assert_equal 1024, s.buffer_initial_length s.buffer_initial_length = -1 assert_equal 1024, s.buffer_initial_length s.buffer_initial_length = 128 assert_equal 128, s.buffer_initial_length end def test_gc if respond_to?(:assert_in_out_err) assert_in_out_err(%w[-rjson --disable-gems], <<-EOS, [], []) bignum_too_long_to_embed_as_string = 1234567890123456789012345 expect = bignum_too_long_to_embed_as_string.to_s GC.stress = true 10.times do |i| tmp = bignum_too_long_to_embed_as_string.to_json raise "'\#{expect}' is expected, but '\#{tmp}'" unless tmp == expect end EOS end end if GC.respond_to?(:stress=) def test_configure_using_configure_and_merge numbered_state = { :indent => "1", :space => '2', :space_before => '3', :object_nl => '4', :array_nl => '5' } state1 = JSON.state.new state1.merge(numbered_state) assert_equal '1', state1.indent assert_equal '2', state1.space assert_equal '3', state1.space_before assert_equal '4', state1.object_nl assert_equal '5', state1.array_nl state2 = JSON.state.new state2.configure(numbered_state) assert_equal '1', state2.indent assert_equal '2', state2.space assert_equal '3', state2.space_before assert_equal '4', state2.object_nl assert_equal '5', state2.array_nl end def test_configure_hash_conversion state = JSON.state.new state.configure(:indent => '1') assert_equal '1', state.indent state = JSON.state.new foo = 'foo' assert_raise(TypeError) do state.configure(foo) end def foo.to_h { :indent => '2' } end state.configure(foo) assert_equal '2', state.indent end if defined?(JSON::Ext::Generator) && Process.respond_to?(:fork) # forking to avoid modifying core class of a parent process and # introducing race conditions of tests are run in parallel def test_broken_bignum # [ruby-core:38867] pid = fork do x = 1 << 64 x.class.class_eval do def to_s end end begin j = JSON::Ext::Generator::State.new.generate(x) exit 1 rescue TypeError exit 0 end end _, status = Process.waitpid2(pid) assert status.success? end end def test_hash_likeness_set_symbol state = JSON.state.new assert_equal nil, state[:foo] assert_equal nil.class, state[:foo].class assert_equal nil, state['foo'] state[:foo] = :bar assert_equal :bar, state[:foo] assert_equal :bar, state['foo'] state_hash = state.to_hash assert_kind_of Hash, state_hash assert_equal :bar, state_hash[:foo] end def test_hash_likeness_set_string state = JSON.state.new assert_equal nil, state[:foo] assert_equal nil, state['foo'] state['foo'] = :bar assert_equal :bar, state[:foo] assert_equal :bar, state['foo'] state_hash = state.to_hash assert_kind_of Hash, state_hash assert_equal :bar, state_hash[:foo] end def test_json_generate assert_raise JSON::GeneratorError do assert_equal true, JSON.generate(["\xea"]) end end def test_nesting too_deep = '[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[["Too deep"]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]' too_deep_ary = eval too_deep assert_raise(JSON::NestingError) { JSON.generate too_deep_ary } assert_raise(JSON::NestingError) { JSON.generate too_deep_ary, :max_nesting => 100 } ok = JSON.generate too_deep_ary, :max_nesting => 101 assert_equal too_deep, ok ok = JSON.generate too_deep_ary, :max_nesting => nil assert_equal too_deep, ok ok = JSON.generate too_deep_ary, :max_nesting => false assert_equal too_deep, ok ok = JSON.generate too_deep_ary, :max_nesting => 0 assert_equal too_deep, ok end def test_backslash data = [ '\\.(?i:gif|jpe?g|png)$' ] json = '["\\\\.(?i:gif|jpe?g|png)$"]' assert_equal json, JSON.generate(data) # data = [ '\\"' ] json = '["\\\\\""]' assert_equal json, JSON.generate(data) # data = [ '/' ] json = '["/"]' assert_equal json, JSON.generate(data) # data = ['"'] json = '["\""]' assert_equal json, JSON.generate(data) # data = ["'"] json = '["\\\'"]' assert_equal '["\'"]', JSON.generate(data) end def test_string_subclass s = Class.new(String) do def to_s; self; end undef to_json end assert_nothing_raised(SystemStackError) do assert_equal '["foo"]', JSON.generate([s.new('foo')]) end end def test_invalid_to_json omit if REAL_JSON_GEM data = Object.new def data.to_json(*) nil end assert_raises(TypeError) { JSON.generate(data) } end end