# Version History ### 0.3.1 (2017-01-15) - **NEW:** Flutterby now uses ActiveSupport. It's a big dependency, but there's just so much useful goodness in there -- let's ride on the shoulders of that giant! This allows you to use all the neat little ActiveSupport toys you may know from Rails in your Flutterby project. - **CHANGE:** Thanks to the new inclusion of ActiveSupport, Flutterby now properly deals with HTML escaping (by way of `ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer`). This may not be critically important to static sites, but since Flutterby aspires to also power live sites, better make this change now than later. To sum things up, Flutterby now deals with HTML escaping pretty much like Rails does. Hooray! ### 0.2.0 (2017-01-13) - **BREAKING CHANGE:** The default for `Node#render` is now to _not_ render a layout. Pass `layout: true` if you do want the node to be rendered within a layout. - **BREAKING CHANGE:** The behavior of `find` has now changed with regard to relative paths. `find(".")` will now return _the node's parent_ (ie. it's folder); before, a single dot would return the node itself. This change was made to make `find` behave more like what you would expect from a file system. - **CHANGE:** Stop the [Slodown] library from picking up Coderay et al to perform server-side syntax highlighting. This will probably be made configurable at some point in the future. For the time being, it is recommended to perform syntax highlighting through client-side libraries like [highlight.js]. - **NEW:** You can now pass options to rendered partials. For example, when you invoke `<%= render("_foo.html.erb", name: "bar") %>`, `_foo.html.erb` can use `opts[:name]`. - **NEW:** `flutterby serve` now properly catches and displays exceptions via the [better_errors](https://github.com/charliesome/better_errors) gem. - **NEW:** For filters not natively supported by Flutterby, it will now fall back to [Tilt]. This means you can just add any gem supported by Tilt to your project to use it as a template language, with no Flutterby-specific plugin required. Hooray! - **NEW:** the `flutterby` CLI now has a `version` command that will print the version of Flutterby you're using. ### 0.1.0 (2017-01-11) - First release! [Tilt]: https://github.com/rtomayko/tilt [Slodown]: http://github.com/hmans/slodown [highlight.js]: https://highlightjs.org/