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# ronin-payloads-completion 1 "2024-01-01" Ronin Payloads "User Manuals" ## NAME ronin-payloads-completion - Manages shell completion rules for `ronin-payloads` ## SYNOPSIS `ronin-payloads completion` [*options*] ## DESCRIPTION The `ronin-payloads completion` command can print, install, or uninstall shell completion rules for the `ronin-payloads` command. Supports installing completion rules for Bash or Zsh shells. Completion rules for the Fish shell is currently not supported. ### ZSH SUPPORT Zsh users will have to add the following lines to their `~/.zshrc` file in order to enable Zsh's Bash completion compatibility layer: autoload -Uz +X compinit && compinit autoload -Uz +X bashcompinit && bashcompinit ## OPTIONS `--print` : Prints the shell completion file. `--install` : Installs the shell completion file. `--uninstall` : Uninstalls the shell completion file. `-h`, `--help` : Prints help information. ## ENVIRONMENT *PREFIX* : Specifies the root prefix for the file system. *HOME* : Specifies the home directory of the user. Ronin will search for the `~/.cache/ronin-payloads` cache directory within the home directory. *XDG_DATA_HOME* : Specifies the data directory to use. Defaults to `$HOME/.local/share`. ## FILES `~/.local/share/bash-completion/completions/` : The user-local installation directory for Bash completion files. `/usr/local/share/bash-completion/completions/` : The system-wide installation directory for Bash completions files. `/usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/` : The installation directory for Zsh completion files. ## EXAMPLES `ronin-payloads completion --print` : Prints the shell completion rules instead of installing them. `ronin-payloads completion --install` : Installs the shell completion rules for `ronin-payloads`. `ronin-payloads completion --uninstall` : Uninstalls the shell completion rules for `ronin-payloads`. ## AUTHOR Postmodern <>
Version data entries
4 entries across 4 versions & 1 rubygems