require 'spec_helper' describe Paperclip::Validators::AttachmentSizeValidator do before do rebuild_model @dummy = end def build_validator(options) @validator = attributes: :avatar )) end def self.storage_units if defined?(ActiveSupport::NumberHelper) # Rails 4.0+ { 5120 => '5 KB', 10240 => '10 KB' } else { 5120 => '5120 Bytes', 10240 => '10240 Bytes' } end end def self.should_allow_attachment_file_size(size) context "when the attachment size is #{size}" do it "adds error to dummy object" do @dummy.stubs(:avatar_file_size).returns(size) @validator.validate(@dummy) assert @dummy.errors[:avatar_file_size].blank?, "Expect an error message on :avatar_file_size, got none." end it "does not add error to the base dummy object" do assert @dummy.errors[:avatar].blank?, "Error added to base attribute" end end end def self.should_not_allow_attachment_file_size(size, options = {}) context "when the attachment size is #{size}" do before do @dummy.stubs(:avatar_file_size).returns(size) @validator.validate(@dummy) end it "adds error to dummy object" do assert @dummy.errors[:avatar_file_size].present?, "Unexpected error message on :avatar_file_size" end it "adds error to the base dummy object" do assert @dummy.errors[:avatar].present?, "Error not added to base attribute" end it "adds error to base object as a string" do expect(@dummy.errors[:avatar].first).to be_a String end if options[:message] it "returns a correct error message" do expect(@dummy.errors[:avatar_file_size]).to include options[:message] end end end end context "with :in option" do context "as a range" do before do build_validator in: (5.kilobytes..10.kilobytes) end should_allow_attachment_file_size(7.kilobytes) should_not_allow_attachment_file_size(4.kilobytes) should_not_allow_attachment_file_size(11.kilobytes) end context "as a proc" do before do build_validator in: lambda { |avatar| (5.kilobytes..10.kilobytes) } end should_allow_attachment_file_size(7.kilobytes) should_not_allow_attachment_file_size(4.kilobytes) should_not_allow_attachment_file_size(11.kilobytes) end end context "with :greater_than option" do context "as number" do before do build_validator greater_than: 10.kilobytes end should_allow_attachment_file_size 11.kilobytes should_not_allow_attachment_file_size 10.kilobytes end context "as a proc" do before do build_validator greater_than: lambda { |avatar| 10.kilobytes } end should_allow_attachment_file_size 11.kilobytes should_not_allow_attachment_file_size 10.kilobytes end end context "with :less_than option" do context "as number" do before do build_validator less_than: 10.kilobytes end should_allow_attachment_file_size 9.kilobytes should_not_allow_attachment_file_size 10.kilobytes end context "as a proc" do before do build_validator less_than: lambda { |avatar| 10.kilobytes } end should_allow_attachment_file_size 9.kilobytes should_not_allow_attachment_file_size 10.kilobytes end end context "with :greater_than and :less_than option" do context "as numbers" do before do build_validator greater_than: 5.kilobytes, less_than: 10.kilobytes end should_allow_attachment_file_size 7.kilobytes should_not_allow_attachment_file_size 5.kilobytes should_not_allow_attachment_file_size 10.kilobytes end context "as a proc" do before do build_validator greater_than: lambda { |avatar| 5.kilobytes }, less_than: lambda { |avatar| 10.kilobytes } end should_allow_attachment_file_size 7.kilobytes should_not_allow_attachment_file_size 5.kilobytes should_not_allow_attachment_file_size 10.kilobytes end end context "with :message option" do context "given a range" do before do build_validator in: (5.kilobytes..10.kilobytes), message: "is invalid. (Between %{min} and %{max} please.)" end should_not_allow_attachment_file_size 11.kilobytes, message: "is invalid. (Between #{storage_units[5120]} and #{storage_units[10240]} please.)" end context "given :less_than and :greater_than" do before do build_validator less_than: 10.kilobytes, greater_than: 5.kilobytes, message: "is invalid. (Between %{min} and %{max} please.)" end should_not_allow_attachment_file_size 11.kilobytes, message: "is invalid. (Between #{storage_units[5120]} and #{storage_units[10240]} please.)" end end context "default error messages" do context "given :less_than and :greater_than" do before do build_validator greater_than: 5.kilobytes, less_than: 10.kilobytes end should_not_allow_attachment_file_size 11.kilobytes, message: "must be less than #{storage_units[10240]}" should_not_allow_attachment_file_size 4.kilobytes, message: "must be greater than #{storage_units[5120]}" end context "given a size range" do before do build_validator in: (5.kilobytes..10.kilobytes) end should_not_allow_attachment_file_size 11.kilobytes, message: "must be in between #{storage_units[5120]} and #{storage_units[10240]}" should_not_allow_attachment_file_size 4.kilobytes, message: "must be in between #{storage_units[5120]} and #{storage_units[10240]}" end end context "using the helper" do before do Dummy.validates_attachment_size :avatar, in: (5.kilobytes..10.kilobytes) end it "adds the validator to the class" do assert Dummy.validators_on(:avatar).any?{ |validator| validator.kind == :attachment_size } end end context "given options" do it "raises argument error if no required argument was given" do assert_raises(ArgumentError) do build_validator message: "Some message" end end (Paperclip::Validators::AttachmentSizeValidator::AVAILABLE_CHECKS).each do |argument| it "does not raise arguemnt error if #{argument} was given" do build_validator argument => 5.kilobytes end end it "does not raise argument error if :in was given" do build_validator in: (5.kilobytes..10.kilobytes) end end end