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It would be more efficient to modify the Sprite properties, clear the Packing tag and set the Wrap mode to Repeat.Fill Origin'Image Size: {0}x{1}m_TextComponent m_Textm_ContentTypem_LineTypem_InputType+m_CharacterValidationm_KeyboardType!m_CharacterLimit!m_CaretBlinkRatem_CaretWidthm_CaretColor%m_CustomCaretColor!m_SelectionColor#m_HideMobileInputm_Placeholderm_OnEndEditm_ReadOnlyUUsing Rich Text with input is unsupported.m_IgnoreLayoutm_MinWidthm_MinHeight!m_PreferredWidth#m_PreferredHeightm_FlexibleWidth!m_FlexibleHeight!m_LayoutPriority #m_ShowMaskGraphicsMasking disabled due to Graphic component being disabled.)UI/Skin/UISprite.psd-UI/Skin/Background.psdAUI/Skin/InputFieldBackground.psd!UI/Skin/Knob.psd+UI/Skin/Checkmark.psd3UI/Skin/DropdownArrow.psd%UI/Skin/UIMask.psdCreate CanvasUIEventSystemm_NormalTrigger)m_HighlightedTrigger!m_PressedTrigger#m_SelectedTrigger#m_DisabledTriggerm_NormalColor%m_HighlightedColorm_PressedColorm_SelectedColorm_DisabledColor#m_ColorMultiplierm_FadeDurationOptionsm_Imagem_RichText m_Fontm_FontSizem_LineSpacingm_FontStylem_BestFitm_MinSizem_MaxSize)m_HorizontalOverflow%m_VerticalOverflowm_Alignment#m_AlignByGeometryCharacterParagraphAlignmentAlignToggle)Horizontal Alignment%Vertical Alignment+DoTextAligmentControl m_Modem_SelectOnUpm_SelectOnDownm_SelectOnLeftm_SelectOnRight'm_HighlightedSpritem_PressedSprite!m_SelectedSprite!m_DisabledSpriteUV Rectm_Texturem_UVRect-RawImage Size: {0}x{1}Padding Left RightTop Bottomm_Softnessm_Contentm_Horizontalm_Verticalm_MovementTypem_Elasticitym_Inertia%m_DecelerationRate'm_ScrollSensitivitym_Viewport+m_HorizontalScrollbar'm_VerticalScrollbar?m_HorizontalScrollbarVisibility;m_VerticalScrollbarVisibility9m_HorizontalScrollbarSpacing5m_VerticalScrollbarSpacingVisibilitySpacingEFor this visibility mode, the Viewport property and the Horizontal Scrollbar property both needs to be set to a Rect Transform that is a child to the Scroll Rect.AFor this visibility mode, the Viewport property and the Vertical Scrollbar property both needs to be set to a Rect Transform that is a child to the Scroll Rect.m_HandleRectm_Direction m_Sizem_NumberOfStepsHandle Rect%Change Handle RectThe selected scrollbar direction conflicts with navigation. Not all navigation options may work.Specify a RectTransform for the scrollbar handle. It must have a parent RectTransform that the handle can slide within.m_Interactablem_TargetGraphicm_Transitionm_Colorsm_SpriteState'm_AnimationTriggersm_NavigationYou must have a Graphic target in order to use a color transition.You must have a Image target in order to use a sprite swap transition./Auto Generate Animation NormalHighlightedPressedSelectedDisabledaCreate a new animator for the game object '{0}':/New Animation Contollercontrollerm_LocalScale.xm_LocalScale.ym_LocalScale.z/VisualizekShow navigation flows between selectable UI elements.?SelectableEditor.ShowNavigation-Parent has a type of layout group component. A child of a layout group should not have a {0} component, since it should be driven by the layout group.m_FillRectm_MinValuem_MaxValuem_WholeNumbersMin ValueMax ValueThe selected slider direction conflicts with navigation. Not all navigation options may work.Specify a RectTransform for the slider fill or the slider handle or both. Each must have a parent RectTransform that it can slide within.7[Generated] Checker Texture9[Generated] Gradient Texturem_FontData!toggleTransitiongraphicm_Group m_IsOnonValueChanged3Add Default Input ModulesPreOverlayLabelm_Delegates%Add New Event TypeToolbar Minus?Remove all events in this list.eventIDcallback MatchUI Scale ModeRich Text1Use emoticons and colorsCGUISystem/align_horizontally_leftLeft AlignGGUISystem/align_horizontally_centerCenter AlignEGUISystem/align_horizontally_rightRight AlignQGUISystem/align_horizontally_left_activeUGUISystem/align_horizontally_center_activeSGUISystem/align_horizontally_right_active=GUISystem/align_vertically_topTop AlignCGUISystem/align_vertically_centerMiddle AlignCGUISystem/align_vertically_bottomBottom AlignKGUISystem/align_vertically_top_activeQGUISystem/align_vertically_center_activeQGUISystem/align_vertically_bottom_activeNavigation1B oQq      A A EU ]   ] QEU    Y Y=iUm aqYiqYm i ] U qq UY  iY    aa      aYe  -UuuAUAU0 u]] A QA A% AUAU QAU    -       }AU} ! 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