module Music module Performance # Given a start value, and value changes, compute the value at any offset. class ValueComputer attr_reader :piecewise_function def initialize start_value, value_changes = {} @piecewise_function = set_default_value start_value if value_changes.any? value_changes.sort.each do |offset,change| case change when Music::Transcription::Change::Immediate add_immediate_change change, offset when Music::Transcription::Change::Gradual add_linear_change change, offset # add_sigmoid_change change, offset end end end end # Compute the value at the given offset. # @param [Numeric] offset The given offset to compute value at. def value_at offset @piecewise_function.eval offset end def sample xmin, xmax, srate sample_period = Rational(1,srate) ((xmin.to_r)..(xmax.to_r)).step(sample_period).map do |x| value_at(x) end end # finds the minimum domain value def domain_min -Float::INFINITY end # finds the maximum domain value def domain_max Float::INFINITY end # finds the minimum domain value def self.domain_min -Float::INFINITY end # finds the maximum domain value def self.domain_max Float::INFINITY end private def set_default_value value func = lambda {|x| value } @piecewise_function.add_piece( domain_min..domain_max, func ) end # Add a function piece to the piecewise function, which will to compute value # for a matching note offset. Transition duration will be ignored since the # change is immediate. # # @param [ValueChange] value_change An event with information about the new value. # @param [Numeric] offset def add_immediate_change value_change, offset func = nil value = value_change.value domain = offset..domain_max func = lambda {|x| value } @piecewise_function.add_piece domain, func end # Add a function piece to the piecewise function, which will to compute value # for a matching note offset. If the dynamic event duration is non-zero, a # linear transition function is created. # # @param [ValueChange] value_change An event with information about the new value. # @param [Numeric] offset def add_linear_change value_change, offset func = nil value = value_change.value duration = value_change.duration domain = offset..domain_max if duration == 0 add_immediate_change(value_change, offset) else b = @piecewise_function.eval domain.first m = (value.to_f - b.to_f) / duration.to_f func = lambda do |x| raise RangeError, "#{x} is not in the domain" if !domain.include?(x) if x < (domain.first + duration) (m * (x - domain.first)) + b else value end end @piecewise_function.add_piece domain, func end end # Add a function piece to the piecewise function, which will to compute value # for a matching note offset. If the dynamic event duration is non-zero, a # linear transition function is created. # # @param [ValueChange] value_change An event with information about the new value. # @param [Numeric] offset def add_sigmoid_change value_change, offset func = nil start_value = @piecewise_function.eval offset end_value = value_change.value value_diff = end_value - start_value duration = value_change.duration domain = offset.to_f..domain_max abruptness = 0.7 # value_change.transition.abruptness.to_f if duration == 0 add_immediate_change(value_change,offset) else raise ArgumentError, "abruptness is not between 0 and 1" unless abruptness.between?(0,1) min_magn = 2 max_magn = 6 tanh_domain_magn = abruptness * (max_magn - min_magn) + min_magn tanh_domain = -tanh_domain_magn..tanh_domain_magn tanh_range = Math::tanh(tanh_domain.first)..Math::tanh(tanh_domain.last) tanh_span = tanh_range.last - tanh_range.first func = lambda do |x| raise RangeError, "#{x} is not in the domain" if !domain.include?(x) if x < (domain.first + duration) start_domain = domain.first...(domain.first + duration) x2 = transform_domains(start_domain, tanh_domain, x) y = Math::tanh x2 z = (y / tanh_span) + 0.5 # ranges from 0 to 1 start_value + (z * value_diff) else end_value end end @piecewise_function.add_piece domain, func end end # x should be in the start domain def transform_domains start_domain, end_domain, x perc = (x - start_domain.first) / (start_domain.last - start_domain.first).to_f x2 = perc * (end_domain.last - end_domain.first) + end_domain.first end # 0 to 1 def logistic x 1.0 / (1 + Math::exp(-x)) end end end end