#data-card.style-guide__subsection %h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'data_card') %p Displays account data in a "card" UI that reflows to fit the context. %p The default component stacks these child cells in a single column. %p Credit card data: .style-guide__example-block .data-card .data-card__cell %p.data-card__line.data-card__credit-card.data-card__credit-card--default = credit_card_issuer_icon('Visa') %span.data-card__credit-card-number ending in 4682 %p.data-card__line %strong Expires: %span 04/2020 %p.data-card__line %strong Name on Card: %span Bobby Clams .data-card__cell .grid.grid--auto %p.grid__cell= link_to 'Edit', '#', class: 'button button--small' = form_tag nil, class: 'grid__cell' do %p= button_tag 'Delete', class: 'button button--small' .data-card .data-card__cell %p.data-card__line.data-card__credit-card = credit_card_issuer_icon('MasterCard') %span.data-card__credit-card-number ending in 4682 %p.data-card__line %strong Expires: %span 04/2012 %strong (Expired) %p.data-card__line %strong Name on Card: %span Bobby Clams .data-card__cell .grid.grid--auto %p.grid__cell= link_to 'Edit', '#', class: 'button button--small' = form_tag nil, class: 'grid__cell' do %p= button_tag 'Delete', class: 'button button--small' .data-card .data-card__cell %p.data-card__line.data-card__credit-card = credit_card_issuer_icon('Discover') %span.data-card__credit-card-number ending in 4682 %p.data-card__line %strong Expires: %span 04/2020 %p.data-card__line %strong Name on Card: %span Bobby Clams .data-card__cell .grid.grid--auto %p.grid__cell= link_to 'Edit', '#', class: 'button button--small' = form_tag nil, class: 'grid__cell' do %p= button_tag 'Delete', class: 'button button--small' .data-card .data-card__cell %p.data-card__line.data-card__credit-card = credit_card_issuer_icon('American Express') %span.data-card__credit-card-number ending in 4682 %p.data-card__line %strong Expires: %span 04/2020 %p.data-card__line %strong Name on Card: %span Bobby Clams .data-card__cell .grid.grid--auto %p.grid__cell= link_to 'Edit', '#', class: 'button button--small' = form_tag nil, class: 'grid__cell' do %p= button_tag 'Delete', class: 'button button--small' .data-card .data-card__cell %p.data-card__line.data-card__credit-card = credit_card_issuer_icon('Diner\'s Club') %span.data-card__credit-card-number ending in 4682 %p.data-card__line %strong Expires: %span 04/2020 %p.data-card__line %strong Name on Card: %span Bobby Clams .data-card__cell .grid.grid--auto %p.grid__cell= link_to 'Edit', '#', class: 'button button--small' = form_tag nil, class: 'grid__cell' do %p= button_tag 'Delete', class: 'button button--small' %p Address data: .style-guide__example-block .data-card .data-card__cell %p.data-card__line Bobby Clams %br Workarea, LLC %br 22 S 3rd St %br 2nd Floor %br Philadelphia PA 19106 %br = number_to_phone 2159251800 .data-card__cell .grid.grid--auto %p.grid__cell= link_to 'Edit', '#', class: 'button button--small' = form_tag nil, class: 'grid__cell' do %p= button_tag 'Delete', class: 'button button--small' %p Order data: .style-guide__example-block .data-card .data-card__cell %p.data-card__line %strong Order Date: %span February 19, 2014 %p.data-card__line %strong Order #: %span 123456789 %p.data-card__line %strong Order Status: %span Shipped %p.data-card__line %strong Items: %span 2 - $88.98 .data-card__cell .grid.grid--auto %p.grid__cell= link_to 'View', '#', class: 'button button--small' %p.grid__cell= link_to 'Track Shipment', '#' %p.grid__cell= link_to 'Track Shipment 2', '#' #data-card--row.style-guide__subsection %h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'data_card__row') %p Presents the #{link_to_style_guide('components', 'data_card', true)} as stacked, rather than inline. %p Credit card data: .style-guide__example-block .data-card.data-card--row .data-card__cell %p.data-card__line.data-card__credit-card.data-card__credit-card--default = credit_card_issuer_icon('Visa') %span.data-card__credit-card-number ending in 4682 %p.data-card__line %strong Expires: %span 04/2020 %p.data-card__line %strong Name on Card: %span Bobby Clams .data-card__cell .grid.grid--auto %p.grid__cell= link_to 'Edit', '#', class: 'button button--small' = form_tag nil, class: 'grid__cell' do %p= button_tag 'Delete', class: 'button button--small' %p Address data: .style-guide__example-block .data-card.data-card--row .data-card__cell %p.data-card__line Bobby Clams %br Workarea, LLC %br 22 S 3rd St %br 2nd Floor %br Philadelphia PA 19106 %br = number_to_phone 2159251800 .data-card__cell .grid.grid--auto %p.grid__cell= link_to 'Edit', '#', class: 'button button--small' = form_tag nil, class: 'grid__cell' do %p= button_tag 'Delete', class: 'button button--small' %p Order data: .style-guide__example-block .data-card.data-card--row .data-card__cell %p.data-card__line %strong Order Date: %span February 19, 2014 %p.data-card__line %strong Order #: %span 123456789 %p.data-card__line %strong Order Status: %span Shipped %p.data-card__line %strong Items: %span 2 - $88.98 .data-card__cell .grid.grid--auto %p.grid__cell= link_to 'View', '#', class: 'button button--small' %p.grid__cell= link_to 'Track Shipment', '#' %p.grid__cell= link_to 'Track Shipment 2', '#'