require 'stevenson/configurators/yaml_configurator' require 'stevenson/output_filters/jekyll' require 'stevenson/output_filters/zip' require 'stevenson/template_loader' require 'stevenson/version' require 'thor' module Stevenson class Application < Thor desc 'stevenson new PROJECT_NAME', 'generates a Jekyll at PROJECT_NAME' method_option :branch, aliases: '-b', desc: 'The git branch you would like to use from your template' method_option :jekyll, type: :boolean, aliases: '-j', desc: 'Jekyll compiles the output directory' method_option :subdirectory, aliases: '-s', desc: 'The subdirectory to use from the template, if any' method_option :template, aliases: '-t', default: 'hyde-base', desc: 'The template repository to use' method_option :zip, type: :boolean, aliases: "-z", desc: 'Zip compresses the output directory' def new(output_directory) # Load the template using the template loader template = Stevenson::TemplateLoader.load options[:template] # If a branch is provided, switch to that branch template.switch_branch options[:branch] if options[:branch] # If a subdirectory is provided, switch to that directory template.select_subdirectory options[:subdirectory] if options[:subdirectory] # Configure the template configurator = template.path configurator.configure # If the jekyll flag is set, compile the template output template.extend(Stevenson::OutputFilters::JekyllFilter) if options[:jekyll] # If the zip flag is set, zip up the template output template.extend(Stevenson::OutputFilters::ZipFilter) if options[:zip] # Save the repo to the output directory template.output output_directory rescue Templates::InvalidTemplateException => e say e.message end end end