# encoding: UTF-8 # # Copyright (c) 2010-2015 GoodData Corporation. All rights reserved. # This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. require 'simplecov' require 'pmap' require 'rspec' require 'pathname' require 'webmock/rspec' WebMock.disable! # Automagically include all helpers/*_helper.rb require_relative 'environment/environment' GoodData::Environment.load base = Pathname(__FILE__).dirname.expand_path Dir.glob(base + 'helpers/*_helper.rb').each do |file| require file end include GoodData::Helpers RSpec::Expectations.configuration.warn_about_potential_false_positives = false RSpec.configure do |config| config.deprecation_stream = File.open('deprecations.txt', 'w') config.include BlueprintHelper config.include CliHelper config.include ConnectionHelper config.include CryptoHelper config.include CsvHelper config.include ProcessHelper config.include ProjectHelper config.include ScheduleHelper # config.include SchemaHelper config.filter_run_excluding :broken => true config.fail_fast = false config.before(:all) do # TODO: Move this to some method. # TODO Make more intelligent so two test suites can run at the same time. # ConnectionHelper.create_default_connection # users = GoodData::Domain.users(ConnectionHelper::DEFAULT_DOMAIN) # users.pmap do |user| # user.delete if user.email != ConnectionHelper::DEFAULT_USERNAME # end # TODO: Fully setup global environment # $stdout.sync=true # $stderr.sync=true GoodData.logging_off GoodData.stats_off end config.after(:all) do # TODO: Fully setup global environment end config.before(:suite) do # TODO: Setup test project GoodData.logging_off end config.after(:suite) do # TODO: Delete test project end end SimpleCov.formatter = SimpleCov::Formatter::MultiFormatter[ SimpleCov::Formatter::HTMLFormatter ] SimpleCov.start do add_filter 'spec/' add_filter 'test/' add_group 'Bricks', 'lib/gooddata/bricks' add_group 'Middleware', 'lib/gooddata/bricks/middleware' add_group 'CLI', 'lib/gooddata/cli' add_group 'Commands', 'lib/gooddata/commands' add_group 'Core', 'lib/gooddata/core' add_group 'Exceptions', 'lib/gooddata/exceptions' add_group 'Extensions', 'lib/gooddata/extensions' add_group 'Goodzilla', 'lib/gooddata/goodzilla' add_group 'Models', 'lib/gooddata/models' end