require 'rails' require 'grandstand' require 'grandstand/controller' require 'grandstand/form_builder' require 'grandstand/helper' require 'grandstand/session' module Grandstand class Application < Rails::Engine initializer 'grandstand.initialize', :after => :load_application_initializers do |app| # Add sessions for Flash file uploads - but this is *not* very secure! app.middleware.insert_before(ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions, Grandstand::Session, app.config.session_options[:key] || app.config.session_options['key']) # Extend ActionController and ActionView to have the Grandstand defaults (current_user and its friends) ActionController::Base.send :include, Grandstand::Controller # Include Grandstand view helpers (page content and its friends) ActionView::Base.send :include, Grandstand::Helper ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder.send :include, Grandstand::FormBuilder # Add Paperclip padded_id and dimensions interpolations Paperclip.interpolates :dimensions do |attachment, style| attachment.options[:styles][style].gsub(/[^\dx]/, '') end Paperclip.interpolates :gallery_id do |attachment, style| attachment.instance.gallery_id.to_s.rjust(6, '0') end Paperclip.interpolates :padded_id do |attachment, style|, '0') end end if Rails.env.development? # In development mode, Grandstand will serve static assets. Be sure to move them to your app's # actual public directory when you're ready to deploy using rake something something # TODO: Find actual rake task initializer 'grandstand.development_mode', :after => :load_application_initializers do |app| # app.middleware.insert_after ::ActionDispatch::Static, ::ActionDispatch::Static, "#{root}/public" end end end end