require 'find'
require 'fileutils'
require 'erb'
module Webby
# The Builder class performs the work of scanning the content folder,
# creating Resource objects, and converting / copying the contents to the
# output folder as needed.
class Builder
class << self
# call-seq:
# :rebuild => false )
# Create a new instance of the Builder class and invoke the run method.
# If the :rebuild
option is given as +true+, then all pages
# will be recreated / copied.
def run( opts = {} ) opts
# call-seq:
# Builder.create( page, :from => template, :locals => {} )
# This mehod is used to create a new _page_ in the content folder based
# on the specified template. _page_ is the relative path to the new page
# from the content/
folder. The _template_ is the name of
# the template to use from the templates/
def create( page, opts = {} )
tmpl = opts[:from]
raise Error, "template not given" unless tmpl
name = ::Webby::Resources.basename(page)
ext = ::Webby::Resources.extname(page)
dir = ::File.dirname(page)
dir = '' if dir == '.'
if tmpl.pathmap('%n') =~ %r/^_/
page = ::File.join(, dir, '_'+name)
page << '.' << (ext.empty? ? 'txt' : ext)
elsif == 'directory' and name != 'index'
page = ::File.join(, dir, name, 'index')
page << '.' << (ext.empty? ? 'txt' : ext)
page = ::File.join(, page)
page << '.txt' if ext.empty?
raise Error, "#{page} already exists" if test ?e, page
Logging::Logger[self].info "creating #{page}"
FileUtils.mkdir_p ::File.dirname(page)
context = scope
opts[:locals].each do |k,v|
Thread.current[:value] = v
definition = "#{k} = Thread.current[:value]"
eval(definition, context)
end if opts.has_key?(:locals)
str =, nil, '-').result(context), 'w') {|fd| fd.write str}
# call-seq:
# Builder.new_page_info => [page, title, directory]
def new_page_info
args =
if args.raw.empty?
task_name = Rake.application.top_level_tasks.first
raise "Usage: webby #{task_name} path"
[, args.title, args.dir]
# Returns the binding in the scope of the Builder class object.
def scope() binding end
end # class << self
# call-seq:
# Creates a new Builder object for creating pages from the content and
# layout directories.
def initialize
@log = Logging::Logger[self]
# call-seq:
# run( :rebuild => false, :load_files => true )
# Runs the Webby builder by loading in the layout files from the
# layouts/
folder and the content from the
# contents/
folder. Content is analyzed, and those that need
# to be copied or compiled (filtered using ERB, Texttile, Markdown, etc.)
# are handled. The results are placed in the output/
# If the :rebuild
flag is set to +true+, then all content is
# copied and/or compiled to the output folder.
# A content file can mark itself as dirty by setting the +dirty+ flag to
# +true+ in the meta-data of the file. This will cause the contenet to
# always be compiled when the builder is run. Conversely, setting the
# dirty flag to +false+ will cause the content to never be compiled or
# copied to the output folder.
# A content file needs to be built if the age of the file is less then the
# age of the output product -- i.e. the content file has been modified
# more recently than the output file.
def run( opts = {} )
opts[:load_files] = true unless opts.has_key?(:load_files)
unless test(?d, output_dir) "creating #{output_dir}"
FileUtils.mkdir output_dir
load_files if opts[:load_files]
Resources.pages.each do |page|
next unless page.dirty? or opts[:rebuild] "creating #{page.destination}"
# make sure the directory exists
FileUtils.mkdir_p ::File.dirname(page.destination)
# copy the resource to the output directory if it is static
if page.instance_of? Resources::Static
FileUtils.cp page.path, page.destination
FileUtils.chmod 0644, page.destination
# otherwise, layout the resource and write the results to
# the output directory
else Renderer.write(page) end
# touch the cairn so we know when the website was last generated
FileUtils.touch ::Webby.cairn
# Scan the layouts/
folder and the content/
# folder and create a new Resource object for each file found there.
def load_files
::Find.find(layout_dir, content_dir) do |path|
next unless test ?f, path
next if path =~ ::Webby.exclude path
%w(output_dir layout_dir content_dir).each do |key|
self.class_eval <<-CODE
def #{key}( ){key} end
end # class Builder
end # module Webby