require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe YARD::CLI::Yardoc do before do @yardoc = @yardoc.statistics = false @yardoc.use_document_file = false @yardoc.use_yardopts_file = false @yardoc.generate = false Templates::Engine.stub!(:render) Templates::Engine.stub!(:generate) YARD.stub!(:parse) Registry.stub!(:load) Registry.stub!(:save) end describe 'Defaults' do before do @yardoc = @yardoc.stub!(:yardopts).and_return([]) @yardoc.stub!(:support_rdoc_document_file!).and_return([]) @yardoc.parse_arguments end it "should use cache by default" do @yardoc.use_cache.should == false end it "print statistics by default" do @yardoc.statistics.should == true end it "should generate output by default" do @yardoc.generate.should == true end it "should read .yardopts by default" do @yardoc.use_yardopts_file.should == true end it "should read .document by default" do @yardoc.use_document_file.should == true end it "should use {lib,app}/**/*.rb and ext/**/*.c as default file glob" do @yardoc.files.should == ['{lib,app}/**/*.rb', 'ext/**/*.c'] end it "should use rdoc as default markup type (but falls back on none)" do @yardoc.options.markup.should == :rdoc end it "should use default as default template" do @yardoc.options.template.should == :default end it "should use HTML as default format" do @yardoc.options.format.should == :html end it "should use 'Object' as default return type" do @yardoc.options.default_return.should == 'Object' end it "should not hide void return types by default" do @yardoc.options.hide_void_return.should == false end it "should only show public visibility by default" do @yardoc.visibilities.should == [:public] end it "should not list objects by default" do @yardoc.list.should == false end it "should not embed mixins by default" do @yardoc.options.embed_mixins.should be_empty end it "should not set any locale by default" do @yardoc.options.locale.should be_nil end end describe 'General options' do def self.should_accept(*args, &block) @counter ||= 0 @counter += 1 counter = @counter args.each do |arg| define_method("test_options_#{@counter}", &block) it("should accept #{arg}") { send("test_options_#{counter}", arg) } end end should_accept('--single-db') do |arg| @yardoc.parse_arguments(arg) Registry.single_object_db.should == true Registry.single_object_db = nil end should_accept('--no-single-db') do |arg| @yardoc.parse_arguments(arg) Registry.single_object_db.should == false Registry.single_object_db = nil end should_accept('-c', '--use-cache') do |arg| @yardoc.parse_arguments(arg) @yardoc.use_cache.should == true end should_accept('--no-cache') do |arg| @yardoc.parse_arguments(arg) @yardoc.use_cache.should == false end should_accept('--yardopts') do |arg| @yardoc = @yardoc.use_document_file = false @yardoc.should_receive(:yardopts).at_least(1).times.and_return([]) @yardoc.parse_arguments(arg) @yardoc.use_yardopts_file.should == true @yardoc.parse_arguments('--no-yardopts', arg) @yardoc.use_yardopts_file.should == true end should_accept('--yardopts with filename') do |arg| @yardoc = File.should_receive(:read_binary).with('.foobar').and_return('') @yardoc.use_document_file = false @yardoc.parse_arguments('--yardopts', '.foobar') @yardoc.use_yardopts_file.should == true @yardoc.options_file.should == '.foobar' end should_accept('--no-yardopts') do |arg| @yardoc = @yardoc.use_document_file = false @yardoc.should_not_receive(:yardopts) @yardoc.parse_arguments(arg) @yardoc.use_yardopts_file.should == false @yardoc.parse_arguments('--yardopts', arg) @yardoc.use_yardopts_file.should == false end should_accept('--document') do |arg| @yardoc = @yardoc.use_yardopts_file = false @yardoc.should_receive(:support_rdoc_document_file!).and_return([]) @yardoc.parse_arguments('--no-document', arg) @yardoc.use_document_file.should == true end should_accept('--no-document') do |arg| @yardoc = @yardoc.use_yardopts_file = false @yardoc.should_not_receive(:support_rdoc_document_file!) @yardoc.parse_arguments('--document', arg) @yardoc.use_document_file.should == false end should_accept('-b', '--db') do |arg| @yardoc.parse_arguments(arg, 'test') Registry.yardoc_file.should == 'test' Registry.yardoc_file = '.yardoc' end should_accept('-n', '--no-output') do |arg| Templates::Engine.should_not_receive(:generate) end should_accept('--exclude') do |arg| YARD.should_receive(:parse).with(['a'], ['nota', 'b']), 'nota', arg, 'b', 'a') end should_accept('--no-save') do |arg| YARD.should_receive(:parse) Registry.should_not_receive(:save) end end describe 'Output options' do it "should accept --title" do @yardoc.parse_arguments('--title', 'hello world') @yardoc.options.title.should == 'hello world' end it "should allow --title to have multiple spaces in .yardopts" do File.should_receive(:read_binary).with("test").and_return("--title \"Foo Bar\"") @yardoc.options_file = "test" @yardoc.use_yardopts_file = true @yardoc.options.title.should == "Foo Bar" end it "should alias --main to the --readme flag" do readme = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'..','..','') @yardoc.parse_arguments('--main', readme) @yardoc.options.readme.should ==, '') end it "should select a markup provider when --markup-provider or -mp is set" do @yardoc.parse_arguments("-M", "test") @yardoc.options.markup_provider.should == :test @yardoc.parse_arguments("--markup-provider", "test2") @yardoc.options.markup_provider.should == :test2 end it "should select a markup format when -m is set" do @yardoc.should_receive(:verify_markup_options).and_return(true) @yardoc.generate = true @yardoc.parse_arguments('-m', 'markdown') @yardoc.options.markup.should == :markdown end it "should accept --default-return" do @yardoc.parse_arguments *%w( --default-return XYZ ) @yardoc.options.default_return.should == "XYZ" end it "should allow --hide-void-return to be set" do @yardoc.parse_arguments *%w( --hide-void-return ) @yardoc.options.hide_void_return.should be_true end it "should accept --embed-mixins" do @yardoc.parse_arguments *%w( --embed-mixins ) @yardoc.options.embed_mixins.should == ['*'] end it "should accept --embed-mixin MODULE" do @yardoc.parse_arguments *%w( --embed-mixin MyModule ) @yardoc.options.embed_mixins.should == ['MyModule'] end it "should generate all objects with --use-cache" do YARD.should_receive(:parse) Registry.should_receive(:load) Registry.should_receive(:load_all) @yardoc.stub!(:generate).and_return(true) *%w( --use-cache ) end it "should not print statistics with --no-stats" do @yardoc.stub!(:statistics).and_return(false) CLI::Stats.should_not_receive(:new) *%w( --no-stats ) end describe '--asset' do before do @yardoc.generate = true @yardoc.stub!(:run_generate) end it "should copy assets to output directory" do FileUtils.should_receive(:cp_r).with('a', 'doc/a') *%w( --asset a ) @yardoc.assets.should == {'a' => 'a'} end it "should allow multiple --asset options" do FileUtils.should_receive(:cp_r).with('a', 'doc/a') FileUtils.should_receive(:cp_r).with('b', 'doc/b') *%w( --asset a --asset b ) @yardoc.assets.should == {'a' => 'a', 'b' => 'b'} end it "should not allow from or to to refer to a path above current path" do log.should_receive(:warn).exactly(4).times.with(/invalid/i) *%w( --asset ../../../etc/passwd ) @yardoc.assets.should be_empty *%w( --asset a/b/c/d/../../../../../../etc/passwd ) @yardoc.assets.should be_empty *%w( --asset /etc/passwd ) @yardoc.assets.should be_empty *%w( --asset normal:/etc/passwd ) @yardoc.assets.should be_empty end it "should allow from:to syntax" do FileUtils.should_receive(:cp_r).with('foo', 'doc/bar') *%w( --asset foo:bar ) @yardoc.assets.should == {'foo' => 'bar'} end it "should not put from inside of to/ if from is a directory" do begin from = 'tmp_foo' to = 'tmp_bar' full_to = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), to) FileUtils.mkdir_p(from) @yardoc.options.serializer.basepath = File.dirname(__FILE__)"--asset", "#{from}:#{to}")"--asset", "#{from}:#{to}") be_true, 'tmp_foo')).should be_false ensure FileUtils.rm_rf(from) FileUtils.rm_rf(full_to) end end end describe '--locale' do it 'should apply specified locale to all extra file objects' do File.stub!(:read).with('extra_file1').and_return('') File.stub!(:read).with('extra_file2').and_return('') extra_file_object1 ='extra_file1') extra_file_object2 ='extra_file2') extra_file_object1.should_receive(:locale=).with('fr') extra_file_object2.should_receive(:locale=).with('fr') CodeObjects::ExtraFileObject.stub!(:new).with('extra_file1').and_return(extra_file_object1) CodeObjects::ExtraFileObject.stub!(:new).with('extra_file2').and_return(extra_file_object2) Dir.stub!(:glob).with('README{,*[^~]}').and_return([]) File.stub!(:file?).with('extra_file1').and_return(true) File.stub!(:file?).with('extra_file2').and_return(true)'--locale=fr', '-', 'extra_file1', 'extra_file2') end end describe '--po-dir' do it 'should set Registry.po_dir' do Registry.should_receive(:po_dir=).with("locale")'--po-dir=locale') end end end describe '--[no-]api' do before { Registry.clear } it "should allow --api name" do YARD.parse_string <<-eof # @api private class Foo; end # @api public class Bar; end class Baz; end eof'--api', 'private') == [P('Foo')] end it "should allow multiple --api's to all be shown" do YARD.parse_string <<-eof # @api private class Foo; end # @api public class Bar; end class Baz; end eof'--api', 'private', '--api', 'public') sort_by {|o| o.path }.should == [P('Bar'), P('Foo')] end it "should allow --no-api to specify objects with no @api tag" do YARD.parse_string <<-eof # @api private class Foo; end # @api public class Bar; end class Baz; end eof'--api', '') == [P('Baz')] @yardoc.options.verifier ='--no-api') == [P('Baz')] end it "should allow --no-api to work with other --api switches" do YARD.parse_string <<-eof # @api private class Foo; end # @api public class Bar; end class Baz; end eof'--no-api', '--api', 'public') sort_by {|o| o.path }.should == [P('Bar'), P('Baz')] end it "should ensure Ruby code cannot be used" do [':symbol', '42', '"; exit'].each do |ruby| @yardoc.options.verifier.expressions = []'--api', ruby) @yardoc.options.verifier.expressions[1].should include(ruby.inspect) end end end describe '--hide-api option' do it "should allow --hide-api to hide objects with api tags" do YARD.parse_string <<-eof # @api private class Foo; end class Bar; end class Baz; end eof'--hide-api', 'private') sort_by {|o| o.path }.should == [P('Bar'), P('Baz')] end it "should allow --hide-api to work with --api" do YARD.parse_string <<-eof # @api private class Foo; end # @api public class Bar; end class Baz; end eof'--api', 'public', '--hide-api', 'private') sort_by {|o| o.path }.should == [P('Bar')] end end describe '--no-private option' do it "should accept --no-private" do obj = mock(:object) obj.should_receive(:tag).ordered.with(:private).and_return(true) @yardoc.parse_arguments *%w( --no-private ) == false end it "should hide object if namespace is @private with --no-private" do ns = mock(:namespace) ns.stub!(:type).and_return(:module) ns.should_receive(:tag).with(:private).and_return(true) obj = mock(:object) obj.stub!(:namespace).and_return(ns) obj.should_receive(:tag).with(:private).and_return(false) @yardoc.parse_arguments *%w( --no-private ) == false end it "should not call #tag on namespace if namespace is proxy with --no-private" do ns = mock(:namespace) ns.should_receive(:is_a?).with(CodeObjects::Proxy).and_return(true) ns.should_not_receive(:tag) obj = mock(:object) obj.stub!(:type).and_return(:class) obj.stub!(:namespace).and_return(ns) obj.stub!(:visibility).and_return(:public) obj.should_receive(:tag).ordered.with(:private).and_return(false) @yardoc.parse_arguments *%w( --no-private ) == true end # @bug gh-197 it "should not call #tag on namespace if namespace is proxy with --no-private" do Registry.clear YARD.parse_string "module Qux; class Foo::Bar; end; end" foobar ='Foo::Bar') foobar.namespace.type = :module @yardoc.parse_arguments *%w( --no-private ) == true end it "should not call #tag on proxy object" do # @bug gh-197 @yardoc.parse_arguments *%w( --no-private )'ProxyClass')).should == true end it "should hide methods inside a 'private' class/module with --no-private" do Registry.clear YARD.parse_string <<-eof # @private class ABC def foo; end end eof @yardoc.parse_arguments *%w( --no-private )'ABC')).should be_false'ABC#foo')).should be_false end end describe '.yardopts and .document handling' do before do @yardoc.use_yardopts_file = true end it "should search for and use yardopts file specified by #options_file" do File.should_receive(:read_binary).with("test").and_return("-o \n\nMYPATH\nFILE1 FILE2") @yardoc.use_document_file = false @yardoc.options_file = "test" @yardoc.options.serializer.options[:basepath].should == "MYPATH" @yardoc.files.should == ["FILE1", "FILE2"] end it "should use String#shell_split to split .yardopts tokens" do optsdata = "foo bar" optsdata.should_receive(:shell_split) File.should_receive(:read_binary).with("test").and_return(optsdata) @yardoc.options_file = "test" end it "should allow opts specified in command line to override yardopts file" do File.should_receive(:read_binary).with(".yardopts").and_return("-o NOTMYPATH")"-o", "MYPATH", "FILE") @yardoc.options.serializer.options[:basepath].should == "MYPATH" @yardoc.files.should == ["FILE"] end it "should load the RDoc .document file if found" do File.should_receive(:read_binary).with(".yardopts").and_return("-o NOTMYPATH") @yardoc.use_document_file = true @yardoc.stub!(:support_rdoc_document_file!).and_return(["FILE2", "FILE3"])"-o", "MYPATH", "FILE1") @yardoc.options.serializer.options[:basepath].should == "MYPATH" @yardoc.files.should == ["FILE2", "FILE3", "FILE1"] end end describe 'Query options' do after { Registry.clear } it "should hide private constants in with default visibilities" do classobj =, :Foo) {|o| o.visibility = :private }[classobj]).should == [] end it "should setup visibility rules as verifier" do methobj =, :test) {|o| o.visibility = :private } File.should_receive(:read_binary).with("test").and_return("--private") @yardoc.use_yardopts_file = true @yardoc.options_file = "test" be_true end it "should accept a --query" do @yardoc.parse_arguments *%w( --query @return ) @yardoc.options.verifier.should be_a(Verifier) end it "should accept multiple --query arguments" do obj = mock(:object) obj.should_receive(:tag).ordered.with('return').and_return(true) obj.should_receive(:tag).ordered.with('tag').and_return(false) @yardoc.parse_arguments *%w( --query @return --query @tag ) @yardoc.options.verifier.should be_a(Verifier) == false end end describe 'Extra file arguments' do it "should accept extra files if specified after '-' with source files" do Dir.should_receive(:glob).with('README{,*[^~]}').and_return([]) File.should_receive(:file?).with('extra_file1').and_return(true) File.should_receive(:file?).with('extra_file2').and_return(true) File.should_receive(:read).with('extra_file1').and_return('') File.should_receive(:read).with('extra_file2').and_return('') @yardoc.parse_arguments *%w( file1 file2 - extra_file1 extra_file2 ) @yardoc.files.should == %w( file1 file2 ) @yardoc.options.files.should == ['extra_file1', ''),'extra_file2', '')] end it "should accept files section only containing extra files" do Dir.should_receive(:glob).with('README{,*[^~]}').and_return([]) @yardoc.parse_arguments *%w( - LICENSE ) @yardoc.files.should == %w( {lib,app}/**/*.rb ext/**/*.c ) @yardoc.options.files.should == ['LICENSE', '')] end it "should accept globs as extra files" do Dir.should_receive(:glob).with('README{,*[^~]}').and_return [] Dir.should_receive(:glob).with('*.txt').and_return ['a.txt', 'b.txt'] File.should_receive(:read).with('a.txt').and_return('') File.should_receive(:read).with('b.txt').and_return('') File.should_receive(:file?).with('a.txt').and_return(true) File.should_receive(:file?).with('b.txt').and_return(true) @yardoc.parse_arguments *%w( file1 file2 - *.txt ) @yardoc.files.should == %w( file1 file2 ) @yardoc.options.files.should == ['a.txt', ''),'b.txt', '')] end it "should warn if extra file is not found" do log.should_receive(:warn).with(/Could not find extra file: UNKNOWN/) @yardoc.parse_arguments *%w( - UNKNOWN ) end it "should warn if readme file is not found" do log.should_receive(:warn).with(/Could not find readme file: UNKNOWN/) @yardoc.parse_arguments *%w( -r UNKNOWN ) end it "should use first file as readme if no readme is specified when using --one-file" do Dir.should_receive(:glob).with('README{,*[^~]}').and_return [] Dir.should_receive(:glob).with('lib/*.rb').and_return(['lib/foo.rb']) File.should_receive(:read).with('lib/foo.rb').and_return('') @yardoc.parse_arguments *%w( --one-file lib/*.rb ) @yardoc.options.readme.should =='lib/foo.rb', '') end it "should use readme it exists when using --one-file" do Dir.should_receive(:glob).with('README{,*[^~]}').and_return ['README'] File.should_receive(:read).with('README').and_return('') @yardoc.parse_arguments *%w( --one-file lib/*.rb ) @yardoc.options.readme.should =='README', '') end it "should not allow US-ASCII charset when using --one-file" do ienc = Encoding.default_internal eenc = Encoding.default_external log.should_receive(:warn).with(/not compatible with US-ASCII.*using ASCII-8BIT/) @yardoc.parse_arguments *%w( --one-file --charset us-ascii ) == 'ASCII-8BIT' == 'ASCII-8BIT' Encoding.default_internal = ienc Encoding.default_external = eenc end if defined?(::Encoding) end describe 'Source file arguments' do it "should accept no params and parse {lib,app}/**/*.rb ext/**/*.c" do @yardoc.parse_arguments @yardoc.files.should == %w( {lib,app}/**/*.rb ext/**/*.c ) end end describe 'Tags options' do def tag_created(switch, factory_method) visible_tags = mock(:visible_tags) visible_tags.should_receive(:|).ordered.with([:foo]) visible_tags.should_receive(:-).ordered.with([]).and_return(visible_tags) Tags::Library.should_receive(:define_tag).with('Foo', :foo, factory_method) Tags::Library.stub!(:visible_tags=) Tags::Library.should_receive(:visible_tags).at_least(1).times.and_return(visible_tags) @yardoc.parse_arguments("--#{switch}-tag", 'foo') end def tag_hidden(tag) visible_tags = mock(:visible_tags) visible_tags.should_receive(:|).ordered.with([tag]) visible_tags.should_receive(:-).ordered.with([tag]).and_return([]) Tags::Library.should_receive(:define_tag).with(tag.to_s.capitalize, tag, nil) Tags::Library.stub!(:visible_tags=) Tags::Library.should_receive(:visible_tags).at_least(1).times.and_return(visible_tags) end it "should accept --tag" do Tags::Library.should_receive(:define_tag).with('Title of Foo', :foo, nil) @yardoc.parse_arguments('--tag', 'foo:Title of Foo') end it "should accept --tag without title (and default to captialized tag name)" do Tags::Library.should_receive(:define_tag).with('Foo', :foo, nil) @yardoc.parse_arguments('--tag', 'foo') end it "should only list tag once if declared twice" do visible_tags = [] Tags::Library.stub!(:define_tag) Tags::Library.stub!(:visible_tags).and_return([:foo]) Tags::Library.stub!(:visible_tags=) {|value| visible_tags = value } @yardoc.parse_arguments('--tag', 'foo', '--tag', 'foo') visible_tags.should == [:foo] end it "should accept --type-tag" do tag_created 'type', :with_types end it "should accept --type-name-tag" do tag_created 'type-name', :with_types_and_name end it "should accept --name-tag" do tag_created 'name', :with_name end it "should accept --title-tag" do tag_created 'title', :with_title_and_text end it "should accept --hide-tag before tag is listed" do tag_hidden(:anewfoo) @yardoc.parse_arguments('--hide-tag', 'anewfoo', '--tag', 'anewfoo') end it "should accept --hide-tag after tag is listed" do tag_hidden(:anewfoo2) @yardoc.parse_arguments('--tag', 'anewfoo2', '--hide-tag', 'anewfoo2') end it "should accept --transitive-tag" do @yardoc.parse_arguments('--transitive-tag', 'foo') Tags::Library.transitive_tags.should include(:foo) end it "should accept --non-transitive-tag" do Tags::Library.transitive_tags |= [:foo] @yardoc.parse_arguments('--non-transitive-tag', 'foo') Tags::Library.transitive_tags.should_not include(:foo) end end describe 'Safe mode' do before do YARD::Config.stub!(:options).and_return(:safe_mode => true) end it "should not allow --load or -e in safe mode" do @yardoc.should_not_receive(:require)'--load', 'foo')'-e', 'foo') end it "should not allow --query in safe mode" do'--query', 'foo') @yardoc.options.verifier.expressions.should_not include("foo") end it "should not allow modifying the template paths" do YARD::Templates::Engine.should_not_receive(:register_template_path)'-p', 'foo')'--template-path', 'foo') end end describe 'Markup Loading' do it "should load rdoc markup if no markup is provided" do @yardoc.generate = true @yardoc.options.markup.should == :rdoc end it "should load rdoc markup even when no output is specified" do @yardoc.parse_arguments('--no-output') @yardoc.options.markup.should == :rdoc end it "should warn if rdoc cannot be loaded and fallback to :none" do mod = YARD::Templates::Helpers::MarkupHelper mod.clear_markup_cache mod.const_get(:MARKUP_PROVIDERS).should_receive(:[]).with(:rdoc).and_return([{:lib => 'INVALID'}]) log.should_receive(:warn).with(/Could not load default RDoc formatter/) @yardoc.stub(:generate) { @yardoc.options.files = []; true } @yardoc.options.markup.should == :none mod.clear_markup_cache end it "should error immediately if markup for any files are missing" do mod = YARD::Templates::Helpers::MarkupHelper mod.clear_markup_cache mod.const_get(:MARKUP_PROVIDERS).should_receive(:[]).with(:markdown).and_return([{:lib => 'INVALID'}]) log.should_receive(:error).with(/Missing 'INVALID' gem for Markdown formatting/) files = ['', '')] @yardoc.stub(:generate) { @yardoc.options.files = files; true } mod.clear_markup_cache end it "should error immediately if markup for any files are missing (file markup specified in attributes)" do mod = YARD::Templates::Helpers::MarkupHelper mod.clear_markup_cache mod.const_get(:MARKUP_PROVIDERS).should_receive(:[]).with(:markdown).and_return([{:lib => 'INVALID'}]) log.should_receive(:error).with(/Missing 'INVALID' gem for Markdown formatting/) files = ['test', '# @markup markdown')] @yardoc.stub(:generate) { @yardoc.options.files = files; true } mod.clear_markup_cache end end describe '#run' do it "should parse_arguments if run() is called" do @yardoc.should_receive(:parse_arguments) end it "should parse_arguments if run(arg1, arg2, ...) is called" do @yardoc.should_receive(:parse_arguments)'--private', '-p', 'foo') end it "should not parse_arguments if run(nil) is called" do @yardoc.should_not_receive(:parse_arguments) end end end