module ArJdbc module DB2 # @see ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::JdbcColumn#column_types def self.column_selector [ /(db2|zos)/i, lambda { |config, column| column.extend(Column) } ] end # @see ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::JdbcColumn module Column # @private def self.included(base) # NOTE: assumes a standalone DB2Column class class << base; include Cast; end end # @deprecated use `self.class.string_to_time` def self.cast_to_date_or_time(value) return value if value.is_a? Date return nil if value.blank? # return if value =~ /^CURRENT/ guess_date_or_time((value.is_a? Time) ? value : cast_to_time(value)) rescue value end # @deprecated use `self.class.string_to_time` or `self.class.string_to_dummy_time` def self.cast_to_time(value) return value if value.is_a? Time # AS400 returns a 2 digit year, LUW returns a 4 digit year time = DateTime.parse(value).to_time rescue nil return nil unless time time_array = [time.year, time.month,, time.hour, time.min, time.sec] time_array[0] ||= 2000; time_array[1] ||= 1; time_array[2] ||= 1; Time.send(ActiveRecord::Base.default_timezone, *time_array) rescue nil end # @deprecated # @private def self.guess_date_or_time(value) return value if value.is_a? Date ( value && value.hour == 0 && value.min == 0 && value.sec == 0 ) ?, value.month, : value end # @override def type_cast(value) # AR5.2 return super unless respond_to?(:type) return nil if value.nil? || value == 'NULL' || value =~ /^\s*NULL\s*$/i case type when :string then value when :integer then value.respond_to?(:to_i) ? value.to_i : (value ? 1 : 0) when :primary_key then value.respond_to?(:to_i) ? value.to_i : (value ? 1 : 0) when :float then value.to_f when :date then self.class.string_to_date(value) when :datetime then self.class.string_to_time(value) when :timestamp then self.class.string_to_time(value) when :time then self.class.string_to_dummy_time(value) # TODO AS400 stores binary strings in EBCDIC (CCSID 65535), need to convert back to ASCII else super end end # @override def type_cast_code(var_name) case type when :date then "#{}.string_to_date(#{var_name})" when :datetime then "#{}.string_to_time(#{var_name})" when :timestamp then "#{}.string_to_time(#{var_name})" when :time then "#{}.string_to_dummy_time(#{var_name})" else super end end private def simplified_type(field_type) case field_type when /^decimal\(1\)$/i then DB2.emulate_booleans? ? :boolean : :integer when /smallint/i then DB2.emulate_booleans? ? :boolean : :integer when /boolean/i then :boolean when /^real|double/i then :float when /int|serial/i then :integer # if a numeric column has no scale, lets treat it as an integer. # The AS400 rpg guys do this ALOT since they have no integer datatype ... when /decimal|numeric|decfloat/i extract_scale(field_type) == 0 ? :integer : :decimal when /timestamp/i then :timestamp when /datetime/i then :datetime when /time/i then :time when /date/i then :date # DB2 provides three data types to store these data objects as strings of up to 2 GB in size: # Character large objects (CLOBs) # Use the CLOB data type to store SBCS or mixed data, such as documents that contain # single character set. Use this data type if your data is larger (or might grow larger) # than the VARCHAR data type permits. # Double-byte character large objects (DBCLOBs) # Use the DBCLOB data type to store large amounts of DBCS data, such as documents that # use a DBCS character set. # Binary large objects (BLOBs) # Use the BLOB data type to store large amounts of noncharacter data, such as pictures, # voice, and mixed media. when /clob|text/i then :text # handles DBCLOB when /^long varchar/i then :text # :limit => 32700 when /blob|binary/i then :binary # varchar () for bit data, char () for bit data, long varchar for bit data when /for bit data/i then :binary when /xml/i then :xml when /graphic/i then :graphic # vargraphic, long vargraphic when /rowid/i then :rowid # rowid is a supported datatype on z/OS and i/5 else super end end # Post process default value from JDBC into a Rails-friendly format (columns{-internal}) def default_value(value) # IBM i (AS400) will return an empty string instead of null for no default return nil if value.blank? # string defaults are surrounded by single quotes return $1 if value =~ /^'(.*)'$/ value end module Cast # @override def string_to_date(value) return nil unless value = current_date_time_parse(value) super end # @override def string_to_time(value) return nil unless value = current_date_time_parse(value) super end # @override def string_to_dummy_time(value) return nil unless value = current_date_time_parse(value) super end private def current_date_time_parse(value) return value unless value.is_a?(String) return nil if value.empty? return if value.index('CURRENT') == 0 return value end end end end end