module RR # RR::DoNotAllowCreator uses RR::DoNotAllowCreator#method_missing to create # a Scenario that expects never to be called. # # The following example mocks method_name with arg1 and arg2 # returning return_value. # # do_not_allow(subject).method_name(arg1, arg2) { return_value } # # The DoNotAllowCreator also supports a block sytnax. # # do_not_allow(subject) do |m| # m.method1 # Do not allow method1 with any arguments # m.method2(arg1, arg2) # Do not allow method2 with arguments arg1 and arg2 # m.method3.with_no_args # Do not allow method3 with no arguments # end class DoNotAllowCreator instance_methods.each { |m| undef_method m unless m =~ /^__/ } def initialize(space, subject) @space = space @subject = subject yield(self) if block_given? end protected def method_missing(method_name, *args, &returns) double = @space.create_double(@subject, method_name) scenario = @space.create_scenario(double) if args.empty? scenario.with_any_args else scenario.with(*args) end scenario.never.returns(&returns) scenario end end end