# encoding: utf-8 module Mongoid # This module provides the extra behaviour for including relations in JSON # and XML serialization. # # @since 4.0.0 module Serializable extend ActiveSupport::Concern # We need to redefine where the JSON configuration is getting defined, # similar to +ActiveRecord+. included do undef_method :include_root_in_json delegate :include_root_in_json, to: ::Mongoid end # Gets the document as a serializable hash, used by ActiveModel's JSON # serializer. # # @example Get the serializable hash. # document.serializable_hash # # @example Get the serializable hash with options. # document.serializable_hash(:include => :addresses) # # @param [ Hash ] options The options to pass. # # @option options [ Symbol ] :include What relations to include. # @option options [ Symbol ] :only Limit the fields to only these. # @option options [ Symbol ] :except Dont include these fields. # @option options [ Symbol ] :methods What methods to include. # # @return [ Hash ] The document, ready to be serialized. # # @since 2.0.0.rc.6 def serializable_hash(options = nil) options ||= {} attrs = {} names = field_names(options) method_names = Array.wrap(options[:methods]).map do |name| name.to_s if respond_to?(name) end.compact (names + method_names).each do |name| without_autobuild do serialize_attribute(attrs, name, names, options) end end serialize_relations(attrs, options) if options[:include] attrs end private # Get the names of all fields that will be serialized. # # @api private # # @example Get all the field names. # document.send(:field_names) # # @return [ Array ] The names of the fields. # # @since 3.0.0 def field_names(options) names = (as_document.keys + attribute_names).uniq.sort only = Array.wrap(options[:only]).map(&:to_s) except = Array.wrap(options[:except]).map(&:to_s) except |= ['_type'] unless Mongoid.include_type_for_serialization if !only.empty? names &= only elsif !except.empty? names -= except end names end # Serialize a single attribute. Handles relations, fields, and dynamic # attributes. # # @api private # # @example Serialize the attribute. # document.serialize_attribute({}, "id" , [ "id" ]) # # @param [ Hash ] attrs The attributes. # @param [ String ] name The attribute name. # @param [ Array ] names The names of all attributes. # @param [ Hash ] options The options. # # @return [ Object ] The attribute. # # @since 3.0.0 def serialize_attribute(attrs, name, names, options) if relations.has_key?(name) value = send(name) attrs[name] = value ? value.serializable_hash(options) : nil elsif names.include?(name) && !fields.has_key?(name) attrs[name] = read_attribute(name) elsif !attribute_missing?(name) attrs[name] = send(name) end end # For each of the provided include options, get the relation needed and # provide it in the hash. # # @example Serialize the included relations. # document.serialize_relations({}, :include => :addresses) # # @param [ Hash ] attributes The attributes to serialize. # @param [ Hash ] options The serialization options. # # @option options [ Symbol ] :include What relations to include # @option options [ Symbol ] :only Limit the fields to only these. # @option options [ Symbol ] :except Dont include these fields. # # @since 2.0.0.rc.6 def serialize_relations(attributes = {}, options = {}) inclusions = options[:include] relation_names(inclusions).each do |name| metadata = relations[name.to_s] if metadata && relation = send(metadata.name) attributes[metadata.name.to_s] = relation.serializable_hash(relation_options(inclusions, options, name)) end end end # Since the inclusions can be a hash, symbol, or array of symbols, this is # provided as a convenience to parse out the names. # # @example Get the relation names. # document.relation_names(:include => [ :addresses ]) # # @param [ Hash, Symbol, Array ] The names of the included relations. # # @since 2.0.0.rc.6 def relation_names(inclusions) inclusions.is_a?(Hash) ? inclusions.keys : Array.wrap(inclusions) end # Since the inclusions can be a hash, symbol, or array of symbols, this is # provided as a convenience to parse out the options. # # @example Get the relation options. # document.relation_names(:include => [ :addresses ]) # # @param [ Hash, Symbol, Array