module RGeoServer # A feature type is a vector based spatial resource or data set that originates from a data store. In some cases, like Shapefile, a feature type has a one-to-one relationship with its data store. In other cases, like PostGIS, the relationship of feature type to data store is many-to-one, with each feature type corresponding to a table in the database. class FeatureType < ResourceInfo OBJ_ATTRIBUTES = {:catalog => "catalog", :name => "name", :workspace => "workspace", :data_store => "data_store", :enabled => "enabled", :metadata_links => "metadataLinks", :title => "title", :abstract => "abstract" } OBJ_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES = {:catalog => nil, :workspace => nil, :data_store => nil, :name => nil, :enabled => "false", :metadata_links => [], :title => nil, :abtract => nil } define_attribute_methods OBJ_ATTRIBUTES.keys update_attribute_accessors OBJ_ATTRIBUTES @@route = "workspaces/%s/datastores/%s/featuretypes" @@root = "featureTypes" @@resource_name = "featureType" def self.root @@root end def self.resource_name @@resource_name end def self.root_xpath "//#{root}/#{resource_name}" end def self.member_xpath "//#{resource_name}" end def route @@route % [ , ] end def message builder = do |xml| xml.featureType { @name if new? xml.enabled @enabled if (enabled_changed? || new?) unless new? xml.title @title xml.abstract @abtract if abstract_changed? => 'featureType') { } xml.metadataLinks { @metadata_links.each{ |m| xml.metadataLink { xml.type_ m['type'] xml.metadataType m['metadataType'] xml.content m['content'] } } } if metadata_links_changed? end } end @message = builder.doc.to_xml end # @param [RGeoServer::Catalog] catalog # @param [Hash] options def initialize catalog, options super({}) _run_initialize_callbacks do @catalog = catalog workspace = options[:workspace] || 'default' if workspace.instance_of? String @workspace = @catalog.get_workspace(workspace) elsif workspace.instance_of? Workspace @workspace = workspace else raise "Not a valid workspace" end data_store = options[:data_store] if data_store.instance_of? String @data_store = @catalog, :workspace => @workspace, :name => data_store elsif data_store.instance_of? DataStore @data_store = data_store else raise "Not a valid data store" end @name = options[:name].strip @route = route end end def profile_xml_to_hash profile_xml doc = profile_xml_to_ng profile_xml h = { "name" => doc.at_xpath('//name').text.strip, "title" => doc.at_xpath('//title/text()').to_s, "abstract" => doc.at_xpath('//abstract/text()').to_s, "workspace" =>, "data_store" =>, "nativeName" => doc.at_xpath('//nativeName/text()').to_s, "srs" => doc.at_xpath('//srs/text()').to_s, "nativeBoundingBox" => { 'minx' => doc.at_xpath('//nativeBoundingBox/minx/text()').to_s, 'miny' => doc.at_xpath('//nativeBoundingBox/miny/text()').to_s, 'maxx' => doc.at_xpath('//nativeBoundingBox/maxx/text()').to_s, 'maxy' => doc.at_xpath('//nativeBoundingBox/maxy/text()').to_s, 'crs' => doc.at_xpath('//nativeBoundingBox/crs/text()').to_s }, "latLonBoundingBox" => { 'minx' => doc.at_xpath('//latLonBoundingBox/minx/text()').to_s, 'miny' => doc.at_xpath('//latLonBoundingBox/miny/text()').to_s, 'maxx' => doc.at_xpath('//latLonBoundingBox/maxx/text()').to_s, 'maxy' => doc.at_xpath('//latLonBoundingBox/maxy/text()').to_s, 'crs' => doc.at_xpath('//latLonBoundingBox/crs/text()').to_s }, "metadataLinks" => doc.xpath('//metadataLinks/metadataLink').collect{ |m| { 'type' => m.at_xpath('//type/text()').to_s, 'metadataType' => m.at_xpath('//metadataType/text()').to_s, 'content' => m.at_xpath('//content/text()').to_s } }, "attributes" => doc.xpath('//attributes/attribute').collect{ |a| { 'name' => a.at_xpath('//name/text()').to_s, 'minOccurs' => a.at_xpath('//minOccurs/text()').to_s, 'maxOccurs' => a.at_xpath('//maxOccurs/text()').to_s, 'nillable' => a.at_xpath('//nillable/text()').to_s, 'binding' => a.at_xpath('//binding/text()').to_s } } }.freeze h end end end