// Copyright (C) 2012 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. #undef DLIB_FULL_OBJECT_DeTECTION_ABSTRACT_Hh_ #ifdef DLIB_FULL_OBJECT_DeTECTION_ABSTRACT_Hh_ #include #include "../geometry.h" #include "../serialize.h" namespace dlib { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const static point OBJECT_PART_NOT_PRESENT(0x7FFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class full_object_detection { /*! WHAT THIS OBJECT REPRESENTS This object represents the location of an object in an image along with the positions of each of its constituent parts. !*/ public: full_object_detection( const rectangle& rect, const std::vector& parts ); /*! ensures - #get_rect() == rect - #num_parts() == parts.size() - for all valid i: - part(i) == parts[i] !*/ full_object_detection( ); /*! ensures - #get_rect().is_empty() == true - #num_parts() == 0 !*/ explicit full_object_detection( const rectangle& rect ); /*! ensures - #get_rect() == rect - #num_parts() == 0 !*/ const rectangle& get_rect( ) const; /*! ensures - returns the rectangle that indicates where this object is. In general, this should be the bounding box for the object. !*/ rectangle& get_rect( ); /*! ensures - returns the rectangle that indicates where this object is. In general, this should be the bounding box for the object. !*/ unsigned long num_parts( ) const; /*! ensures - returns the number of parts in this object. !*/ const point& part( unsigned long idx ) const; /*! requires - idx < num_parts() ensures - returns the location of the center of the idx-th part of this object. Note that it is valid for a part to be "not present". This is indicated when the return value of part() is equal to OBJECT_PART_NOT_PRESENT. This is useful for modeling object parts that are not always observed. !*/ point& part( unsigned long idx ); /*! requires - idx < num_parts() ensures - returns the location of the center of the idx-th part of this object. Note that it is valid for a part to be "not present". This is indicated when the return value of part() is equal to OBJECT_PART_NOT_PRESENT. This is useful for modeling object parts that are not always observed. !*/ }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void serialize ( const full_object_detection& item, std::ostream& out ); /*! provides serialization support !*/ void deserialize ( full_object_detection& item, std::istream& in ); /*! provides deserialization support !*/ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool all_parts_in_rect ( const full_object_detection& obj ); /*! ensures - returns true if all the parts in obj are contained within obj.get_rect(). That is, returns true if and only if, for all valid i, the following is always true: obj.get_rect().contains(obj.part(i)) == true || obj.part(i) == OBJECT_PART_NOT_PRESENT !*/ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } #endif // DLIB_FULL_OBJECT_DeTECTION_ABSTRACT_Hh_