# Copyright 2022 Pixar # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License") # with the following modification; you may not use this file except in # compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it: # Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with: # # 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade # names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor # and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of # the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file. # # You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License. # Configure the Zeitwerk loader, See https://github.com/fxn/zeitwerk def setup_zeitwerk_loader(loader) @loader = loader # Ignore this file (more ignores below) loader.ignore __FILE__ # these paths all define classes & modules directly below 'Jamf' # If we didn't collaps them, then e.g. # /jamf/api/base_classes/classic/group.rb # would be expected to define # Jamf::Api::BaseClasses::Classic::Group # rather than what we want: # Jamf::Group ################################################### loader.collapse("#{__dir__}/jamf/api") loader.collapse("#{__dir__}/jamf/api/classic") loader.collapse("#{__dir__}/jamf/api/classic/api_objects") loader.collapse("#{__dir__}/jamf/api/classic/base_classes") loader.collapse("#{__dir__}/jamf/api/jamf_pro") loader.collapse("#{__dir__}/jamf/api/jamf_pro/api_objects") loader.collapse("#{__dir__}/jamf/api/jamf_pro/mixins") loader.collapse("#{__dir__}/jamf/api/jamf_pro/base_classes") loader.collapse("#{__dir__}/jamf/api/jamf_pro/other_classes") loader.collapse("#{__dir__}/jamf/deprecations") # filenames => Constants, which don't adhere to zeitwerk's parsing standards # Mostly because the a filename like 'oapi_object' would be # loaded by zeitwerk expecting it to define 'OapiObject', but it really # defines 'OAPIObject' ############################################### # Connections loader.inflector.inflect 'classic_api' => 'ClassicAPI' loader.inflector.inflect 'jamf_pro_api' => 'JamfProAPI' loader.inflector.inflect 'jamf_pro_api_error' => 'JamfProAPIError' # API objects, resources, and mixins loader.inflector.inflect 'oapi_schemas' => 'OAPISchemas' loader.inflector.inflect 'oapi_object' => 'OAPIObject' loader.inflector.inflect 'oapi_validate' => 'OAPIValidate' loader.inflector.inflect 'jpapi_resource' => 'JPAPIResource' loader.inflector.inflect 'api_object' => 'APIObject' loader.inflector.inflect 'xml_workaround' => 'XMLWorkaround' loader.inflector.inflect 'json_object' => 'JSONObject' loader.inflector.inflect 'vppable' => 'VPPable' loader.inflector.inflect 'osx_configuration_profile' => 'OSXConfigurationProfile' loader.inflector.inflect 'jp_extendable' => 'JPExtendable' loader.inflector.inflect 'mdm' => 'MDM' loader.inflector.inflect 'ibeacon' => 'IBeacon' loader.inflector.inflect 'powerbroker_identity_services' => 'PowerBroker' loader.inflector.inflect 'admitmac' => 'ADmitMac' loader.inflector.inflect 'ip_address' => 'IPAddress' loader.inflector.inflect 'netboot_server' => 'NetBootServer' loader.inflector.inflect 'vpp_account' => 'VPPAccount' loader.inflector.inflect 'removable_macaddr' => 'RemovableMacAddress' loader.inflector.inflect 'md_prestage_name' => 'MobileDevicePrestageName' loader.inflector.inflect 'md_prestage_names' => 'MobileDevicePrestageNames' loader.inflector.inflect 'md_prestage_skip_setup_items' => 'MobileDevicePrestageSkipSetupItems' # deprecations, separated so they load only when used loader.inflector.inflect("deprecated_api_constant" => "API") loader.inflector.inflect("deprecated_config_constant" => "CONFIG") # These should be ignored, some will be required directly ##################################### loader.ignore "#{__dir__}/jamf/api/jamf_pro/pre_oapi" loader.ignore "#{__dir__}/jamf/db_connection.rb" loader.ignore "#{__dir__}/jamf/ruby_extensions.rb" loader.ignore "#{__dir__}/jamf/ruby_extensions" loader.ignore "#{__dir__}/jamf/exceptions.rb" loader.ignore "#{__dir__}/jss-api.rb" loader.ignore "#{__dir__}/jss.rb" loader.ignore "#{__dir__}/ruby-jss.rb" # callback for when a specific file/constant loads ##################################### loader.on_load('Jamf::SomeClass') do |klass, abspath| Jamf.load_msg "I just loaded #{klass} from #{abspath}" end # callback for when anything loads # - const_path is like "Jamf::SomeClass" or "Jamf::SomeClass::SOME_CONST_ARRY" # - value is the value that constant contains after loading, # e.g. a the class Jamf::SomeClass for 'Jamf::SomeClass' or # and Array for the constant "Jamf::SomeClass::SOME_CONST_ARRY" # - abspath is the full path to the file where the constant was loaded from. ##################################### loader.on_load do |const_path, value, abspath| Jamf.load_msg "Zeitwerk just loaded #{value.class} '#{const_path}' from:\n #{abspath}" # Parse OAPI_PROPERTIES into getters and setters for subclasses of # OAPIObject in the JPAPI. # The class we just loaded must have this method and constant # and the constant must be defined directly in the file we just loaded. # This prevents running parse_oapi_properties again in subclasses that # don't need to do that if value.respond_to?(:parse_oapi_properties) && \ defined?(value::OAPI_PROPERTIES) && \ abspath == value.const_source_location(:OAPI_PROPERTIES).first parsed = value.parse_oapi_properties Jamf.load_msg "Parsed OAPI_PROPERTIES for #{value}" if parsed end # Generate the identifier list methods (.all_*) for subclasses of APIObject # in the Classic API if value.is_a?(Class) && value.superclass == Jamf::APIObject done = value.define_identifier_list_methods Jamf.load_msg "Defined identifier list methods for #{value}" if done end end loader.setup end # setup_zeitwerk_loader # For testing the Zeitwrk Loader. # Normally we want autoloading on demand, # eager loading loads everything so we can see it # # To make this happen touch the file defined in JAMF_ZEITWERK_EAGER_LOAD_FILE # in jamf.rb def eager_load_for_testing return unless JAMF_ZEITWERK_EAGER_LOAD_FILE.file? @loader.eager_load(force: true) warn :loaded # rescue Zeitwerk::NameError => e # warn e.message end