module DokkuInstaller class Cli < Thor desc "config", "Display the app's environment variables" def config run_command "config #{app_name}" end desc "config:get KEY", "Display an environment variable value" def config_get(*args) run_command "config:get #{app_name} #{args.first}" end desc "config:set KEY1=VALUE1 [KEY2=VALUE2 ...]", "Set one or more environment variables" def config_set(*args) # FIXME: Requires root to send config values with spaces user = "dokku" args ={|arg| key_value = arg.split("=") if key_value.length == 2 user = "root" if key_value[1].index(" ") return_value = "#{key_value[0]}=" return_value += '\"' return_value += key_value[1].gsub(/"|'/, "") return_value += '\"' return_value else arg end } command = "ssh #{user}@#{domain} " command += user == "root" ? "dokku " : "" command += "config:set #{app_name} #{args.join(' ')}" puts "Running #{command}..." exec(command) end desc "config:unset KEY1 [KEY2 ...]", "Unset one or more environment variables" def config_unset(*args) run_command "config:unset #{app_name} #{args.join(' ')}" end end end