Feature: Sphinx Scopes Scenario: Single Scope Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on people When I use the with_first_name scope set to "Andrew" Then I should get 7 results Scenario: Two Field Scopes Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on people When I use the with_first_name scope set to "Andrew" And I use the with_last_name scope set to "Byrne" Then I should get 1 result Scenario: Mixing Filter and Field Scopes Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on people When I use the with_first_name scope set to "Andrew" And I use the with_id scope set to 99 Then I should get 1 result Scenario: Mixing Field and ID Scopes Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on people When I use the with_first_name scope set to "Andrew" And I use the ids_only scope Then I should get 7 results And I should have an array of integers Scenario: Non-field/filter Scopes Given Sphinx is running And I am searching on people When I use the ids_only scope Then I should have an array of integers