require 'open-uri' require 'json' require 'bigdecimal' module JSON::LD class EvaluationContext # :nodoc: include Utils # The base. # # The document base IRI, used for expanding relative IRIs. # # @attr_reader [RDF::URI] attr_reader :base # A list of current, in-scope mappings from term to IRI. # # @attr [Hash{String => String}] attr :mappings, true # Reverse mappings from IRI to a term or CURIE # # @attr [Hash{RDF::URI => String}] attr :iri_to_curie, true # Reverse mappings from IRI to term only for terms, not CURIEs # # @attr [Hash{RDF::URI => String}] attr :iri_to_term, true # Type coersion # # The @type keyword is used to specify type coersion rules for the data. For each key in the map, the # key is a String representation of the property for which String values will be coerced and # the value is the datatype (or @id) to coerce to. Type coersion for # the value `@id` asserts that all vocabulary terms listed should undergo coercion to an IRI, # including CURIE processing for compact IRI Expressions like `foaf:homepage`. # # @attr [Hash{String => String}] attr :coercions, true # List coercion # # The @container keyword is used to specify how arrays are to be treated. # A value of @list indicates that arrays of values are to be treated as an ordered list. # A value of @set indicates that arrays are to be treated as unordered and that # singular values are always coerced to an array form on expansion and compaction. # @attr [Hash{String => String}] attr :containers, true # Language coercion # # The @language keyword is used to specify language coercion rules for the data. For each key in the map, the # key is a String representation of the property for which String values will be coerced and # the value is the language to coerce to. If no property-specific language is given, # any default language from the context is used. # # @attr [Hash{String => String}] attr :languages, true # Default language # # # This adds a language to plain strings that aren't otherwise coerced # @attr [String] attr :default_language, true # Default vocabulary # # # Sets the default vocabulary used for expanding terms which # aren't otherwise absolute IRIs # @attr [String] attr :vocab, true # Global options used in generating IRIs # @attr [Hash] options attr :options, true # A context provided to us that we can use without re-serializing attr :provided_context, true ## # Create new evaluation context # @yield [ec] # @yieldparam [EvaluationContext] # @return [EvaluationContext] def initialize(options = {}) @base = RDF::URI(options[:base]) if options[:base] @mappings = {} @coercions = {} @containers = {} @languages = {} @iri_to_curie = {} @iri_to_term = { RDF.to_uri.to_s => "rdf", RDF::XSD.to_uri.to_s => "xsd" } @options = options # Load any defined prefixes (options[:prefixes] || {}).each_pair do |k, v| @iri_to_term[v.to_s] = k unless k.nil? end debug("init") {"iri_to_term: #{iri_to_term.inspect}"} yield(self) if block_given? end # Create an Evaluation Context using an existing context as a start by parsing the input. # # @param [String, #read, Array, Hash, EvaluatoinContext] context # @raise [InvalidContext] # on a remote context load error, syntax error, or a reference to a term which is not defined. def parse(context) case context when nil when EvaluationContext debug("parse") {"context: #{context.inspect}"} context.dup when IO, StringIO debug("parse") {"io: #{context}"} # Load context document, if it is a string begin ctx = JSON.load(context) parse(ctx["@context"] || {}) rescue JSON::ParserError => e debug("parse") {"Failed to parse @context from remote document at #{context}: #{e.message}"} raise JSON::LD::InvalidContext::Syntax, "Failed to parse remote context at #{context}: #{e.message}" if @options[:validate] self.dup end when String, nil debug("parse") {"remote: #{context}"} # Load context document, if it is a string ec = nil begin RDF::Util::File.open_file(context.to_s) {|f| ec = parse(f)} ec.provided_context = context debug("parse") {"=> provided_context: #{context.inspect}"} ec rescue Exception => e debug("parse") {"Failed to retrieve @context from remote document at #{context}: #{e.message}"} raise JSON::LD::InvalidContext::LoadError, "Failed to parse remote context at #{context}: #{e.message}", e.backtrace if @options[:validate] self.dup end when Array # Process each member of the array in order, updating the active context # Updates evaluation context serially during parsing debug("parse") {"Array"} ec = self context.each {|c| ec = ec.parse(c)} ec.provided_context = context debug("parse") {"=> provided_context: #{context.inspect}"} ec when Hash new_ec = self.dup new_ec.provided_context = context.dup { '@language' => :default_language=, '@vocab' => :vocab= }.each do |key, setter| v = context.fetch(key, false) if v.nil? || v.is_a?(String) context.delete(key) debug("parse") {"Set #{key} to #{v.inspect}"} new_ec.send(setter, v) elsif v raise InvalidContext::Syntax, "#{key.inspect} is invalid" end end num_updates = 1 while num_updates > 0 do num_updates = 0 # Map terms to IRIs/keywords first context.each do |key, value| # Expand a string value, unless it matches a keyword debug("parse") {"Hash[#{key}] = #{value.inspect}"} if KEYWORDS.include?(key) raise InvalidContext::Syntax, "key #{key.inspect} must not be a keyword" elsif term_valid?(key) # Remove all coercion information for the property new_ec.set_coerce(key, nil) new_ec.set_container(key, nil) @languages.delete(key) # Extract IRI mapping. This is complicated, as @id may have been aliased value = value.fetch('@id', nil) if value.is_a?(Hash) raise InvalidContext::Syntax, "unknown mapping for #{key.inspect} to #{value.class}" unless value.is_a?(String) || value.nil? iri = new_ec.expand_iri(value, :position => :predicate) if value.is_a?(String) if iri && new_ec.mappings.fetch(key, nil) != iri # Record term definition new_ec.set_mapping(key, iri) num_updates += 1 elsif value.nil? new_ec.set_mapping(key, nil) end else raise InvalidContext::Syntax, "key #{key.inspect} is invalid" end end end # Next, look for coercion using new_ec context.each do |key, value| # Expand a string value, unless it matches a keyword debug("parse") {"coercion/list: Hash[#{key}] = #{value.inspect}"} case value when Hash # Must have one of @id, @language, @type or @container raise InvalidContext::Syntax, "mapping for #{key.inspect} missing one of @id, @language, @type or @container" if (%w(@id @language @type @container) & value.keys).empty? value.each do |key2, value2| iri = new_ec.expand_iri(value2, :position => :predicate) if value2.is_a?(String) case key2 when '@type' raise InvalidContext::Syntax, "unknown mapping for '@type' to #{value2.class}" unless value2.is_a?(String) || value2.nil? if new_ec.coerce(key) != iri raise InvalidContext::Syntax, "unknown mapping for '@type' to #{iri.inspect}" unless RDF::URI(iri).absolute? || iri == '@id' # Record term coercion new_ec.set_coerce(key, iri) end when '@container' raise InvalidContext::Syntax, "unknown mapping for '@container' to #{value2.class}" unless %w(@list @set).include?(value2) if new_ec.container(key) != value2 debug("parse") {"container #{key.inspect} as #{value2.inspect}"} new_ec.set_container(key, value2) end when '@language' if !new_ec.languages.has_key?(key) || new_ec.languages[key] != value2 debug("parse") {"language #{key.inspect} as #{value2.inspect}"} new_ec.set_language(key, value2) end end end # If value has no @id, create a mapping from key # to the expanded key IRI unless value.has_key?('@id') iri = new_ec.expand_iri(key, :position => :predicate) new_ec.set_mapping(key, iri) end when nil, String # handled in previous loop else raise InvalidContext::Syntax, "attempt to map #{key.inspect} to #{value.class}" end end new_ec end end ## # Generate @context # # If a context was supplied in global options, use that, otherwise, generate one # from this representation. # # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options ({}) # @return [Hash] def serialize(options = {}) depth(options) do use_context = if provided_context debug "serlialize: reuse context: #{provided_context.inspect}" provided_context else debug("serlialize: generate context") debug {"=> context: #{inspect}"} ctx = Hash.ordered ctx['@language'] = default_language.to_s if default_language ctx['@vocab'] = vocab.to_s if vocab # Mappings mappings.keys.sort{|a, b| a.to_s <=> b.to_s}.each do |k| next unless term_valid?(k.to_s) debug {"=> mappings[#{k}] => #{mappings[k]}"} ctx[k] = mappings[k].to_s end unless coercions.empty? && containers.empty? && languages.empty? # Coerce (coercions.keys + containers.keys + languages.keys).uniq.sort.each do |k| next if k == '@type' # Turn into long form ctx[k] ||= Hash.ordered if ctx[k].is_a?(String) defn = Hash.ordered defn["@id"] = compact_iri(ctx[k], :position => :subject, :not_term => true) ctx[k] = defn end debug {"=> coerce(#{k}) => #{coerce(k)}"} if coerce(k) && !NATIVE_DATATYPES.include?(coerce(k)) dt = coerce(k) dt = compact_iri(dt, :position => :datatype) unless dt == '@id' # Fold into existing definition ctx[k]["@type"] = dt debug {"=> datatype[#{k}] => #{dt}"} end debug {"=> container(#{k}) => #{container(k)}"} if %w(@list @set).include?(container(k)) ctx[k]["@container"] = container(k) debug {"=> container[#{k}] => #{container(k).inspect}"} end debug {"=> language(#{k}) => #{language(k)}"} if language(k) != default_language ctx[k]["@language"] = language(k) ? language(k) : nil debug {"=> language[#{k}] => #{language(k).inspect}"} end # Remove an empty definition ctx.delete(k) if ctx[k].empty? end end debug {"start_doc: context=#{ctx.inspect}"} ctx end # Return hash with @context, or empty r = Hash.ordered r['@context'] = use_context unless use_context.nil? || use_context.empty? r end end ## # Retrieve term mapping # # @param [String, #to_s] term # # @return [RDF::URI, String] def mapping(term) @mappings.fetch(term.to_s, nil) end ## # Set term mapping # # @param [#to_s] term # @param [RDF::URI, String] value # # @return [RDF::URI, String] def set_mapping(term, value) term = term.to_s term_sym = term.empty? ? "" : term.to_sym # raise InvalidContext::Syntax, "mapping term #{term.inspect} must be a string" unless term.is_a?(String) # raise InvalidContext::Syntax, "mapping value #{value.inspect} must be an RDF::URI" unless value.nil? || value.to_s[0,1] == '@' || value.is_a?(RDF::URI) debug {"map #{term.inspect} to #{value.inspect}"} iri_to_term.delete(@mappings[term].to_s) if @mappings[term] @mappings[term] = value @options[:prefixes][term_sym] = value if @options.has_key?(:prefixes) iri_to_term[value.to_s] = term end ## # Reverse term mapping, typically used for finding aliases for keys. # # Returns either the original value, or a mapping for this value. # # @example # {"@context": {"id": "@id"}, "@id": "foo"} => {"id": "foo"} # # @param [RDF::URI, String] value # @return [String] def alias(value) iri_to_term.fetch(value, value) end ## # Retrieve term coercion # # @param [String] property in unexpanded form # # @return [RDF::URI, '@id'] def coerce(property) # Map property, if it's not an RDF::Value # @type and @graph always is an IRI return '@id' if [RDF.type, '@type', '@graph'].include?(property) @coercions.fetch(property, nil) end ## # Set term coercion # # @param [String] property in unexpanded form # @param [RDF::URI, '@id'] value # # @return [RDF::URI, '@id'] def set_coerce(property, value) debug {"coerce #{property.inspect} to #{value.inspect}"} unless @coercions[property.to_s] == value if value @coercions[property] = value else @coercions.delete(property) end end ## # Retrieve container mapping, add it if `value` is provided # # @param [String] property in unexpanded form # @return [String] def container(property) @containers.fetch(property.to_s, nil) end ## # Set container mapping # # @param [String] property # @param [String] value one of @list, @set or nil # @return [Boolean] def set_container(property, value) return if @containers[property.to_s] == value debug {"coerce #{property.inspect} to #{value.inspect}"} if value @containers[property.to_s] = value else @containers.delete(value) end end ## # Retrieve the language associated with a property, or the default language otherwise # @return [String] def language(property) @languages.fetch(property.to_s, @default_language) if !coerce(property) end ## # Set language mapping # # @param [String] property # @param [String] value # @return [String] def set_language(property, value) # Use false for nil language @languages[property.to_s] = value ? value : false end ## # Determine if `term` is a suitable term. # Term may be any valid JSON string. # # @param [String] term # @return [Boolean] def term_valid?(term) term.is_a?(String) end ## # Expand an IRI. Relative IRIs are expanded against any document base. # # @param [String] iri # A keyword, term, prefix:suffix or possibly relative IRI # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # @option options [:subject, :predicate, :object, :datatype] position # Useful when determining how to serialize. # # @return [RDF::URI, String] IRI or String, if it's a keyword # @raise [RDF::ReaderError] if the iri cannot be expanded # @see def expand_iri(iri, options = {}) return iri unless iri.is_a?(String) prefix, suffix = iri.split(':', 2) return mapping(iri) if mapping(iri) # If it's an exact match debug("expand_iri") {"prefix: #{prefix.inspect}, suffix: #{suffix.inspect}, vocab: #{vocab.inspect}"} unless options[:quiet] base = [:subject, :object].include?(options[:position]) ? self.base : nil prefix = prefix.to_s case when prefix == '_' && suffix then bnode(suffix) when iri.to_s[0,1] == "@" then iri when suffix.to_s[0,2] == '//' then uri(iri) when mappings.fetch(prefix, false) then uri(mappings[prefix] + suffix.to_s) when base then base.join(iri) when vocab then uri("#{vocab}#{iri}") else # Otherwise, it must be an absolute IRI u = uri(iri) u if u.absolute? || [:subject, :object].include?(options[:position]) end end ## # Compact an IRI # # @param [RDF::URI] iri # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options ({}) # @option options [:subject, :predicate, :object, :datatype] position # Useful when determining how to serialize. # @option options [Object] :value # Value, used to select among various maps for the same IRI # @option options [Boolean] :not_term (false) # Don't return a term, but only a CURIE or IRI. # # @return [String] compacted form of IRI # @see def compact_iri(iri, options = {}) depth(options) do debug {"compact_iri(#{iri.inspect}, #{options.inspect})"} value = options.fetch(:value, nil) # Get a list of terms which map to iri terms = {|t| mapping(t).to_s == iri} # Create an association term map for terms to their associated # term rank. term_map = {} # If value is a @list add a term rank for each # term mapping to iri which has @container @list. debug("compact_iri", "#{value.inspect} is a list? #{list?(value).inspect}") if list?(value) list_terms = {|t| container(t) == '@list'} term_map = list_terms.inject({}) do |memo, t| memo[t] = term_rank(t, value) memo end unless list_terms.empty? debug("term map") {"remove zero rank terms: #{ {|t| term_map[t] == 0}}"} if term_map.any? {|t,r| r == 0} term_map.delete_if {|t, r| r == 0} end # Otherwise, value is @value or a native type. # Add a term rank for each term mapping to iri # which does not have @container @list if term_map.empty? non_list_terms = terms.reject {|t| container(t) == '@list'} # If value is a @list, exclude from term map those terms # with @container @set non_list_terms.reject {|t| container(t) == '@set'} if list?(value) term_map = non_list_terms.inject({}) do |memo, t| memo[t] = term_rank(t, value) memo end unless non_list_terms.empty? debug("term map") {"remove zero rank terms: #{ {|t| term_map[t] == 0}}"} if term_map.any? {|t,r| r == 0} term_map.delete_if {|t, r| r == 0} end # If we don't want terms, remove anything that's not a CURIE or IRI term_map.keep_if {|t, v| t.index(':') } if options.fetch(:not_term, false) # Find terms having the greatest term match value least_distance = term_map.values.max terms = {|t| term_map[t] == least_distance} # If terms is empty, and the active context has a @vocab which is a # prefix of iri where the resulting relative IRI is not a term in the # active context. The resulting relative IRI is the unmatched part of iri. if vocab && terms.empty? && iri.to_s.index(vocab) == 0 terms << iri.to_s.sub(vocab, '') debug("vocab") {"vocab: #{vocab}, rel: #{terms.first}"} end # If terms is empty, add a compact IRI representation of iri for each # term in the active context which maps to an IRI which is a prefix for # iri where the resulting compact IRI is not a term in the active # context. The resulting compact IRI is the term associated with the # partially matched IRI in the active context concatenated with a colon # (:) character and the unmatched part of iri. if terms.empty? debug("curies") {"mappings: #{mappings.inspect}"} curies = do |k| debug("curies[#{k}]") {"#{mapping(k).inspect}"} #debug("curies[#{k}]") {"#{(mapping(k).to_s.length > 0).inspect}, #{iri.to_s.index(mapping(k).to_s)}"} iri.to_s.sub(mapping(k).to_s, "#{k}:") if mapping(k).to_s.length > 0 && iri.to_s.index(mapping(k).to_s) == 0 && iri.to_s != mapping(k).to_s end.compact debug("curies") do do |c| "#{c}: " + "container: #{container(c).inspect}, " + "coerce: #{coerce(c).inspect}, " + "lang: #{language(c).inspect}" end.inspect end terms = do |curie| container(curie) != '@list' && coerce(curie).nil? && language(curie) == default_language end debug("curies") {"selected #{terms.inspect}"} end # If we still don't have any terms and we're using standard_prefixes, # try those, and add to mapping if terms.empty? && @options[:standard_prefixes] terms = RDF::Vocabulary. select {|v| iri.index(v.to_uri.to_s) == 0}. map do |v| prefix = v.__name__.to_s.split('::').last.downcase set_mapping(prefix, v.to_uri.to_s) iri.sub(v.to_uri.to_s, "#{prefix}:").sub(/:$/, '') end debug("curies") {"using standard prefies: #{terms.inspect}"} end if terms.empty? # If there is a mapping from the complete IRI to null, return null, # otherwise, return the complete IRI. if mappings.has_key?(iri.to_s) && !mapping(iri) debug("iri") {"use nil IRI mapping"} terms << nil else terms << iri.to_s end end # Get the first term based on distance and lexecographical order # Prefer terms that don't have @container @set over other terms, unless as set is true terms = terms.sort do |a, b| debug("term sort") {"c(a): #{container(a).inspect}, c(b): #{container(b)}"} if a.to_s.length == b.to_s.length a.to_s <=> b.to_s else a.to_s.length <=> b.to_s.length end end debug("sorted terms") {terms.inspect} result = terms.first debug {"=> #{result.inspect}"} result end end ## # Expand a value from compacted to expanded form making the context # unnecessary. This method is used as part of more general expansion # and operates on RHS values, using a supplied key to determine @type and @container # coercion rules. # # @param [String] property # Associated property used to find coercion rules # @param [Hash, String] value # Value (literal or IRI) to be expanded # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # @option options [Boolean] :native (true) use native representations # # @return [Hash] Object representation of value # @raise [RDF::ReaderError] if the iri cannot be expanded # @see def expand_value(property, value, options = {}) options = {:native => true}.merge(options) depth(options) do debug("expand_value") {"property: #{property.inspect}, value: #{value.inspect}, coerce: #{coerce(property).inspect}"} value = RDF::Literal(value) if RDF::Literal(value).has_datatype? dt = case value when RDF::Literal case value.datatype when RDF::XSD.boolean, RDF::XSD.integer, RDF::XSD.double then value.datatype else value end when RDF::Term then else value end result = case dt when RDF::XSD.boolean debug("xsd:boolean") case coerce(property) when RDF::XSD.double.to_s {"@value" => value.to_s, "@type" => RDF::XSD.double.to_s} else if options[:native] # Unless there's coercion, to not modify representation {"@value" => (value.is_a?(RDF::Literal::Boolean) ? value.object : value)} else {"@value" => value.to_s, "@type" => RDF::XSD.boolean.to_s} end end when RDF::XSD.integer debug("xsd:integer") case coerce(property) when RDF::XSD.double.to_s {"@value" =>, :canonicalize => true).to_s, "@type" => RDF::XSD.double.to_s} when RDF::XSD.integer.to_s, nil # Unless there's coercion, to not modify representation if options[:native] {"@value" => value.is_a?(RDF::Literal::Integer) ? value.object : value} else {"@value" => value.to_s, "@type" => RDF::XSD.integer.to_s} end else res = Hash.ordered res['@value'] = value.to_s res['@type'] = coerce(property) res end when RDF::XSD.double debug("xsd:double") case coerce(property) when RDF::XSD.integer.to_s {"@value" => value.to_int.to_s, "@type" => RDF::XSD.integer.to_s} when RDF::XSD.double.to_s {"@value" =>, :canonicalize => true).to_s, "@type" => RDF::XSD.double.to_s} when nil if options[:native] # Unless there's coercion, to not modify representation {"@value" => value.is_a?(RDF::Literal::Double) ? value.object : value} else {"@value" =>, :canonicalize => true).to_s, "@type" => RDF::XSD.double.to_s} end else res = Hash.ordered res['@value'] = value.to_s res['@type'] = coerce(property) res end when "RDF::URI", "RDF::Node" debug("URI | BNode") { value.to_s } {'@id' => value.to_s} when RDF::Literal debug("Literal") res = Hash.ordered res['@value'] = value.to_s res['@type'] = value.datatype.to_s if value.has_datatype? res['@language'] = value.language.to_s if value.has_language? res else debug("else") case coerce(property) when '@id' {'@id' => expand_iri(value, :position => :object).to_s} when nil debug("expand value") {"lang(prop): #{language(property).inspect}, def: #{default_language.inspect}"} language(property) ? {"@value" => value.to_s, "@language" => language(property)} : {"@value" => value.to_s} else res = Hash.ordered res['@value'] = value.to_s res['@type'] = coerce(property).to_s res end end debug {"=> #{result.inspect}"} result end end ## # Compact a value # # @param [String] property # Associated property used to find coercion rules # @param [Hash] value # Value (literal or IRI), in full object representation, to be compacted # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # # @return [Hash] Object representation of value # @raise [ProcessingError] if the iri cannot be expanded # @see # FIXME: revisit the specification version of this. def compact_value(property, value, options = {}) raise ProcessingError::Lossy, "attempt to compact a non-object value: #{value.inspect}" unless value.is_a?(Hash) depth(options) do debug("compact_value") {"property: #{property.inspect}, value: #{value.inspect}, coerce: #{coerce(property).inspect}"} result = case #when %w(boolean integer double).any? {|t| expand_iri(value['@type'], :position => :datatype) == RDF::XSD[t]} # # Compact native type # debug {" (native)"} # l = RDF::Literal(value['@value'], :datatype => expand_iri(value['@type'], :position => :datatype)) # l.canonicalize.object when coerce(property) == '@id' && value.has_key?('@id') # Compact an @id coercion debug {" (@id & coerce)"} compact_iri(value['@id'], :position => :object) when value['@type'] && expand_iri(value['@type'], :position => :datatype) == coerce(property) # Compact common datatype debug {" (@type & coerce) == #{coerce(property)}"} value['@value'] when value.has_key?('@id') # Compact an IRI value[self.alias('@id')] = compact_iri(value['@id'], :position => :object) debug {" (#{self.alias('@id')} => #{value['@id']})"} value when value['@language'] && value['@language'] == language(property) # Compact language debug {" (@language) == #{language(property).inspect}"} value['@value'] when value['@value'] && !value['@value'].is_a?(String) # Compact simple literal to string debug {" (@value not string)"} value['@value'] when value['@value'] && !value['@language'] && !value['@type'] && !coerce(property) && !default_language # Compact simple literal to string debug {" (@value && !@language && !@type && !coerce && !language)"} value['@value'] when value['@value'] && !value['@language'] && !value['@type'] && !coerce(property) && !language(property) # Compact simple literal to string debug {" (@value && !@language && !@type && !coerce && language(property).false)"} value['@value'] when value['@type'] # Compact datatype debug {" (@type)"} value[self.alias('@type')] = compact_iri(value['@type'], :position => :datatype) value else # Otherwise, use original value debug {" (no change)"} value end # If the result is an object, tranform keys using any term keyword aliases if result.is_a?(Hash) && result.keys.any? {|k| self.alias(k) != k} debug {" (map to key aliases)"} new_element = {} result.each do |k, v| new_element[self.alias(k)] = v end result = new_element end debug {"=> #{result.inspect}"} result end end def inspect v = %w([EvaluationContext) v << "def_language=#{default_language}" v << "languages[#{languages.keys.length}]=#{languages}" v << "mappings[#{mappings.keys.length}]=#{mappings}" v << "coercions[#{coercions.keys.length}]=#{coercions}" v << "containers[#{containers.length}]=#{containers}" v.join(", ") + "]" end def dup # Also duplicate mappings, coerce and list ec = super ec.mappings = mappings.dup ec.coercions = coercions.dup ec.containers = containers.dup ec.languages = languages.dup ec.default_language = default_language ec.options = options ec.iri_to_term = iri_to_term.dup ec.iri_to_curie = iri_to_curie.dup ec end private def uri(value, append = nil) value = value = value.join(append) if append value.validate! if @options[:validate] value.canonicalize! if @options[:canonicalize] value = RDF::URI.intern(value) if @options[:intern] value end # Keep track of allocated BNodes # # Don't actually use the name provided, to prevent name alias issues. # @return [RDF::Node] def bnode(value = nil) @@bnode_cache ||= {} @@bnode_cache[value.to_s] ||= end ## # Get a "match value" given a term and a value. The value # is lowest when the relative match between the term and the value # is closest. # # @param [String] term # @param [Object] value # @return [Integer] def term_rank(term, value) default_term = !coerce(term) && !languages.has_key?(term) debug("term rank") { "term: #{term.inspect}, " + "value: #{value.inspect}, " + "coerce: #{coerce(term).inspect}, " + "lang: #{languages.fetch(term, nil).inspect}/#{language(term).inspect} " + "default_term: #{default_term.inspect}" } # value is null rank = if value.nil? debug("term rank") { "null value: 3"} 3 elsif list?(value) if value['@list'].empty? # If the @list property is an empty array, if term has @container set to @list, term rank is 1, otherwise 0. container(term) == '@list' ? 1 : 0 else # Otherwise, return the sum of the term ranks for every entry in the list. depth {value['@list'].inject(0) {|memo, v| memo + term_rank(term, v)}} end elsif value?(value) val_type = value.fetch('@type', nil) val_lang = value.fetch('@language', nil) debug("term rank") {"@val_type: #{val_type.inspect}, val_lang: #{val_lang.inspect}"} if val_type coerce(term) == val_type ? 3 : (default_term ? 1 : 0) elsif !value['@value'].is_a?(String) default_term ? 2 : 1 elsif val_lang.nil? debug("val_lang.nil") {"#{language(term).inspect} && #{coerce(term).inspect}"} !language(term) && !coerce(term) ? 3 : 0 else val_lang == language(term) ? 3 : (default_term ? 1 : 0) end else # node definition/reference coerce(term) == '@id' ? 3 : (default_term ? 1 : 0) end debug(" =>") {rank.inspect} rank end end end