/* Shiltiumcomp -- the first Shiltolang compiler Copyright (C) 2010 Gregory Cohen This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "../global_headers/headers.h" #define VALID_CHARACTERS_STRING "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" attr_nonnull static void reverse_string(char* cr string, const u length) { u i; assert_comparison(string, !=, NULL, void*, void*); for (i = 0; i < length / 2; ++i) { char temp = ARRAY_INDEX(string, length - i - 1); ARRAY_INDEX_ASSIGN(string, length - i - 1) = ARRAY_INDEX(string, i); ARRAY_INDEX_ASSIGN(string, i) = temp; } } static inline char get_number_separator(void) { return ','; } /* Takes a u and returns a string of that number with a thousands separator in it. The string parameter should be at least 27 bytes long because the length of "18,446,744,073,709,551,615" plus 1 for the null byte equals 27. */ void add_separators_to_u(u number, char* cr string) { small_num_type character_offset, comma_counter; assert_comparison(string, !=, NULL, void*, void*); character_offset = 0; comma_counter = 0; do { if (comma_counter == 3 && character_offset) { ARRAY_INDEX_ASSIGN(string, character_offset) = get_number_separator(); ++character_offset; comma_counter = 0; } ARRAY_INDEX_ASSIGN(string, character_offset) = '0' + (number % 10); ++character_offset; ++comma_counter; } while (number /= 10); ARRAY_INDEX_ASSIGN(string, character_offset) = '\0'; assert_comparison(character_offset, <, 27, small_num_type, small_num_type); reverse_string(string, character_offset); } /* The string parameter should be at least 21 bytes long if the base is 10 because the length of "18446744073709551615" plus 1 for the null byte equals 21. */ void u_to_string(u number, char* cr string, small_num_type base) { small_num_type character_offset; assert_comparison(string, !=, NULL, void*, void*); assert_comparison(base, <=, 36, small_num_type, small_num_type); character_offset = 0; do { ARRAY_INDEX_ASSIGN(string, character_offset) = ARRAY_INDEX(VALID_CHARACTERS_STRING, number % base); character_offset++; } while (number /= base); ARRAY_INDEX_ASSIGN(string, character_offset) = '\0'; reverse_string(string, character_offset); } /* The string parameter should be at least 21 bytes long if the base is 10 because the length of "9223372036854775808" (19) plus 1 for the negative sign 1 for the null byte equals 21. */ void s_to_string(s number, char* cr string, small_num_type base) { small_num_type character_offset; s original_number; assert_comparison(string, !=, NULL, void*, void*); assert_comparison(base, <=, 36, small_num_type, small_num_type); original_number = number; character_offset = 0; if (number < 0) { number = -number; } do { ARRAY_INDEX_ASSIGN(string, character_offset) = ARRAY_INDEX(VALID_CHARACTERS_STRING, number % base); ++character_offset; } while (number /= base); if (original_number < 0) { ARRAY_INDEX_ASSIGN(string, character_offset) = '-'; ++character_offset; } ARRAY_INDEX_ASSIGN(string, character_offset) = '\0'; reverse_string(string, character_offset); }