# frozen_string_literal: true
require "peddler/api"
module Peddler
class << self
def solicitations_v1(...)
module APIs
# Selling Partner API for Solicitations
# With the Solicitations API you can build applications that send non-critical solicitations to buyers. You can get
# a list of solicitation types that are available for an order that you specify, then call an operation that sends a
# solicitation to the buyer for that order. Buyers cannot respond to solicitations sent by this API, and these
# solicitations do not appear in the Messaging section of Seller Central or in the recipient's Message Center. The
# Solicitations API returns responses that are formed according to the JSON Hypertext Application Language (HAL) standard.
class SolicitationsV1 < API
# Returns a list of solicitation types that are available for an order that you specify. A solicitation type is
# represented by an actions object, which contains a path and query parameter(s). You can use the path and
# parameter(s) to call an operation that sends a solicitation. Currently only the
# productReviewAndSellerFeedbackSolicitation solicitation type is available.
# @note This operation can make a static sandbox call.
# @param amazon_order_id [String] An Amazon order identifier. This specifies the order for which you want a list
# of available solicitation types.
# @param marketplace_ids [Array] A marketplace identifier. This specifies the marketplace in which the
# order was placed. Only one marketplace can be specified.
# @param rate_limit [Float] Requests per second
# @return [Peddler::Response] The API response
def get_solicitation_actions_for_order(amazon_order_id, marketplace_ids, rate_limit: 1.0)
path = "/solicitations/v1/orders/#{amazon_order_id}"
params = {
"marketplaceIds" => marketplace_ids,
meter(rate_limit).get(path, params:)
# Sends a solicitation to a buyer asking for seller feedback and a product review for the specified order. Send
# only one productReviewAndSellerFeedback or free form proactive message per order.
# @note This operation can make a static sandbox call.
# @param amazon_order_id [String] An Amazon order identifier. This specifies the order for which a solicitation is
# sent.
# @param marketplace_ids [Array] A marketplace identifier. This specifies the marketplace in which the
# order was placed. Only one marketplace can be specified.
# @param rate_limit [Float] Requests per second
# @return [Peddler::Response] The API response
def create_product_review_and_seller_feedback_solicitation(amazon_order_id, marketplace_ids, rate_limit: 1.0)
path = "/solicitations/v1/orders/#{amazon_order_id}/solicitations/productReviewAndSellerFeedback"
params = {
"marketplaceIds" => marketplace_ids,
meter(rate_limit).post(path, params:)