require "sparkle_formation" # Unicorns and rainbows class SparkleFormation # Independent collection of SparkleFormation items class Sparkle class << self @@_pack_registry = # Register a SparklePack for short name access # # @param name [String, Symbol] name of pack # @param path [String] path to pack # @return [Array] def register!(name = nil, path = nil) unless path idx = caller.index do |item| item.end_with?("`register!'") end idx = idx ? : 0 # Trim from the end to determine path allowing windows paths # to not be improperly truncated file = caller[idx].split(":").reverse.drop(2).reverse.join(":") path = File.join(File.dirname(file), "sparkleformation") unless path = nil end unless name name = File.basename(file) name.sub!(File.extname(name), "") end end unless name if path name = path.split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)[-3].to_s end end unless path raise"No SparklePack path provided and failed to auto-detect!") end unless name raise"No SparklePack name provided and failed to auto-detect!") end @@_pack_registry[name] = path [name, path] end # Return the path to the SparkePack registered with the given # name # # @param name [String, Symbol] name of pack # @return [String] path def path(name) if @@_pack_registry[name] @@_pack_registry[name] else raise "No pack registered with requested name: #{name}!" end end end # Wrapper for evaluating sfn files to store within sparkle # container def eval_wrapper # Evaluation context wrapper for loading SparkleFormation files do wrapper = wrapper.class_eval " class SparkleFormation attr_accessor :sparkle_path class << self def insert(*args, &block) ::SparkleFormation.insert(*args, &block) end def part_data(data = nil) if data @data = data else @data end end def dynamic(name, args = {}, &block) part_data[:dynamic].push( :name => name, :block => block, :args => ::Smash[ ], :type => :dynamic, ) ).last end def build(&block) part_data[:component].push( :block => block, :type => :component, ) ).last end def component(name, args = {}, &block) part_data[:component].push( :name => name, :block => block, :args => ::Smash[ ], :type => :component, ) ).last end def dynamic_info(*args) => {}, :args => {}) end end def initialize(*args) opts = args.detect { |a| a.is_a?(Hash) } || {} SparkleFormation.part_data[:template].push( :name => args.first, :args => opts, ) ) raise ::TypeError end class Registry def self.register(name, args = {}, &block) SparkleFormation.part_data[:registry].push( :name => name, :block => block, :args => ::Smash[ ], :type => :registry, ) ).last end end end SfnRegistry = SparkleFormation::Registry # @!visibility private def require(*args) ::Kernel.require(*args) end # NOTE: Enable access to top level constants but do not # include deprecated constants to prevent warning outputs deprecated_constants = [ :Data, :Config, :TimeoutError, :Fixnum, :Bignum, :NIL, :TRUE, :FALSE, ] ::Object.constants.each do |const| unless self.const_defined?(const) # rubocop:disable Style/RedundantSelf next if deprecated_constants.include?(const) self.const_set(const, ::Object.const_get(const)) # rubocop:disable Style/RedundantSelf end end # @!visibility private def part_data(arg) SparkleFormation.part_data(arg) end def __sparkle_formation_id SparkleFormation.object_id end def __sfn_registry_id SfnRegistry.object_id end " end end include Bogo::Memoization # Valid directories from cwd to set as root VALID_ROOT_DIRS = [ "sparkleformation", "sfn", "cloudformation", "cfn", ".", ] # Reserved directories DIRS = [ "components", "registry", "dynamics", ] # Valid types TYPES = "component" => "components", "registry" => "registries", "dynamic" => "dynamics", "template" => "templates", ) # @return [String] path to sparkle directories attr_reader :root # @return [Smash] raw part data attr_reader :raw_data # @return [Symbol] provider attr_accessor :provider # Create new sparkle instance # # @param args [Hash] # @option args [String] :root path to sparkle directories # @option args [String, Symbol] :name registered pack name # @option args [String, Symbol] :provider name of default provider # @return [self] def initialize(args = {}) if args[:name] @root = self.class.path(args[:name]) else @root = args.fetch(:root, locate_root) end if @root != :none && ! raise"No such directory - #{@root}") end @raw_data = :dynamic => [], :component => [], :registry => [], :template => [], ) @provider = Bogo::Utility.snake(args.fetch(:provider, "aws").to_s).to_sym @wrapper = eval_wrapper wrapper.part_data(raw_data) load_parts! unless @root == :none end # @return [Smash] def components memoize(:components) do end end # @return [Smash] def dynamics memoize(:dynamics) do end end # @return [Smash] def registries memoize(:registries) do end end # @return [Smash] def templates memoize(:templates) do end end # Request item from the store # # @param type [String, Symbol] item type (see: TYPES) # @param name [String, Symbol] name of item # @param target_provider [String, Symbol] restrict to provider # @return [Smash] requested item # @raises [NameError, Error::NotFound] def get(type, name, target_provider = nil) unless TYPES.keys.include?(type.to_s) raise "Invalid type requested (#{type})! Valid types: #{TYPES.keys.join(", ")}" end unless target_provider target_provider = provider end result = send(TYPES[type]).get(target_provider, name) if result.nil? && TYPES[type] == "templates" result = (send(TYPES[type]).fetch(target_provider, { |_, v| name = name.to_s short_name = v[:path].sub(%r{#{Regexp.escape(root)}/?}, "") v[:path] == name || short_name == name || short_name.sub(".rb", "").gsub(File::SEPARATOR, "__").tr("-", "_") == name || v[:path].end_with?(name) } || []).last end unless result klass = Error::NotFound.const_get(type.capitalize) raise"No #{type} registered with requested name (#{name})!", :name => name) end result end # @return [String] def inspect "" end private attr_reader :wrapper # Locate root directory. Defaults to current working directory if # valid sub directory is not located # # @return [String] root path def locate_root do |part| path = File.expand_path(File.join(Dir.pwd, part)) if File.exist?(path) path end end.compact.first end # Load all sparkle parts def load_parts! memoize(:load_parts) do Dir.glob(File.join(root, "**", "**", "*.{json,rb}")).each do |file| slim_path = file.sub("#{root}/", "") if file.end_with?(".rb") begin wrapper.instance_eval(, file, 1) rescue TypeError end end if file.end_with?(".json") || raw_data[:template].first data = raw_data[:template].pop || unless data[:name] data[:name] ="/", "__").sub(/\.(rb|json)$/, "") end t_provider = data.fetch(:args, :provider, :aws) if templates.get(t_provider, data[:name]) raise "Template name is already in use within pack! (`#{data[:name]}` -> `#{t_provider}`)" end templates.set(t_provider, data[:name], data.merge( :type => :template, :path => file, :serialized => !file.end_with?(".rb"), )) end end raw_data.each do |key, items| items.each do |item| if item[:name] collection = send(TYPES[key]) name = item.delete(:name) else path = item[:block].source_location.first.sub(".rb", "").split(File::SEPARATOR) type, name = path.slice(path.size - 2, 2) collection = send(type) end i_provider = item.fetch(:args, :provider, :aws) if collection.get(i_provider, name) raise "#{key.capitalize} name is already in use within pack! (`#{name}` -> #{i_provider})" end collection.set(i_provider, name, item) end end end end end # Alias for interfacing naming SparklePack = Sparkle end