require "spec_helper" describe Mongoid::Document do let(:klass) do Person end let(:person) do end it "does not respond to _destroy" do expect(person).to_not respond_to(:_destroy) end describe ".included" do let(:models) do Mongoid.models end let(:new_klass_name) do 'NewKlassName' end let(:new_klass) do do class << self; attr_accessor :name; end end.tap{|new_klass| = new_klass_name} end let(:new_model) do new_klass.tap do new_klass.send(:include, ::Mongoid::Document) end end let(:twice_a_new_model) do new_klass.tap do 2.times{ new_klass.send(:include, ::Mongoid::Document) } end end context "when Document has been included in a model" do it ".models should include that model" do expect(models).to include(klass) end end context "before Document has been included" do it ".models should *not* include that model" do expect(models).to_not include(new_klass) end end context "after Document has been included" do it ".models should include that model" do expect(models).to include(new_model) end end context "after Document has been included multiple times" do it ".models should include that model just once" do expect(models.count(twice_a_new_model)).to be_eql(1) end end end describe "._types" do context "when the document is subclassed" do let(:types) do Person._types end it "includes the root" do expect(types).to include("Person") end it "includes the subclasses" do expect(types).to include("Doctor") end end context "when the document is not subclassed" do let(:types) do Address._types end it "returns the document" do expect(types).to eq([ "Address" ]) end end context "when ._types had been called before class declaration" do let(:descendant) do end before do Person._types descendant end it "should clear descendants' cache" do expect(Person._types).to include(descendant.to_s) end end end describe "#attributes" do let(:person) do "Sir") end it "returns the attributes with indifferent access" do expect(person[:title]).to eq("Sir") end end describe "#cache_key" do let(:document) do end context "when the document is new" do it "has a new key name" do expect(document.cache_key).to eq("dokuments/new") end end context "when persisted" do before do end context "with updated_at" do let!(:updated_at) do document.updated_at.utc.to_s(:nsec) end it "has the id and updated_at key name" do expect(document.cache_key).to eq("dokuments/#{}-#{updated_at}") end end context "without updated_at, with Timestamps" do before do document.updated_at = nil end it "has the id key name" do expect(document.cache_key).to eq("dokuments/#{}") end end end context "when model dont have Timestamps" do let(:artist) do Artist.create! end it "should have the id key name" do expect(artist.cache_key).to eq("artists/#{}") end end context "when model has Short Timestamps" do let(:agent) do ShortAgent.create! end let!(:updated_at) do agent.updated_at.utc.to_s(:nsec) end it "has the id and updated_at key name" do expect(agent.cache_key).to eq("short_agents/#{}-#{updated_at}") end end end describe "#identity" do let(:person) do end it "returns a [doc.class,] array" do expect(person.identity).to eq([person.class,]) end end describe "#hash" do let(:person) do end it "returns the identity hash" do expect(person.hash).to eq(person.identity.hash) end end describe "#initialize" do let(:person) do "Sir") end it "sets persisted to false" do expect(person).to_not be_persisted end it "creates an id for the document" do expect( be_a(BSON::ObjectId) end it "sets the attributes" do expect(person.title).to eq("Sir") end context "when the model has a default scope" do context "when the default scope is settable" do let(:sound) do end it "sets the default scoping on the model" do expect(sound).to be_active end end context "when the default scope is not settable" do let(:audio) do end it "does not set the default scoping" do expect(audio.attributes.except('_id')).to be_empty end end end context "when accessing a relation from an overridden setter" do let(:doctor) do "surgery") end it "allows access to the relation" do expect(doctor.users.first).to be_a(User) end it "properly allows super calls" do expect(doctor.specialty).to eq("surgery") end end context "when initialize callbacks are defined" do context "when accessing attributes" do before do Person.set_callback :initialize, :after do |doc| doc.title = "Madam" end end after do Person.reset_callbacks(:initialize) end it "runs the callbacks" do expect(person.title).to eq("Madam") end end context "when accessing relations" do let(:person) do end before do Person.after_initialize do = "Ms. Pacman" end end after do Person.reset_callbacks(:initialize) end it "runs the callbacks" do expect( eq("Ms. Pacman") end end context "when instantiating model" do let(:person) do Person.instantiate("_id" =>, "title" => "Sir") end before do Person.set_callback :initialize, :after do |doc| doc.title = "Madam" end end after do Person.reset_callbacks(:initialize) end it "runs the callbacks" do expect(person.title).to eq("Madam") end end end context "when defaults are defined" do it "sets the default values" do expect(person.age).to eq(100) end end context "when a block is provided" do let(:person) do do |doc| doc.title = "King" end end it "yields to the block" do expect(person.title).to eq("King") end end end describe ".instantiate" do context "when passing a block" do let(:id) do end let(:document) do Band.instantiate("_id" => id, "name" => "Depeche Mode") do |band| band.likes = 1000 end end it "yields to the block" do expect(document.likes).to eq(1000) end end context "when an id exists" do let(:id) do end let!(:person) do Person.instantiate("_id" => id, "title" => "Sir") end it "sets the attributes" do expect(person.title).to eq("Sir") end it "sets persisted to true" do expect(person).to be_persisted end end context "when attributes are nil" do let(:person) do Person.instantiate end it "creates a new document" do expect(person).to be_a(Person) end end end describe "#model_name" do let(:person) do end it "returns the class model name" do expect(person.model_name).to eq("Person") end end describe "#raw_attributes" do let(:person) do "Sir") end it "returns the internal attributes" do expect(person.raw_attributes["title"]).to eq("Sir") end end describe "#to_a" do let(:person) do end let(:people) do person.to_a end it "returns the document in an array" do expect(people).to eq([ person ]) end end describe "#as_document" do let!(:person) do "Sir") end let!(:address) do "Upper") end let!(:name) do person.build_name(first_name: "James") end let!(:location) do "Home") end it "includes embeds one attributes" do expect(person.as_document).to have_key("name") end it "includes embeds many attributes" do expect(person.as_document).to have_key("addresses") end it "includes second level embeds many attributes" do expect(person.as_document["addresses"].first).to have_key("locations") end context "with relation define store_as option in embeded_many" do let!(:phone) do '+33123456789') end it 'includes the store_as key association' do expect(person.as_document).to have_key("mobile_phones") end it 'should not include the key of association' do expect(person.as_document).to_not have_key("phones") end end context "when removing an embedded document" do before do person.addresses.delete(address) end it "does not include the document in the hash" do expect(person.as_document["addresses"]).to be_empty end end context "when an embedded relation has been set to nil" do before do # Save the doc, then set an embeds_one relation to nil = nil end it "does not include the document in the hash" do expect(person.as_document).to_not have_key("name") end end end describe "#to_key" do context "when the document is new" do let(:person) do end it "returns nil" do expect(person.to_key).to be_nil end end context "when the document is not new" do let(:person) do Person.create! end it "returns the id in an array" do expect(person.to_key).to eq([ ]) end it "can query using the key" do expect( eq Person.find(person.to_key) end end context "when the document is destroyed" do let(:person) do Person.instantiate("_id" => do |peep| peep.destroyed = true end end it "returns the id in an array" do expect(person.to_key).to eq([ ]) end end end describe "#to_param" do context "when the document is new" do let(:person) do end it "returns nil" do expect(person.to_param).to be_nil end end context "when the document is not new" do let(:person) do Person.instantiate("_id" => end it "returns the id as a string" do expect(person.to_param).to eq( end end end describe "#frozen?" do let(:person) do end context "when attributes are not frozen" do it "return false" do expect(person).to_not be_frozen expect { person.title = "something" }.to_not raise_error end end context "when attributes are frozen" do before do person.raw_attributes.freeze end it "return true" do expect(person).to be_frozen end end end describe "#freeze" do let(:person) do end context "when freezing the model" do context "when not frozen" do it "freezes attributes" do expect(person.freeze).to eq(person) expect { person.title = "something" }.to raise_error end end context "when frozen" do before do person.raw_attributes.freeze end it "keeps things frozen" do person.freeze expect { person.title = "something" }.to raise_error end end end context "when freezing attributes of the model" do context "when assigning a frozen value" do context "when the frozen value is a hash" do let(:hash) do {"foo" => {"bar" => {"baz" => [1,2,3]}}} end let(:assign_hash) do = hash.freeze end it "no mutation occurs during assignment" do expect{ assign_hash }.not_to raise_error end end end end end describe ".logger" do it "returns the mongoid logger" do expect(Person.logger).to eq(Mongoid.logger) end end describe "#logger" do let(:person) do end it "returns the mongoid logger" do expect(person.send(:logger)).to eq(Mongoid.logger) end end context "after including the document module" do let(:movie) do end it "resets to the global scope" do expect(movie.global_set).to be_a(::Set) end end context "when a model name conflicts with a mongoid internal" do let(:scheduler) do end it "allows the model name" do expect(scheduler.strategy).to be_a(Strategy) end end describe "#initialize" do context "when providing a block" do it "sets the defaults before yielding" do do |person| expect(person.age).to eq(100) end end end end context "defining a BSON::ObjectId as a field" do let(:bson_id) do end let(:person) do bson_id) end before do end it "persists the correct type" do expect(person.reload.bson_id).to be_a(BSON::ObjectId) end it "has the correct value" do expect(person.bson_id).to eq(bson_id) end end context "when setting bson id fields to empty strings" do let(:post) do end before do post.person_id = "" end it "converts them to nil" do expect(post.person_id).to be_nil end end context "creating anonymous documents" do context "when defining collection" do let(:model) do do include Mongoid::Document store_in collection: "anonymous" field :gender end end it "allows the creation" do Object.const_set "Anonymous", model end end end describe "#becomes" do before(:all) do Person.validates_format_of(:ssn, without: /\$\$\$/) class Manager < Person field :level, type: Integer, default: 1 end end after(:all) do Person.reset_callbacks(:validate) Object.send(:remove_const, :Manager) end context "when casting to a superclass" do let(:manager) do "Sir") end context "when no embedded documents are present" do let(:person) do manager.becomes(Person) end it "copies attributes" do expect(person.title).to eq('Sir') end it "keeps the same object id" do expect( eq( end it "sets the class type" do expect(person._type).to eq("Person") end it "raises an error when inappropriate class is provided" do expect { manager.becomes(String) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end context "when the document has embedded documents" do context "when the attribtues are protected" do let!(:appointment) do end let(:person) do manager.becomes(Person) end it "copies the embedded documents" do expect(person.appointments.first).to eq(appointment) end it "returns new instances" do expect(person.appointments.first).to_not equal(appointment) end end context "when the attributes are not protected" do context "when embedded doc is not persisted" do let!(:address) do "hobrecht") end let(:person) do manager.becomes(Person) end it "copies the embedded documents" do expect(person.addresses.first).to eq(address) end it "returns new instances" do expect(person.addresses.first).to_not equal(address) end end context "when embedded doc is persisted" do let(:manager) do Manager.create(title: "Sir") end let!(:address) do manager.addresses.create(street: "hobrecht") end let(:person) do manager.becomes(Person) end before do! end it "copies the embedded documents" do expect(person.addresses.first).to eq(address) end it "copies the embedded documents only once" do expect(person.reload.addresses.length).to eq(1) end end end end context "when the document has a localize field" do let(:manager) do "Sir", desc: "description") end let(:person) do manager.becomes(Person) end it "copies the localize attribute" do expect(person.desc).to eq("description") end end context "when the document is new" do let(:person) do manager.becomes(Person) end it "copies the state" do expect(person).to be_a_new_record end end context "when the document is persisted" do before do end let(:person) do manager.becomes(Person) end it "copies the state" do expect(person).to be_persisted end end context "when the document is destroyed" do before do manager.destroy end let(:person) do manager.becomes(Person) end it "copies the state" do expect(person).to be_destroyed end end context "when the document is dirty" do before do manager.ssn = "123-22-1234" end let(:person) do manager.becomes(Person) end it "copies over the dirty changes" do expect(person.changes["ssn"]).to eq([ nil, "123-22-1234" ]) end it "adds the _type change" do expect(person.changes["_type"]).to eq([ "Manager", "Person" ]) end end context "when the document is invalid" do before do manager.ssn = "$$$" manager.valid? end let(:person) do manager.becomes(Person) end it "copies the errors" do expect(person.errors).to include(:ssn) end end end context "when casting to a subclass" do let(:person) do "Sir") end context "when no embedded documents are present" do let(:manager) do person.becomes(Manager) end it "copies attributes" do expect(manager.title).to eq('Sir') end it "keeps the same object id" do expect( eq( end it "sets the class type" do expect(manager._type).to eq("Manager") end it "raises an error when inappropriate class is provided" do expect { person.becomes(String) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end context "when the document has embedded documents" do let!(:address) do "hobrecht") end let(:manager) do person.becomes(Manager) end it "copies the embedded documents" do expect(manager.addresses.first).to eq(address) end it "returns new instances" do expect(manager.addresses.first).to_not equal(address) end end context "when the document is new" do let(:manager) do person.becomes(Manager) end it "copies the state" do expect(manager).to be_a_new_record end end context "when the document is persisted" do before do end let(:manager) do person.becomes(Manager) end it "copies the state" do expect(manager).to be_persisted end context "when downcasted document is saved" do before do end it "keeps the type" do expect(manager).to be_an_instance_of(Manager) end it "copies over the dirty changes" do expect(manager.changes["ssn"]).to eq(person.changes["ssn"]) end it "can by queried by the parent class" do expect(Person.find( be_an_instance_of(Manager) end it "can by queried by the main class" do expect(Manager.find( be_an_instance_of(Manager) end end end context "when the document is destroyed" do before do person.destroy end let(:manager) do person.becomes(Manager) end it "copies the state" do expect(manager).to be_destroyed end end context "when the document is dirty" do before do person.ssn = "123-22-1234" end let(:manager) do person.becomes(Manager) end it "copies over the dirty changes" do expect(manager.changes["ssn"]).to eq([ nil, "123-22-1234" ]) end it "adds the _type change" do expect(manager.changes["_type"]).to eq([ "Person", "Manager" ]) end end context "when the document is invalid" do before do person.ssn = "$$$" person.valid? end let(:manager) do person.becomes(Manager) end it "copies the errors" do expect(manager.errors).to include(:ssn) end end context "when the subclass validates attributes not present on the parent class" do before do Manager.validates_inclusion_of(:level, in: [1, 2]) end let(:manager) do person.becomes(Manager) end it "validates the instance of the subclass" do manager.level = 3 expect(manager.valid?).to be false end end context "when the subclass has defaults" do let(:manager) do 'Sir').becomes(Manager) end it "applies default attributes" do expect(manager.level).to eq(1) end end end end context "when marshalling the document" do let(:person) do do |person| person.addresses.extension end end let!(:account) do person.create_account(name: "savings") end describe Marshal, ".dump" do it "successfully dumps the document" do expect { Marshal.dump(person) Marshal.dump(account) }.not_to raise_error end end describe Marshal, ".load" do it "successfully loads the document" do expect { Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(person)) }.not_to raise_error end end end context "when putting a document in the cache" do describe ActiveSupport::Cache do let(:cache) do end describe "#fetch" do let!(:person) do end let!(:account) do person.create_account(name: "savings") end it "stores the parent object" do expect(cache.fetch("key") { person }).to eq(person) expect(cache.fetch("key")).to eq(person) end it "stores the embedded object" do expect(cache.fetch("key") { account }).to eq(account) expect(cache.fetch("key")).to eq(account) end end end end end