(function($){ get_analog_hours = [] get_analog_minutes = [] get_analog_seconds = [] function get_analog(){ var zones = [] $(".timepiece-analog").each(function(){ zones.push($(this).attr('data-timezone')) }) var timezones = { 'timezones' : zones } $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/timepiece/clock.json", data: timezones, dataType: "json", cache: false }).success(function(time){ for(var i = 0; i < time.length; i++){ get_analog_hours.push(parseInt(time[i].hours,10)) get_analog_minutes.push(parseInt(time[i].minutes,10)) get_analog_seconds.push(parseInt(time[i].seconds,10)) } analog_hours = get_analog_hours analog_minutes = get_analog_minutes analog_seconds = get_analog_seconds }); } function show_analog(){ analog = setInterval(function(){ analog_running = true; for(i = 0; i < analog_hours.length; i++){ if (analog_seconds[i] < 59){ analog_seconds[i] += 1 } else { analog_seconds[i] = 0 if (analog_minutes[i] < 59){ analog_minutes[i] += 1 } else { analog_minutes[i] = 0 if (analog_hours[i] < 23){ analog_hours[i] += 1 } else { analog_hours[i] = 0 } } } } $(".timepiece-analog").each(function(i, e){ if(analog_hours[i] >= 12){ abbr = 'pm' }else if(analog_hours[i] < 12){ abbr = 'am' } if(analog_hours[i] >= 6 && analog_hours[i] < 18){ $(e).addClass('timepiece-analog-day') $(e).removeClass('timepiece-analog-night') }else{ $(e).addClass('timepiece-analog-night') $(e).removeClass('timepiece-analog-day') } $(e).html(function(){ if(analog_hours[i] > 12){ $(e).data('analog_hours', analog_hours[i] - 12) }else if(analog_hours[i] == 0){ $(e).data('analog_hours', 12) }else if(analog_hours[i] == 12){ $(e).data('analog_hours', 12) }else if(analog_hours[i] < 12){ $(e).data('analog_hours', analog_hours[i]) } $(e).data('hours_angle', ($(e).data('analog_hours') * 30) + (analog_minutes[i] / 2)); $(e).data('minutes_angle', analog_minutes[i] * 6); $(e).data('seconds_angle', analog_seconds[i] * 6); $('.timepiece-hours-container', $(e)).css({'-ms-transform':'rotateZ(' + $(e).data('hours_angle') + 'deg)','-webkit-transform':'rotateZ(' + $(e).data('hours_angle') + 'deg)','transform':'rotateZ(' + $(e).data('hours_angle') + 'deg)'}); // angle set on each $('.timepiece-minutes-container', $(e)).css({'-ms-transform':'rotateZ(' + $(e).data('minutes_angle') + 'deg)','-webkit-transform':'rotateZ(' + $(e).data('minutes_angle') + 'deg)','transform':'rotateZ(' + $(e).data('minutes_angle') + 'deg)'}); $('.timepiece-seconds-container', $(e)).css({'-ms-transform':'rotateZ(' + $(e).data('seconds_angle') + 'deg)','-webkit-transform':'rotateZ(' + $(e).data('seconds_angle') + 'deg)','transform':'rotateZ(' + $(e).data('seconds_angle') + 'deg)'}); $('.timepiece-analog-abbr', $(e)).html(abbr); }) }) }, 1000) } get_hours = [] get_minutes = [] get_seconds = [] function get_time(){ var zones = [] $(".timepiece").each(function(){ zones.push($(this).attr('data-timezone')) }) var timezones = { 'timezones' : zones } $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/timepiece/clock.json", data: timezones, dataType: "json", cache: false }).success(function(time){ for(var i = 0; i < time.length; i++){ get_hours.push(parseInt(time[i].hours,10)) get_minutes.push(parseInt(time[i].minutes,10)) get_seconds.push(parseInt(time[i].seconds,10)) } hours = get_hours minutes = get_minutes seconds = get_seconds }); } function show_time(){ clock = setInterval(function(){ clock_running = true; for(i = 0; i < hours.length; i++){ if (seconds[i] < 59){ seconds[i] += 1 } else { seconds[i] = 0 if (minutes[i] < 59){ minutes[i] += 1 } else { minutes[i] = 0 if (hours[i] < 23){ hours[i] += 1 } else { hours[i] = 0 } } } } $(".timepiece").each(function(i, e){ $(e).html(function(){ if($(e).attr("data-tptype") == '12'){ if(hours[i] > 12){ $(e).data('hours', hours[i] - 12) abbr = 'pm' }else if(hours[i] == 0){ $(e).data('hours', 12) abbr = 'am' }else if(hours[i] == 12){ $(e).data('hours', 12) abbr = 'pm' }else if(hours[i] < 12){ $(e).data('hours', hours[i]) abbr = 'am' } if($(e).attr("data-abbr_separator") == '.'){ abbr = abbr.replace(/([apm])/g, '$1.') } if($(e).attr("data-lead") == '0' || $(e).attr("data-lead") == 'zero' ){ $('.timepiece-hours', $(e)).html(( $(e).data('hours') < 10 ? "0" : "" ) + $(e).data('hours')); }else if($(e).attr("data-lead") == '_' || $(e).attr("data-lead") == 'space' ){ $('.timepiece-hours', $(e)).html(( $(e).data('hours') < 10 ? " " : "" ) + $(e).data('hours')); }else{ $('.timepiece-hours', $(e)).html($(e).data('hours')); } $('.timepiece-minutes', $(e)).html(( minutes[i] < 10 ? "0" : "" ) + minutes[i]); $('.timepiece-seconds', $(e)).html(( seconds[i] < 10 ? "0" : "" ) + seconds[i]); $('.timepiece-abbr', $(e)).html(abbr); if(abbr == 'am'){ $('.timepiece-abbr', $(e)).removeClass('timepiece-abbr-pm'); $('.timepiece-abbr', $(e)).addClass('timepiece-abbr-am'); } else { $('.timepiece-abbr', $(e)).removeClass('timepiece-abbr-am'); $('.timepiece-abbr', $(e)).addClass('timepiece-abbr-pm'); } }else{ $('.timepiece-hours', $(e)).html(( hours[i] < 10 ? "0" : "" ) + hours[i]); $('.timepiece-minutes', $(e)).html(( minutes[i] < 10 ? "0" : "" ) + minutes[i]); $('.timepiece-seconds', $(e)).html(( seconds[i] < 10 ? "0" : "" ) + seconds[i]); } }) }) }, 1000) } get_timer_days = [] get_timer_hours = [] get_timer_minutes = [] get_timer_seconds = [] function set_timer(){ $(".timepiece-timer").each(function(){ get_timer_days.push(parseInt($(this).attr('data-days'),10)) get_timer_hours.push(parseInt($(this).attr('data-hours'),10)) get_timer_minutes.push(parseInt($(this).attr('data-minutes'),10)) get_timer_seconds.push(parseInt($(this).attr('data-seconds'),10)) timer_days = get_timer_days timer_hours = get_timer_hours timer_minutes = get_timer_minutes timer_seconds = get_timer_seconds }); } function show_timer(){ timer = setInterval(function(){ timer_running = true; for(i = 0; i < timer_hours.length; i++){ if (timer_seconds[i] < 59){ timer_seconds[i] += 1 } else { timer_seconds[i] = 0 if (timer_minutes[i] < 59){ timer_minutes[i] += 1 } else { timer_minutes[i] = 0 if (timer_hours[i] < 23){ timer_hours[i] += 1 } else { timer_hours[i] = 0 timer_days[i] += 1 } } } } $(".timepiece-timer").each(function(i, e){ $(e).html(function(){ $('.timepiece-days', $(e)).html(timer_days[i]); if (timer_days[i] == 1){ $('.tp-descriptor-days', $(e)).html(' day '); } else { $('.tp-descriptor-days', $(e)).html(' days '); } $('.timepiece-hours', $(e)).html(( timer_hours[i] < 10 ? "0" : "" ) + timer_hours[i]); if (timer_hours[i] == 1){ $('.tp-descriptor-hours', $(e)).html(' hour '); } else { $('.tp-descriptor-hours', $(e)).html(' hours '); } $('.timepiece-minutes', $(e)).html(( timer_minutes[i] < 10 ? "0" : "" ) + timer_minutes[i]); if (timer_minutes[i] == 1){ $('.tp-descriptor-minutes', $(e)).html(' minute '); } else { $('.tp-descriptor-minutes', $(e)).html(' minutes '); } $('.timepiece-seconds', $(e)).html(( timer_seconds[i] < 10 ? "0" : "" ) + timer_seconds[i]); if (timer_seconds[i] == 1){ $('.tp-descriptor-seconds', $(e)).html(' second '); } else { $('.tp-descriptor-seconds', $(e)).html(' seconds '); } }) }) }, 1000) } get_countdown_days = [] get_countdown_hours = [] get_countdown_minutes = [] get_countdown_seconds = [] function set_countdown(){ $(".timepiece-countdown").each(function(){ get_countdown_days.push(parseInt($(this).attr('data-days'),10)) get_countdown_hours.push(parseInt($(this).attr('data-hours'),10)) get_countdown_minutes.push(parseInt($(this).attr('data-minutes'),10)) get_countdown_seconds.push(parseInt($(this).attr('data-seconds'),10)) countdown_days = get_countdown_days countdown_hours = get_countdown_hours countdown_minutes = get_countdown_minutes countdown_seconds = get_countdown_seconds }); } function show_countdown(){ countdown = setInterval(function(){ countdown_running = true; for(i = 0; i < countdown_hours.length; i++){ if (countdown_seconds[i] > 0){ countdown_seconds[i] -= 1 } else { countdown_seconds[i] = 59 if (countdown_minutes[i] > 0){ countdown_minutes[i] -= 1 } else { countdown_minutes[i] = 59 if (countdown_hours[i] > 0){ countdown_hours[i] -= 1 } else { countdown_hours[i] = 23 if (countdown_days[i] > 0){ countdown_days[i] -= 1 } else { countdown_days[i] = 0 countdown_hours[i] = 0 countdown_minutes[i] = 0 countdown_seconds[i] = 0 } } } } } $(".timepiece-countdown").each(function(i, e){ $(e).html(function(){ $('.timepiece-days', $(e)).html(countdown_days[i]); if (countdown_days[i] == 1){ $('.tp-descriptor-days', $(e)).html(' day '); } else { $('.tp-descriptor-days', $(e)).html(' days '); } $('.timepiece-hours', $(e)).html(( countdown_hours[i] < 10 ? "0" : "" ) + countdown_hours[i]); if (countdown_hours[i] == 1){ $('.tp-descriptor-hours', $(e)).html(' hour '); } else { $('.tp-descriptor-hours', $(e)).html(' hours '); } $('.timepiece-minutes', $(e)).html(( countdown_minutes[i] < 10 ? "0" : "" ) + countdown_minutes[i]); if (countdown_minutes[i] == 1){ $('.tp-descriptor-minutes', $(e)).html(' minute '); } else { $('.tp-descriptor-minutes', $(e)).html(' minutes '); } $('.timepiece-seconds', $(e)).html(( countdown_seconds[i] < 10 ? "0" : "" ) + countdown_seconds[i]); if (countdown_seconds[i] == 1){ $('.tp-descriptor-seconds', $(e)).html(' second '); } else { $('.tp-descriptor-seconds', $(e)).html(' seconds '); } }) }) }, 1000) } function reset_analog(){ get_analog_hours = [] get_analog_minutes = [] get_analog_seconds = [] get_analog() } function reset_time(){ get_hours = [] get_minutes = [] get_seconds = [] get_time() } function reset_timer(){ get_timer_days = [] get_timer_hours = [] get_timer_minutes = [] get_timer_seconds = [] set_timer() } function reset_countdown(){ get_countdown_days = [] get_countdown_hours = [] get_countdown_minutes = [] get_countdown_seconds = [] set_countdown() } /* Let's discuss when those functions will be performed. */ $(document).ready(function(){ // Might want to reformat to move if-statement : should also be performed before 'reset_time' so as not to make a blank AJAX request. if ($(".timepiece-analog").length > 0){ get_analog() show_analog() } if ($(".timepiece").length > 0){ get_time() show_time() } if ($(".timepiece-timer").length > 0){ set_timer() show_timer() } if ($(".timepiece-countdown").length > 0){ set_countdown() show_countdown() } }) $(document).on('page:load', function(){ if ($(".timepiece-analog").length > 0){ if (analog_running){ clearInterval(analog); } reset_analog(); } if ($(".timepiece").length > 0){ if (clock_running){ clearInterval(clock); } reset_time(); } if ($(".timepiece-timer").length > 0){ if (timer_running){ clearInterval(timer); } reset_timer(); // FIXME: Some code may be superfluous. We've fixed the interval glitch but we should investigate when $(document).ready is running. How much do we really need our reset functions? } if ($(".timepiece-countdown").length > 0){ if (countdown_running){ clearInterval(countdown); } reset_countdown(); } }) $(window).focus(function(){ if ($(".timepiece-analog").length > 0){ reset_analog() } if ($(".timepiece").length > 0){ reset_time() } }) }(jQuery));