# This file runs the test. # These are Verilog source files that need to be loaded # by the simulator before they can be simulated. SIMULATOR_SOURCES = [ '<%= aModuleInfo.name %>.v', '<%= aOutputInfo.verilogBenchPath %>', ] # These are paths to directories which contain the # sources listed above, the files they `include, or both. SIMULATOR_INCLUDES = [] # This specifies the "top module" that is to be simulated. SIMULATOR_TARGET = '<%= aOutputInfo.verilogBenchName %>' # These are command-line arguments for the simulator. # They can be specified as a string or an array of strings: # # :cver => "this is one single argument", # :cver => ['these', 'are', 'separate', 'arguments'], # :cver => %w[these are also separate arguments], # SIMULATOR_ARGUMENTS = { <% RubyVpi::Config::SIMULATORS.each_pair do |id, sim| %> # <%= sim.name %> :<%= id %> => '', <% end %> } # This task is invoked _before_ the simulator runs. # It can be used to make preprations, such as converting # Verilog header files into Ruby, for the simulation. task :setup do # To learn how to write Rake tasks, please see: # http://docs.rubyrake.org/read/chapter/4#page16 end # This command loads the Ruby-VPI runner template, which # runs the simulator according to the information above. require 'ruby-vpi/runner'