require_relative './spec_helper' describe Angelo::Base do describe 'the basics' do define_app do Angelo::HTTPABLE.each do |m| __send__ m, '/' do m.to_s end end [:get, :post].each do |m| __send__ m, '/json' do content_type :json params end end get '/redirect' do redirect '/' end get '/redirect_forever' do redirect! '/' end get '/wait' do sleep 3 nil end end it 'responds to http requests properly' do Angelo::HTTPABLE.each do |m| __send__ m, '/' last_response_must_be_html m.to_s end end it 'responds to get requests with json properly' do get '/json', obj last_response_must_be_json obj_s end it 'responds to post requests with json properly' do post '/json', obj.to_json, {'Content-Type' => Angelo::JSON_TYPE} last_response_must_be_json obj end it 'redirects' do get '/redirect' last_response.status.must_equal 302 last_response.headers['Location'].must_equal '/' end it 'redirects permanently' do get '/redirect_forever' last_response.status.must_equal 301 last_response.headers['Location'].must_equal '/' end it 'responds to requests concurrently' do wait_end = nil get_end = nil latch = 2 Actor.define_action :do_wait do get '/wait' wait_end = latch.count_down end Actor.define_action :do_get do sleep 1 get '/' get_end = latch.count_down end Actor.unstop! $pool[0].async :do_wait $pool[1].async :do_get latch.wait get_end.must_be :<, wait_end Actor.stop! Actor.remove_action :do_wait Actor.remove_action :do_get end it 'does not crash when receiving unknown http request type' do r = HTTP.patch(url('/')) assert @server.alive? r.status.must_equal 404 end it 'does not crash when receiving invalid uri' do s = Angelo::DEFAULT_ADDR, Angelo::DEFAULT_PORT s.write 'GET /?file=' + "\n\n" r = s.close assert @server.alive? r.must_match /400 Bad Request/ end end describe 'headers helper' do headers_count = 0 define_app do put '/incr' do headers 'X-Http-Angelo-Server' => 'catbutt' if headers_count % 2 == 0 headers_count += 1 '' end end it 'sets headers for a response' do put '/incr' last_response.headers['X-Http-Angelo-Server'].must_equal 'catbutt' end it 'does not carry headers over responses' do headers_count = 0 put '/incr' last_response.headers['X-Http-Angelo-Server'].must_equal 'catbutt' put '/incr' last_response.headers['X-Http-Angelo-Server'].must_be_nil end end describe 'content_type helper' do describe 'when in route block' do define_app do Angelo::HTTPABLE.each do |m| __send__ m, '/html' do content_type :html 'hi' end __send__ m, '/bad_html_h' do content_type :html {hi: 'there'} end __send__ m, '/json' do content_type :json {hi: 'there'} end __send__ m, '/json_s' do content_type :json {woo: 'woo'}.to_json end __send__ m, '/bad_json_s' do content_type :json {hi: 'there'}.to_json.gsub /{/, 'so doge' end __send__ m, '/javascript' do content_type :js 'var foo = "bar";' end end end it 'sets html content type for current route' do Angelo::HTTPABLE.each do |m| __send__ m, '/html' last_response_must_be_html 'hi' end end it 'sets json content type for current route and to_jsons hashes' do Angelo::HTTPABLE.each do |m| __send__ m, '/json' last_response_must_be_json 'hi' => 'there' end end it 'does not to_json strings' do Angelo::HTTPABLE.each do |m| __send__ m, '/json_s' last_response_must_be_json 'woo' => 'woo' end end it '500s on html hashes' do Angelo::HTTPABLE.each do |m| __send__ m, '/bad_html_h' last_response.status.must_equal 500 end end it '500s on bad json strings' do Angelo::HTTPABLE.each do |m| __send__ m, '/bad_json_s' last_response.status.must_equal 500 end end it 'sets javascript content type for current route' do Angelo::HTTPABLE.each do |m| __send__ m, '/javascript' last_response.status.must_equal 200 last_response.body.to_s.must_equal 'var foo = "bar";' last_response.headers['Content-Type'].split(';').must_include Angelo::JS_TYPE end end end describe 'when in class def' do describe 'html type' do define_app do content_type :html Angelo::HTTPABLE.each do |m| __send__ m, '/html' do 'hi' end end end it 'sets default content type' do Angelo::HTTPABLE.each do |m| __send__ m, '/html' last_response_must_be_html 'hi' end end end describe 'json type' do define_app do content_type :json Angelo::HTTPABLE.each do |m| __send__ m, '/json' do {hi: 'there'} end end end it 'sets default content type' do Angelo::HTTPABLE.each do |m| __send__ m, '/json' last_response_must_be_json 'hi' => 'there' end end end end describe 'when in both' do describe 'json in html' do define_app do content_type :html Angelo::HTTPABLE.each do |m| __send__ m, '/json' do content_type :json {hi: 'there'} end end end it 'sets html content type for current route when default is set json' do Angelo::HTTPABLE.each do |m| __send__ m, '/json' last_response_must_be_json 'hi' => 'there' end end end describe 'html in json' do define_app do content_type :json Angelo::HTTPABLE.each do |m| __send__ m, '/html' do content_type :html 'hi' end end end it 'sets json content type for current route when default is set html' do Angelo::HTTPABLE.each do |m| __send__ m, '/html' last_response_must_be_html 'hi' end end end end end describe 'params helper' do define_app do Angelo::HTTPABLE.each do |m| __send__ m, '/json' do content_type :json params end end post '/json_array' do content_type :json {params: params, body: request_body} end end it 'parses formencoded body when content-type is formencoded' do post '/json', obj, {'Content-Type' => Angelo::FORM_TYPE} last_response_must_be_json obj_s end it 'does not parse JSON body when content-type is formencoded' do post '/json', obj.to_json, {'Content-Type' => Angelo::FORM_TYPE} last_response_must_be_json(obj.to_json => nil) end it 'does not parse body when request content-type not set' do post '/json', obj, {'Content-Type' => ''} last_response_must_be_json({}) end (Angelo::HTTPABLE - [:post, :put]).each do |m| it "returns a populated hash for #{m.to_s.upcase} requests" do send m, '/json?foo=bar' last_response_must_be_json('foo' => 'bar') end end Angelo::HTTPABLE.each do |m| it "does not choke on #{m.to_s.upcase} requests with without param values" do send m, '/json?foo' last_response_must_be_json('foo' => nil) end end it 'parses JSON array bodies but does not merge into params' do post '/json_array?foo=bar', [123,234].to_json, {'Content-Type' => Angelo::JSON_TYPE} last_response_must_be_json({ "params" => {"foo" => "bar"}, "body" => [123,234] }) end it 'does not die on malformed JSON' do post '/json_array?foo=bar', '{]sdfj2if08yth4j]j,:jsd;f; function()', {'Content-Type' => Angelo::JSON_TYPE} last_response.status.must_equal 400 end end describe 'request_headers helper' do define_app do get '/rh' do content_type :json { values: [ request_headers[params[:hk_1].to_sym], request_headers[params[:hk_2].to_sym], request_headers[params[:hk_3].to_sym] ] } end end it 'matches snakecased symbols against case insensitive header keys' do ps = { hk_1: 'foo_bar', hk_2: 'x_http_mozilla_ie_safari_puke', hk_3: 'authorization' } hs = { 'Foo-BAR' => 'abcdef', 'X-HTTP-Mozilla-IE-Safari-PuKe' => 'ghijkl', 'Authorization' => 'Bearer oauth_token_hi' } get '/rh', ps, hs last_response_must_be_json 'values' => hs.values end end describe 'chunked responses' do define_app do get '/chunk' do chunked_response do |r| 5.times {|n| r[n + "\n"]} end end get '/chunk.json' do content_type :json chunked_response do |r| 5.times {|n| r[{n: n}]} end end get '/chunk_each' do transfer_encoding :chunked do |o| def o.each; 5.times {|n| yield n + "\n"}; end end end end it 'chunks responses with helper' do i = 0 get '/chunk' do |c| c.must_equal i.to_s i += 1 end last_response_must_be_html end it 'chunks responses with helper in json' do i = 0 get '/chunk.json' do |c| JSON.parse(c)['n'].must_equal i i += 1 end last_response.status.must_equal 200 last_response.headers['Content-Type'].split(';').must_include Angelo::JSON_TYPE end it 'chunks responses with any object that responds_to? :each' do i = 0 get '/chunk_each' do |c| c.must_equal i.to_s i += 1 end last_response_must_be_html end end describe 'test Angelo::Base subclasses' do class MyWebApp < Angelo::Base get '/up_and_running' do content_type :html 'ok' end end define_app MyWebApp it 'answers to up_and_running' do get '/up_and_running' assert_equal(last_response.body, 'ok') end end describe 'dsl configs' do describe 'addr' do define_app do addr '' get('/'){ 'hi' } end it 'binds to the specified addr' do ->{ '', 4567 }.must_raise Errno::EADDRINUSE end end describe 'port' do define_app do port 3000 get('/'){ 'hi' } end it 'binds to the specified port' do ->{ Angelo::DEFAULT_ADDR, 3000 }.must_raise Errno::EADDRINUSE end end describe 'log_level' do define_app do log_level Logger::FATAL get('/'){ 'hi' } end it 'sets the logging level' do @server.base.log_level.must_equal Logger::FATAL end end describe 'ping_time' do define_app do ping_time 3 get('/'){ 'hi' } end it 'sets the websocket ping time' do @server.base.ping_time.must_equal 3 end end describe 'report_errors!' do define_app do report_errors! get('/'){ 'hi' } end it 'sets flag for reporting error traces in the log' do assert @server.base.report_errors? end end describe 'views_dir' do define_app do views_dir 'sucka' get('/'){ self.class.views_dir } end it 'sets dir for view templates' do get '/' last_response_must_be_html File.join(@server.base.root, 'sucka') end end describe 'public_dir' do define_app do public_dir 'sucka' get('/'){ self.class.public_dir } end it 'sets dir for public files' do get '/' last_response_must_be_html File.join(@server.base.root, 'sucka') end end describe 'default_headers' do define_app do default_headers "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" => "*" get('/'){ 'hi' } end it 'adds a default headers' do get '/' last_response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'].must_equal "*" end end end end