module AutoReload # = Library Lookup # # This library is a slightly modified copy of the +plugin+ library. # module Lookup extend self # Find plugins, searching through standard $LOAD_PATH, # Roll Libraries and RubyGems. # # Provide a +match+ file glob to find plugins. # # Lookup.find('syckle/*') # def find(match, options={}) plugins = [] plugins.concat find_roll(match, options) plugins.concat find_loadpath(match, options) plugins.concat find_gems(match, options) plugins.uniq end # Shortcut for #find. # # Lookup['syckle/*'] # alias_method :[], :find # Search roll for current or latest libraries. def find_roll(match, options={}) plugins = [] #directory = options[:directory] || DIRECTORY if defined?(::Roll) # Not ::Roll::Library ? ::Library.ledger.each do |name, lib| lib = lib.sort.first if Array===lib lib.loadpath.each do |path| #find = File.join(lib.location, path, directory, match) find = File.join(lib.location, path, match) list = Dir.glob(find) list ={ |d| d.chomp('/') } plugins.concat(list) end end end plugins end # Search standard $LOAD_PATH. # # Activated gem versions are in here too. def find_loadpath(match, options={}) plugins = [] #directory = options[:directory] || DIRECTORY $LOAD_PATH.uniq.each do |path| path = File.expand_path(path) #list = Dir.glob(File.join(path, directory, match)) list = Dir.glob(File.join(path, match)) list ={ |d| d.chomp('/') } plugins.concat(list) end plugins end # Search latest gem versions. # # TODO: Is there anyway to skip active gems? def find_gems(match, options={}) plugins = [] #directory = options[:directory] || DIRECTORY if defined?(::Gem) ::Gem.latest_load_paths do |path| #list = Dir.glob(File.join(path, directory, match)) list = Dir.glob(File.join(path, match)) list ={ |d| d.chomp('/') } plugins.concat(list) end end plugins end end end # Copyright (C) 2010 Thomas Sawyer