ENV['PADRINO_ENV'] = 'test' PADRINO_ROOT = File.dirname(__FILE__) unless defined? PADRINO_ROOT require File.expand_path('../load_paths', __FILE__) require 'minitest/autorun' require 'rack/test' require 'rack' require 'uuid' require 'thor/group' require 'padrino-core/support_lite' unless defined?(SupportLite) require 'padrino-admin' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/lazy-head-gen.rb' require 'ruby-debug' Padrino::Generators.load_components! module Kernel def load_fixture(file) Object.send(:remove_const, :Account) if defined?(Account) Object.send(:remove_const, :Category) if defined?(Category) file += ".rb" if file !~ /.rb$/ capture_io { load File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "fixtures", file) } end end #class Class # # Allow assertions in request context # include MiniTest::Assertions #end class MiniTest::Unit::TestCase include Rack::Test::Methods # Sets up a Sinatra::Base subclass defined with the block # given. Used in setup or individual spec methods to establish # the application. def mock_app(base=Padrino::Application, &block) @app = Sinatra.new(base, &block) @app.send :include, MiniTest::Assertions @app.register Padrino::Helpers end def app Rack::Lint.new(@app) end # Creates a project and inserts lazy-head-gen reference into GemFile def create_project(app_tmp, project_dir) capture_io { generate(:project, project_dir, "--root=#{app_tmp}", '-d=activerecord', '-e=erb', '-t=minitest') } # Hitting it with the command line hammer as I was having problems getting # Thor's insert_into_file to work. Yes it is dirty! gem_path = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__))) capture_io { `echo "gem 'lazy-head-gen', :path => '#{gem_path}'" >> #{app_tmp}/#{project_dir}/GemFile` } end # generate(:admin_app, "-r=#{@apptmp}/sample_project") def generate(name, *params) "Padrino::Generators::#{name.to_s.camelize}".constantize.start(params) end # Assert_file_exists('/tmp/app') def assert_file_exists(file_path) assert File.exist?(file_path), "File at path '#{file_path}' does not exist!" end # Assert_no_file_exists('/tmp/app') def assert_no_file_exists(file_path) assert !File.exist?(file_path), "File should not exist at path '#{file_path}' but was found!" end # Asserts that a file matches the pattern def assert_match_in_file(pattern, file) File.exist?(file) ? assert_match(pattern, File.read(file)) : assert_file_exists(file) end def assert_no_match_in_file(pattern, file) File.exists?(file) ? refute_match(pattern, File.read(file)) : assert_file_exists(file) end # Delegate other missing methods to response. # def method_missing(name, *args, &block) # if response && response.respond_to?(name) # response.send(name, *args, &block) # else # super(name, *args, &block) # end # end # alias :response :last_response end