<% p = @product has_options = p.options && p.options.count > 0 may_delete1 = p.variants.collect{|v| v.option1 }.uniq.count == 1 may_delete2 = p.variants.collect{|v| v.option2 }.uniq.count == 1 may_delete3 = p.variants.collect{|v| v.option3 }.uniq.count == 1 %> <%= render :partial => 'caboose_store/products/admin_header' %>

Product options allow you to present a group of similar products as a single product to the end user. Common options include color, size, and style. But an option can be anything. So for example, you could create a "Sleave" option for shirts that are either long or short sleeved. Or you could create a "Tip" option for chopsticks that are either rounded or squared at the tip. It's up to you.

<%= render :partial => 'caboose_store/products/admin_footer' %> <% content_for :caboose_js do %> <% end %>