# Challah [](http://travis-ci.org/jdtornow/challah) [](https://gemnasium.com/jdtornow/challah) Challah (pronounced HAH-lah) is a simple Rails authentication gem that provides users a way to authenticate with your app. Most of the functionality within the gem lives within a Rails engine and tries to stay out of the way of your app. Challah doesn’t provide any fancy controllers or views that clutter your app or force you to display information a certain way. That part is up to you. The functionality within Challah is designed to be a starting point for users and sign-ins you can tweak the rest to your app’s needs. ## Requirements * Ruby 1.9.2+ * Bundler * Rails 3.1+ ## Installation gem install challah Or, in your `Gemfile` ```ruby gem 'challah' ``` ## Set up Once the gem has been set up and installed, run the following command to set up the database migrations: rake challah:setup This will copy over the necessary migrations to your app, migrate the database and add some seed data. You will be prompted to add the first user as the last step in this process. ### Manual set up If you would prefer to handle these steps manually, you can do so by using these rake tasks instead: rake challah:setup:migrations rake db:migrate rake challah:setup:seeds rake challah:users:create ### Creating users Since Challah doesn’t provide any controller and views for users there are a few handy rake tasks you can use to create new records. Use the following task to create a new user: rake challah:users:create # => Creates a new User record ## Models Challah provides the core `User` model for your app, and a database migration to go along with it. You can customize the model to your app's specific needs, just leave the `challah_user` line intact. A user is anyone that needs to be able to authenticate (sign in) to the application. Each user requires a first name, last name, email address, username, and password. By default a user is marked as “active” and is able to log in to your application. If the active status column is toggled to false, then this user is no longer able to log in. The active status column can be used as a soft-delete function for users. ### Permissions and Roles As of version 0.7.0 of Challah, permissions and roles have been moved to their own gem in [Challah Rolls](https://github.com/jdtornow/challah-rolls). Add this gem to your project to get additional functionality for permissions and role based restrictions. ## Checking for a current user The basic way to restrict functionality within your app is to require that someone authenticate (log in) before they can see it. From within your controllers and views you can call the `current_user?` method to determine if someone has authenticated. This method doesn’t care about who the user is, or what it has access to, just that it has successfully authenticated and is a valid user. For example, restrict the second list item to only users that have logged in: ```erb