--- title: Where to go title_extention: Info pages for J1 Template tagline: Fasten Your Way date: 2023-01-01 #last_modified: 2023-01-01 description: > Welcome to the info pages of J1 Template. A good decision to get on that page first. Certainly, there is no better place to learn what J1 Template can do and what pages are available to experience more. keywords: > open source, free, template, jekyll, jekyllone, web, sites, static, jamstack, bootstrap categories: [ Info ] tags: [ Introduction ] image: path: /assets/images/modules/attics/1920x1280/brigitta-schneiter.jpg width: 1920 height: 1280 comments: false regenerate: false permalink: /pages/public/learn/where_to_go/ resources: [ animate, comments, rouge ] resource_options: - attic: slides: - url: /assets/images/modules/attics/1920x1280/brigitta-schneiter.jpg alt: Photo by Brigitta Schneiter on Unsplash badge: type: unsplash author: Brigitta Schneiter href: //unsplash.com/de/@brisch27 --- // Page Initializer // ============================================================================= // Enable the Liquid Preprocessor :page-liquid: // Set (local) page attributes here // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // :page--attr: :url-j1--jekyll-collections: /pages/public/learn/bookshelf/jekyll_collections/ :url-j1--cheatsheet-template: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/tools/cheatsheet/j1/ :url-j1--cheatsheet-yaml: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/tools/cheatsheet/yaml/ :url-j1--tutorial-j1-in-a-day: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/learn/kickstart/web_in_a_day/meet_and_greet/ :url-j1--tutorial-learning-seo: https://jekyll.one/pages/public/learn/kickstart/learning_seo/what_seo_is/ // Load Liquid procedures // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% capture load_attributes %}themes/{{site.template.name}}/procedures/global/attributes_loader.proc{%endcapture%} // Load page attributes // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% include {{load_attributes}} scope="global" %} // Page content // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [role="dropcap"] Welcome to the learning pages of the J1 Template. A good decision to get on that page first. Certainly, there is no better place to start learning what the J1 Template can do and what pages are available to experience more. mdi:clock-time-five-outline[24px, md-gray mr-2] *3 Minutes* to read // Include sub-documents (if any) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [role="mt-5"] == Important Sections The crucial first step in finding your way to Jekyll is done: congratulations. The section *Learn* contains all you need to expirience what Jekyll and J1 can do for your new website, for your new static web. You are welcome to spend some time diving into the techniques of creating modern static webs. [role="mt-4"] === Roundtrip In this section, you’ll find a tour to show some of the main features of the J1 Template. This trip covers how image data can be managed using J1, some background of the Theme's typography, discuss extensions, and what J1 can do in general. The roundtrip is a visual tour, no technical stuff, nothing academic. See what you will get as an overview of some of the top features of J1. If you're interested what J1 Template can do, continue by walking through the roundtrip examples by starting an inspiring tour link:{url-j1-roundtrip--present-images}[from here]. [role="mt-4"] === Cheatsheets A cheatsheet is a helper text concise as a reference or summary to provide quick and handy information about a topic or subject. They will help you to remember key concepts, formulas, commands, or other essential details without consulting extensive documentation or resources. Find convenient quick references for _YAML_, _Git_ and more. For example, go for the cheatsheet link:{url-j1--cheatsheet-yaml}[YAML, {browser-window--new}]. [role="mt-4"] === Collections Collections are Jekyll’s most powerful and simultaneously least understood feature of the generator. Collections add another possibility, or use-case, outside of Jekyll’s post- and page-publishing functionality. Learn more about collections for more powerful static websites. To learn more what collections are, check link:{url-j1--jekyll-collections}[Jekyll Collections, {browser-window--new}]. [role="mt-4"] === Tutorials To become more familiar with using J1, go to the tutorial section. Have fun experiencing what Jekyll and J1 can do. A good starting point for using J1 Template is link:{url-j1--tutorial-j1-in-a-day}[Jekll in a Day, {browser-window--new}]. [role="mb-7"] Optimizing a website for search engines (SEO) is important for success. Read more about SEO and how to implement working strategies for a Jekyll-based websites at link:{url-j1--tutorial-learning-seo}[Learning SEO, {browser-window--new}].