describe Elastic::AppSearch::ClientException do describe "when parsing a response body" do describe "and there is an 'errors' property on the response" do it 'will parse a single error message' do expect( { "errors" => [ "Unauthorized action." ] } ).message).to eq("Error: Unauthorized action.") end it 'will parse multiple error messages' do expect( { "errors" => [ "Unauthorized action.", "Service unavailable" ] } ).message).to eq("Errors: [\"Unauthorized action.\", \"Service unavailable\"]") end it 'will parse when there is a string instead of an array in errors' do expect( { "errors" => "Routing Error. The path you have requested is invalid." } ).message).to eq("Error: Routing Error. The path you have requested is invalid.") end end describe "when there is an array of responses" do it 'will parse a single error message' do expect( [ { "errors" => [ "Unauthorized action." ] }, { "errors" => [ "Service unavailable" ] } ] ).message).to eq("Errors: [\"Unauthorized action.\", \"Service unavailable\"]") end it 'will parse multiple error messages' do expect( [ { "errors" => [ "Unauthorized action.", "Service unavailable" ] }, { "errors" => [ "Another error" ] } ] ).message).to eq("Errors: [\"Unauthorized action.\", \"Service unavailable\", \"Another error\"]") end it 'will parse when there is a string instead of an array in errors' do expect( [ { "errors" => [ "Unauthorized action.", "Service unavailable" ] }, { "errors" => [ "Another error" ] }, { "errors" => "Routing Error. The path you have requested is invalid." } ] ).message).to eq("Errors: [\"Unauthorized action.\", \"Service unavailable\", \"Another error\", \"Routing Error. The path you have requested is invalid.\"]") end end describe "and there is a single 'error'" do it 'will just return the entire response body' do expect( { "error" => "Unauthorized action." } ).message).to eq("Error: {\"error\"=>\"Unauthorized action.\"}") end end describe "and there is a just a string" do it 'will just return the entire response body' do expect( "Unauthorized action." ).message).to eq("Error: Unauthorized action.") end end end end