module Slideshow module Fetch def fetch_file( dest, src ) logger.debug "fetch( dest: #{dest}, src: #{src})" uri = URI.parse( src ) # new code: honor proxy env variable HTTP_PROXY proxy = ENV['HTTP_PROXY'] proxy = ENV['http_proxy'] if proxy.nil? # try possible lower/case env variable (for *nix systems) is this necessary?? if proxy proxy = URI.parse( proxy ) logger.debug "using net http proxy:{}, proxy.port=#{proxy.port}" if proxy.user && proxy.password logger.debug " using credentials: proxy.user=#{proxy.user}, proxy.password=****" else logger.debug " using no credentials" end else logger.debug "using direct net http access; no proxy configured" proxy = # all fields return nil (e.g., etc.) end http_proxy = Net::HTTP::Proxy(, proxy.port, proxy.user, proxy.password ) redirect_limit = 4 response = nil until false raise ArgumentError, 'HTTP redirect too deep' if redirect_limit == 0 redirect_limit -= 1 http =, uri.port ) logger.debug "GET #{uri.request_uri} uri=#{uri}, redirect_limit=#{redirect_limit}" request = uri.request_uri, { 'User-Agent'=> 'slideshow'} ) if uri.instance_of? URI::HTTPS http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE end response = http.request( request ) if response.code == '200' logger.debug "#{response.code} #{response.message}" break elsif (response.code == '301' || response.code == '302' || response.code == '303' || response.code == '307' ) # 301 = moved permanently # 302 = found # 303 = see other # 307 = temporary redirect logger.debug "#{response.code} #{response.message} location=#{response.header['location']}" newuri = URI.parse( response.header['location'] ) if newuri.relative? logger.debug "url relative; try to make it absolute" newuri = uri + response.header['location'] end uri = newuri else msg = "#{response.code} #{response.message}" puts "*** error: #{msg}" return # todo: throw StandardException? end end logger.debug " content_type: #{response.content_type}, content_length: #{response.content_length}" # check for content type; use 'wb' for images if response.content_type =~ /image/ logger.debug ' switching to binary' flags = 'wb' else flags = 'w' end dest, flags ) do |f| f.write( response.body ) end end def fetch_slideshow_templates logger.debug "fetch_uri=#{opts.fetch_uri}" src = opts.fetch_uri ## check for builtin shortcut (assume no / or \) if src.index( '/' ).nil? && src.index( '\\' ).nil? shortcut = src.clone src = config.map_fetch_shortcut( src ) if src.nil? puts "** Error: No mapping found for fetch shortcut '#{shortcut}'." return end puts " Mapping fetch shortcut '#{shortcut}' to: #{src}" end # src = '' # src = '' uri = URI.parse( src ) logger.debug "scheme: #{uri.scheme}, host: #{}, port: #{uri.port}, path: #{uri.path}" dirname = File.dirname( uri.path ) basename = File.basename( uri.path, '.*' ) # e.g. fullerscreen (without extension) filename = File.basename( uri.path ) # e.g. fullerscreen.txt (with extension) logger.debug "dirname: #{dirname}" logger.debug "basename: #{basename}, filename: #{filename}" dlbase = "#{uri.scheme}://#{}:#{uri.port}#{dirname}" pkgpath = File.expand_path( "#{config_dir}/templates/#{basename}" ) logger.debug "dlpath: #{dlbase}" logger.debug "pkgpath: #{pkgpath}" FileUtils.makedirs( pkgpath ) unless pkgpath puts "Fetching template package '#{basename}'" puts " : from '#{dlbase}'" puts " : saving to '#{pkgpath}'" # download manifest dest = "#{pkgpath}/#{filename}" puts " Downloading manifest '#{filename}'..." fetch_file( dest, src ) manifest = load_manifest_core( dest ) # download templates listed in manifest manifest.each do |values| values[1..-1].each do |file| dest = "#{pkgpath}/#{file}" # make sure path exists destpath = File.dirname( dest ) FileUtils.makedirs( destpath ) unless destpath src = "#{dlbase}/#{file}" puts " Downloading template '#{file}'..." fetch_file( dest, src ) end end puts "Done." end end # module Fetch end # module Slideshow class Slideshow::Gen include Slideshow::Fetch end