module YAMG # # Screenshot from multiple providers # class Screenshot attr_accessor :url, :size, :command # Uses PhantomJS def initialize(*ss) @name, opts = ss raise 'No screen size provided' unless opts && opts['size'] uri = URI.parse(opts['url']) @url = "http://#{uri}" @size = opts['size'] @size = @size.split(/\s?,\s?/) if @size.respond_to?(:split) @dpi = @size.pop if @size.length > 2 @dpi ||= opts['dpi'] @fetcher = end def android # adb -e shell screencap -p | perl -pe 's/\x0D\x0A/\x0A/g' > screen.png end # Take the screenshot # Do we need pixel depth?? def work(path) out = "#{path}/#{@name}.png" @fetcher.fetch(output: out, width: @size[0], height: @size[1], dpi: @dpi) rescue Screencap::Error puts "Fail to capture screenshot #{@url}" end end end