# EffectivePages Rails Engine EffectivePages.setup do |config| config.pages_table_name = :pages config.menus_table_name = :menus config.menu_items_table_name = :menu_items # The directory where your page templates live # Any files in this directory will be automatically available when # creating/editting an Effective::Page from the Admin screens # Relative to app/views/ config.pages_path = '/effective/pages/' # Excluded Pages # Any page templates from the above directory that should be excluded config.excluded_pages = [] # Excluded Layouts # Any app/views/layouts/ layout files that should be excluded config.excluded_layouts = [:admin] # Work with EffectiveAssets # The following will be passed into the acts_as_asset_box for the Effective::Page model # The /admin/pages/new form will create the corresponding inputs #config.acts_as_asset_box = :header_image #config.acts_as_asset_box = header_image: true #config.acts_as_asset_box = { header_image: true, body_images: 1..4 } # Use CanCan: can?(action, resource) # Use effective_roles: resource.roles_permit?(current_user) config.authorization_method = Proc.new { |controller, action, resource| true } # Layout Settings # Configure the Layout per controller, or all at once # The layout for the EffectivePages admin screen config.layout = { :admin => 'application' } # This string will be appended to the effective_pages_header_tags title tag config.site_title_suffix = " | #{Rails.application.class.name.split('::').first.titleize}" # SimpleForm Options # This Hash of options will be passed into any simple_form_for() calls config.simple_form_options = {} # config.simple_form_options = { # :html => {:class => 'form-horizontal'}, # :wrapper => :horizontal_form, # :wrapper_mappings => { # :boolean => :horizontal_boolean, # :check_boxes => :horizontal_radio_and_checkboxes, # :radio_buttons => :horizontal_radio_and_checkboxes # } # } # All effective_page menu options config.menu = { :apply_active_class => true, # Add an .active class to the appropriate li item based on current page url :maxdepth => 2 # 2 by default, strict bootstrap3 doesnt support dropdowns in your dropdowns } end