module TheCommentsStates extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do # :draft | :published | :deleted state_machine :state, :initial => :draft do # events event :to_draft do transition all - :draft => :draft end event :to_published do transition all - :published => :published end event :to_deleted do transition any - :deleted => :deleted end # transition callbacks after_transition any => any do |comment| @comment = comment @owner = comment.user @holder = comment.holder @commentable = comment.commentable end # between draft and published after_transition [:draft, :published] => [:draft, :published] do |comment, transition| from = transition.from_name to = transition.to_name @holder.try :increment!, :"#{to}_comcoms_count" @holder.try :decrement!, :"#{from}_comcoms_count" [@owner, @commentable].each do |obj| obj.try :increment!, "#{to}_comments_count" obj.try :decrement!, "#{from}_comments_count" end end # to deleted (cascade like query) after_transition [:draft, :published] => :deleted do |comment| ids = Comment.where(id: ids).update_all(state: :deleted) [@holder, @owner, @commentable].each{|o| o.try :recalculate_comments_counters } end # from deleted after_transition :deleted => [:draft, :published] do |comment, transition| to = transition.to_name @holder.try :decrement!, :deleted_comcoms_count @holder.try :increment!, "#{to}_comcoms_count" [@owner, @commentable].each do |obj| obj.try :decrement!, :deleted_comments_count obj.try :increment!, "#{to}_comments_count" end end end end end